Battlefield 3 thread - Server details in opening post -

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How about get some skill don't use heatseekers and actually use the gun on mobile AA when u can lead ya target properly u can rape jets in under a second! Its always bad players that moan!

Also heatseekers own now! little tip for ya! Don't fire both at the same time! :)

Don't fire both at the same time? Well theres some new tactics, have i timewarped back to 1995? it appears so.

I think you're disregarding the point that thanks to the incompetant chimps at dice the aircraft balance is lopsided. They put mobile stingers in the game and have went back and forth trying to change them to suit one side or the other. They created this cluster**** and have done nothing so far to resolve it besides making changes then altering the changes some more usually to the chagrin of the community as the changes usually seem to favour aircraft.

You can babble all you want about "zomg get some skillz!!1111" but the fact remains its not that hard to hit an aircraft with the aa chaincannon, but the factor that changes that is that big glaring ball in the sky, its incredibly easy to lose your target in the middle of that and its not always possible to position yourself so that its behind you.
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I don't see whats not true about it, before this server update all you had to do to outrun stingers was fly in a straight line with afterburners on and they just exploded behind you virtually every single time. Theres a video on youtube after the client side patch showing a pilot flying towards the stingers launch point and the missile just exploded on the helicopter and done no damage. After the client side patch people could lock on all they wanted, the missiles were bugged badly and rarely if ever hit.

Earlier today i was using the lav-d and seen jets outmanouvering my aa missiles, something that was supposed to have been addressed but of course with dice its usually the opposite of what they say. The few times i did get hits it seems to take 2 direct hits to disable an aircraft now, i got a couple of 2 hit kills but ive no idea what health the aircraft had at that point. Shoulder launched stingers are probably the most pointless thing in the game as their range means you've literally to be knocking on the aircraft canopy to get a lock.

Your point, as I understood it, was that after the last patch, you could still outrun heatseekers etc. That is not true after the couple of hours of testing that I did last night.

It does take two direct hits to kill a Jet now, however that was clearly communicated in the last patch notes. The main difference since the latest patch is that when you fire a heatseeker at a Jet, unless they are quick enough to turn around (which is much more difficult to do), then you will get a hit. When you combine this with the fact that the AA locks on faster than the flare reload time, it means that if you are caught in a dogfight, then there is no escape. To my mind there should be a lower ceiling for lock-on which would enable AA to suppress Jets (the way it is used IRL) rather than dominating the air space (I have no idea what the range/accuracy of heat seekers fired from a ground position is IRL).

I believe DICE didn't promise to fix the ability to out-manouver missiles, but to make it harder (which it is).

As Westie has point out, the AA is so powerful now. As a Jet pilot you have too be very careful not to get to close to these things because their cannons will smash you in seconds. Combine this with the heat seekers sticking more often and it makes it very hard to have a good dogfight without some noob in an AA trolling you.

Your attitude seems symptomatic of the fact that DICE seem to keep trying to please everyone who complains that one thing is overpowered. As you have mentioned it's a cluster f*&^% now.

If they had just left it the way it was in the beta, while focusing on performance and stability issues as well as clear bugs/exploits then BF3 would be a much better game.

Personally, I have my 100 Jet stars, so I milked it while flying was enjoyable. I think I'll join my clan more often on Metro and the close quarters maps from now often. Either than or take up Heli flying lols. Westie, need a co-pilot?
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Your point, as I understood it, was that after the last patch, you could still outrun heatseekers etc. That is not true after the couple of hours of testing that I did last night.

Yes you could, it was easily doable, you could outrun them or you could just pootle along and the missiles would either explode behind you or in front of you and do no damage (as evidenced in the video below). Its only since the server update in the last day or 2 that the aa missiles can now hit the jets, though the fact remains its still pretty easy to evade the missiles, something that dice said they would fix in the patch but only made things worse by breaking them totally untill recently.

Its only since the server update in the last day or 2 that the aa missiles can now hit the jets

I think what you're calling a server update he's calling a patch.

At any rate, I think it's right that the AA missiles are still sometimes dodgeable given how much the AA gun has been buffed. Like Westie said, they tear up jets now. You can't have both an extremely effective AA gun AND killer AA missiles.
You can babble all you want about "zomg get some skillz!!1111" but the fact remains its not that hard to hit an aircraft with the aa chaincannon, but the factor that changes that is that big glaring ball in the sky, its incredibly easy to lose your target in the middle of that and its not always possible to position yourself so that its behind you.

Sounds like a fair limitation. Having it all one way makes a game boring
Yes you could, it was easily doable, you could outrun them or you could just pootle along and the missiles would either explode behind you or in front of you and do no damage (as evidenced in the video below). Its only since the server update in the last day or 2 that the aa missiles can now hit the jets, though the fact remains its still pretty easy to evade the missiles, something that dice said they would fix in the patch but only made things worse by breaking them totally untill recently.

I think you're confused. I'm talking about the jets as per the latest patch. I'm well aware of the exploit in the video.

When you say it's still really easy to evade missiles, is that from the perspective that you have flown them and still find it easy to evade or from your experience in the mobile AA?

Either way, the mobile AA is very powerful now and I can only assume that you're doing something wrong if your still struggling to shoot the Jets down.
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What happened to flares distracting laser guided missiles? Apparently the ECM has gone to **** after the server update. I have noticed they have buffed up the stationary AA in the main bases, thing has uber range now.

AA missiles are working fine after server update. The mobile AA is a force to be reckoned with again, jet rocket pods have lost some accuracy when fired at range. Gerard is mad coz bad. :D

What happened to flares distracting laser guided missiles? Apparently the ECM has gone to **** after the server update. I have noticed they have buffed up the stationary AA in the main bases, thing has uber range now.

AA missiles are working fine after server update. The mobile AA is a force to be reckoned with again, jet rocket pods have lost some accuracy when fired at range. Gerrard is mad coz bad. :D

Yep. I've just got my final service star in the Jet's and will leave them alone now. It's a damm shame because I use to enjoy dog fighting.
I think you're confused. I'm talking about the jets as per the latest patch. I'm well aware of the exploit in the video.

When you say it's still really easy to evade missiles, is that from the perspective that you have flown them and still find it easy to evade or from your experience in the mobile AA?

Either way, the mobile AA is very powerful now and I can only assume that you're doing something wrong if your still struggling to shoot the Jets down.

I think you're the one thats confused, the client side patch we got last month broke AA missiles, the server update from a few days back fixed them to an extent. And as for the video its not even an exploit, they were just totally broken.

As for evading missiles from what ive seen and tried in a jet its virtually the same routine that was in a youtube video a while back, see where the missile is coming from and then bank sharply towards the area, most of the time the stingers just go flying straight past. If theyre coming from an AA vehicle its much easier to spot their position and gauge it properly, stingers are a bit harder though with the pathetic lock on range they have now theyre not even that much hassle. Theres a few vids on youtube showing how to evade them and from what ive seen most of the tactics still work since Dice didn't make the stingers smarter to evading techniques like they said they would.
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haha are you for real son :rolleyes:

afraid so! people are bad at this game and whine about anything possible, Gerard thing is jets cant cap flags so they dont dominate at all! link me the battlelogs of games uve pld were jets have dominated!

ive just been on a caspian game earlier where we had Nosrot (top german jet pilot) and some guy called RATING-PT we was 220 tickets behind when i joined and they was dominating the air and we only had B cap point! me and punchrille + Xenee went on foot and turned it around and we won! so no they dont dominate games! only things they did well was keep the heli off us as there heli + gunner was quiet good!
afraid so! people are bad at this game and whine about anything possible, Gerard thing is jets cant cap flags so they dont dominate at all! link me the battlelogs of games uve pld were jets have dominated!

You dont half talk some pish son. You know fine well what i mean by dominating the battlefield, taking out vehicles with ease, and you're also wrong about jets not being able to cap flags, F35 can with its hover mode.

Might want to have thought about that before trying to act like a smartass. :rolleyes:
hahah capping with hover mode! funniest thing ive ever heard! let me gues u play on servers with "NOOB FRIENDLY" in the title?

Theres not a big difference between a helicopter capping a flag and an F35 hovering to cap it, as long as theres no enemy infantry below you its not that hard to do as its perfectly capable of defending itself in Hover mode.

You really do come off as an obnoxious child sorry to tell you, how about putting your dummy back into your trap and go stick another 800+ hours into it.
ya and helis capping caps dont last 5 seconds against people that know what they are doing? u whine like a little ****ing girl i cant stand people that come into this thread **** a game off the ground because they just been raped like a little virgin by some jet pilot take it on the chin and adjust to it! this game is just a fancy version of paper, scissors, stone!

whats ur battlelog name id love to see ur stats!

and loving the 800 hours comment! atleast ive had 800 hours of fun and owning people without being **** at a game and whining about it :D
ya and helis capping caps dont last 5 seconds against people that know what they are doing? u whine like a little ****ing girl i cant stand people that come into this thread **** a game off the ground because they just been raped like a little virgin by some jet pilot take it on the chin and adjust to it! this game is just a fancy version of paper, scissors, stone!

whats ur battlelog name id love to see ur stats!

and loving the 800 hours comment! atleast ive had 800 hours of fun and owning people without being **** at a game and whining about it

LOL just look at your posts, filled with angst and rage. Fact is ive yet to be "raped" in this game, its just hard playing on pubs when aircraft are dominating both ground and air in the vast majority of maps. Last i checked games are about fun first and foremost, though for you its more of an epeen bragging rights contest, clearly making up for a deficiency somewhere, not too hard to guess where id imagine.

Waffle on though son, you can spank the monkey to your stats all you like, sad thing is, it really doesnt matter. :)
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