Battlefield 3 thread - Server details in opening post -

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Hi there,

I've not really played BF with a clan/team before, although I've been a obsessed with the franchise ever since 1942 came out. I really love BF3 and would like to be part of more of team instead of just being a lone wolf.

Can someone recommend a good BF3 clan/team for me to join. I would really like to be able to use voip/teamspeak as well to make it a better experience if I can speak while I play.

New territory for me so if someone can give me some advice on where to go I would much appreciate it!


drop in our TS if you playing now we have 6 members in and one slot free on the big server but can make room.
I think you're the one thats confused, the client side patch we got last month broke AA missiles, the server update from a few days back fixed them to an extent. And as for the video its not even an exploit, they were just totally broken.

As for evading missiles from what ive seen and tried in a jet its virtually the same routine that was in a youtube video a while back, see where the missile is coming from and then bank sharply towards the area, most of the time the stingers just go flying straight past. If theyre coming from an AA vehicle its much easier to spot their position and gauge it properly, stingers are a bit harder though with the pathetic lock on range they have now theyre not even that much hassle. Theres a few vids on youtube showing how to evade them and from what ive seen most of the tactics still work since Dice didn't make the stingers smarter to evading techniques like they said they would.

I think the responses from some of the other players within this community speaks louder than words. If you are butt hurt from aerial attack then either counter attack or play metro. simples?




This guy, I rage quit because of him!!

Rank 100 and all he does is fly jets!! Does handling improve with upgrades then because he was pulling off hard brake turns that seemed impossible and I have hard brake enabled!

Since the latest patch it should be easier to kill him. But like me he has spent 200+ hrs in a Jet so you would expect him to be very, very good.
I think the responses from some of the other players within this community speaks louder than words. If you are butt hurt from aerial attack then either counter attack or play metro. simples?


Think so? Have a look around the wider community and you'll find plenty of annoyance of aircraft raping maps. Its a problem and thats all there is to it regardless of your little opinion, the fact that ground based vehicles seem to be made out of plastic doesnt help matters, even with reactive armour a gunship or jet can take out a tank in a single pass, its not a bit of wonder on a lot of servers i see land based vehicles sitting in the spawn unused, currently theyre nothing more than mobile coffins.
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Think so? Have a look around the wider community and you'll find plenty of annoyance of aircraft raping maps. Its a problem and thats all there is to it regardless of your little opinion, the fact that ground based vehicles seem to be made out of plastic doesnt help matters, even with reactive armour a gunship or jet can take out a tank in a single pass, its not a bit of wonder on a lot of servers i see land based vehicles sitting in the spawn unused, currently theyre nothing more than mobile coffins.

Wider community? I have read many posts on the EA forum and the quality of responses is rubbish. What I'm trying to do is have an informed debate however it's evident that your story is very one sided. How can you possibly complain when AA is so overpowered?
I think the responses from some of the other players within this community speaks louder than words. If you are butt hurt from aerial attack then either counter attack or play metro. simples?

I love flying jets, but I'll be the 1st to admit they are overpowered, I only have 7 (i think) jet service stars, but if I join a server and the opposing team doesn't have a better pilot, the sky and the ground belong to me.
Helicopters pose no threat, attack from above and their helpless. Mobile AA is a joke, you can disable them before you even get into lock-on range of their AA missles.

At the moment, the only counter to a good jet pilot is a better jet pilot.
You know it's bad when you join some servers and both of you teams jets are sitting on the runway, because people simply give up, strangly enough, people always seem to be happy to do sucidal runs in the choppers. Don't see the attraction myself, but then again I don't have all the unlocks :p.

As for fixes, maybe it's the rose tinted glasses I'm wearing, but I'd like to go back a patch or 2, longer recharge on jet defences and longer range on ground base AA, force pilots to seek higher altitude or the edes of the map while their defences are on cooldown, to give ground forces some breathing space.
Missle pods need a nerf, I don't know what Dice's plans for jets are in the grand scheme of things, but in my opinion they're treading on the toes of choppers with the damage they can do to ground targets. The shouldn't be able to disable armour in 1 salvo, infantry are easy pickings. Either a decrease in damage is needed or a decrease in range, because currently you can take out ground based AA before they can touch you.
Starting to enjoy conquest now, especially the tanks.

Unlocked Thermal Optics tonight, and the amount of luls I've had so far!

I'm not the best, but I aim to improve and PTFO.


This guy, I rage quit because of him!!

Rank 100 and all he does is fly jets!! Does handling improve with upgrades then because he was pulling off hard brake turns that seemed impossible and I have hard brake enabled!

I don't think so.

Some people are just very talented with stuff. I've flown with an OcUKer who is 3rd in the world in attack choppers on Xbox and he's incredibly talented at flying. I would definitely come out 2nd best most times in a 1v1 dog fight. He's got nearly 300 hours in the choppers.
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Wider community? I have read many posts on the EA forum and the quality of responses is rubbish. What I'm trying to do is have an informed debate however it's evident that your story is very one sided. How can you possibly complain when AA is so overpowered?

It isnt overpowered at all, Shoulder launched stingers have a pathetic lock on range to say the least, its probably the easiest thing in the world to keep out of their lock on range, you dont even have to fly that high to keep them in check.

Base AA Cannon is only good for taking out people daft enough to go near it, that being said im sure dice in one of their usual screwups made it effective over a further range than they should have with one of the last updates, just have to wait and see what they do with it in the next patch whenever that may be.

The only real effective AA IMO is the mobile variety, its possible to surpise pilots now and again but its easily negated with aircraft going to the top of their flight ceiling and laying down a rocket pod barrage on top of it. Even with reactive armour AA vehicles and tanks get taken out in record time, if you survive the rocket barrage then chances are they'll finish you off with a few cannon bursts.

You don't have to go far in many forums to see people say the tanks are now made of paper they get totally raped so fast, so its obviously an issue that many people feel the same way about. Thanks yet again to dice making changes and not botherering their asses testing them.

I dont see how you can call my argument one sided when you started earlier that you have 100 jet medals, so obviously thats your vehicle of choice.
It isnt overpowered at all, Shoulder launched stingers have a pathetic lock on range to say the least, its probably the easiest thing in the world to keep out of their lock on range, you dont even have to fly that high to keep them in check.

Base AA Cannon is only good for taking out people daft enough to go near it, that being said im sure dice in one of their usual screwups made it effective over a further range than they should have with one of the last updates, just have to wait and see what they do with it in the next patch whenever that may be.

The only real effective AA IMO is the mobile variety, its possible to surpise pilots now and again but its easily negated with aircraft going to the top of their flight ceiling and laying down a rocket pod barrage on top of it. Even with reactive armour AA vehicles and tanks get taken out in record time, if you survive the rocket barrage then chances are they'll finish you off with a few cannon bursts.

You don't have to go far in many forums to see people say the tanks are now made of paper they get totally raped so fast, so its obviously an issue that many people feel the same way about. Thanks yet again to dice making changes and not botherering their asses testing them.

I dont see how you can call my argument one sided when you started earlier that you have 100 jet medals, so obviously thats your vehicle of choice.

  • Shoulder launched stingers now have a much faster lock on time, meaning that when you're dogfighting it's very easy to get caught out.
  • The stationary AA has a much bigger range and I believe has also received a buff.
  • Mobile AA has a massive range for stingers and the canons have received a big buff. It's more difficult to take them out because 1 rocket pod run at high altitude will not always disable a tank.

When you combine these factors if you get a side that is not full of complete idiots it can render the Jet's pointless.

Your argument and initial comment was written from the perspective of a mobile AA player which is why I felt compelled (lol) to put my 2 cents in (admin intervention not withstanding :p).
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  • When you combine these factors if you get a side that is not full of complete idiots it can render the Jet's pointless.

  • You must not play on many pubs, half the time when i watch people playing its like a joined a server with the three stooges appreciation society. :)

    Your argument and initial comment was written from the perspective of a mobile AA player which is why I felt compelled (lol) to put my 2 cents in (admin intervention not withstanding :p).

    I dont really favour any vehicles, to be honest, i play around with just about all them, i do think though that ground based vehicles are getting totally pumped by aircraft and have been for a long time. Dice downgrading the armour of Tanks hasnt helped matters, they said it was "tweaked" in the server update but ive not noticed any appreciable difference. :(
jets coming in against a tank at a certain angle using "rocket pods" wont last 2 seconds! any decent tank driver will either smash it out of the air with tank shell or canister shell it which disables it! and when jets are flying straight using pods! they are a sitting target for other jets and wont last 2-3 seconds! end of the day its down to the people u play with not the game itself! % of the playerbase that play BF are down right retards and expect everything to be handed on a plate to them!
I just tried joining a BF3 server and got disconnected. I have recently turned uPNP back on, so I guess this is the issue...but seriously, this was a problem back when the game first came hasn't been fixed yet?

Or are server time outs just common at the moment?
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