I think the responses from some of the other players within this community speaks louder than words. If you are butt hurt from aerial attack then either counter attack or play metro. simples?
I love flying jets, but I'll be the 1st to admit they are overpowered, I only have 7 (i think) jet service stars, but if I join a server and the opposing team doesn't have a better pilot, the sky and the ground belong to me.
Helicopters pose no threat, attack from above and their helpless. Mobile AA is a joke, you can disable them before you even get into lock-on range of their AA missles.
At the moment, the only counter to a good jet pilot is a better jet pilot.
You know it's bad when you join some servers and both of you teams jets are sitting on the runway, because people simply give up, strangly enough, people always seem to be happy to do sucidal runs in the choppers. Don't see the attraction myself, but then again I don't have all the unlocks
As for fixes, maybe it's the rose tinted glasses I'm wearing, but I'd like to go back a patch or 2, longer recharge on jet defences and longer range on ground base AA, force pilots to seek higher altitude or the edes of the map while their defences are on cooldown, to give ground forces some breathing space.
Missle pods need a nerf, I don't know what Dice's plans for jets are in the grand scheme of things, but in my opinion they're treading on the toes of choppers with the damage they can do to ground targets. The shouldn't be able to disable armour in 1 salvo, infantry are easy pickings. Either a decrease in damage is needed or a decrease in range, because currently you can take out ground based AA before they can touch you.