was there normal stream?
my mates running the cod 4 there
The game was nigh on perfect till the back to karkand dlc release. After that it has went downhill very quickly. They added in this gimmicky network slider thing, what an utter waste. It does nothing whatsoever. A total waste of time that could have been used in any other aspect of the game
Ah yeah, the bloody map is annoying, it's too small and cluttered.
You have to laugh at the BF3 community some times.
And look at the youtube comments moaning about it. None of them would have said a thing were it not for that video. Now that video has made the m26 public enemy number one, for no reason at all.
dlight, core are good players
another day at office for me! some servers do my head in!
LoL at 3:39. So if you're a good aim you get kick/banned? wish I could rack up as many kills as that.
Who needs skills when everybody lines up in a corridor for you and herp derps around wating to be shot.
They were fish in a barrel. They only had themselves to blame that they got pwned in that corridor. The fleschette round is better in one specific scenario than the shot - with tightly packed groups of enemies like that.
No skill required. Hilarious that they banned him for "cheating" when the source of the problem is they were herp derping around and getting owned.
dlight, core are good players
another day at office for me! some servers do my head in!
Really? Core? he finished bottom, not that that make a difference but i got a few kills on him.
cleardarkz is one of the best pilots in the world, from watching his dogfighting videos. Good effort TFU.
Who needs skills when everybody lines up in a corridor for you and herp derps around wating to be shot.
They were fish in a barrel. They only had themselves to blame that they got pwned in that corridor. The fleschette round is better in one specific scenario than the shot - with tightly packed groups of enemies like that.
No skill required. Hilarious that they banned him for "cheating" when the source of the problem is they were herp derping around and getting owned.
ya i get called hacker/every other name under the sun pretty much every server i go on! tis funny tho that people spend the whole map insulting me and whoever im playing with.
ya core is a good player few team.uk players in that TCM side, woulda loved to have been able to play BF3 6-7 years ago and go LAN's play competitively etc like the old quake3 TFC days
and na DG i joined in that metro game then matts crappy auto balancer addon switched me with like 70 tickets left and i didnt even swap sides! so stupid when that happens so i just left!
yea it was crappy cause i only joined DG's sqaud to TK him lol!
ya i get called hacker/every other name under the sun pretty much every server i go on! tis funny tho that people spend the whole map insulting me and whoever im playing with.