Battlefield 3 thread - Server details in opening post -

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I pity the fool who has to start this at rank 1 NOW :) hope your planning on buying the unlocks pack!

That's the position I'm in now. When I first got the game I was getting smoked, it was embarrassing, especially considering I was dominate during alpha and beta but when you're playing against level 100s at level 1 you don't stand a chance. I'm currently level 14 and I'm now able to be a benefit to my team.
That's the position I'm in now. When I first got the game I was getting smoked, it was embarrassing, especially considering I was dominate during alpha and beta but when you're playing against level 100s at level 1 you don't stand a chance.

Feels like you're firing rubber bullets and the vertical recoil is so terrible. Couldn't see nothing until getting all the goodies for the guns. I quite love the F2000. Used in Iron Man 2?

I'm currently level 14 and I'm now able to be a benefit to my team.

I did start to notice a difference with some weapons but even at 14 it feels weak. Not as bad but still weak. I played Medic a lot, reviving people as quickly as possible and laying down packs for them in heated battles. Kills were useless.

I really hate when some people run about with the dart all the time.
It took me until Colonel rank 15 (Rank 60) to go positive on my k/d ratio. First BF game, came from COD.

My only problem with the game, folks with high ping having an advantage because of their **** hit detection ;)
Think I'm around 1.4 KD:R, which is OK considering I came in so late, but in most FPS games I hit 2 - 3 KD:R, but yeah, right now I still feel extremely weak, if I come up against someone 1v1 I usually lose, even though I hit first simply because my damage is so low and with an 18 ping I'm hit hard with lag compensation.
Think I'm around 1.4 KD:R, which is OK considering I came in so late, but in most FPS games I hit 2 - 3 KD:R, but yeah, right now I still feel extremely weak, if I come up against someone 1v1 I usually lose, even though I hit first simply because my damage is so low and with an 18 ping I'm hit hard with lag compensation.

The damage of any particular classes weapons are all the same bar 1-2 which are a touch higher, starting guns for a couple of the classes are the best in the game also, so it shouldn't effect you. If you have bad customizations on your gun of choice though you may be needlessly gimping yourself.
All I know is I get hit marker after hit marker but I die in a nanosecond. I used to get reg like that in the beta, but now, it's like I'm firing blanks. It's all to do with the lag compensation, my connection is just too good for this game.
I got a copy free from cokezone. I think copies are included with various hardware at least last year they did.
My copy doesnt have the karkland but I think Im getting a bit too old for this kind of game especially the deathmatch, spawn and die argh :o
My fav server is still tacticalgamer, they cap flags properly! Ive tried a few servers in the OP too

Main cost is hardware surely, whats your spec

That is a fair point... spec below:-

Sapphire HD 7850
Intel Core i5-3570K 3.40GHz
Crucial RealSSD M4 128GB
Gigabyte Z77X-D3H
Cooler Master CM-690 II Advanced
OCZ ZX Series 850W '80 Plus Gold'
Corsair Vengeance Low Profile 8GB
Akasa AK-CC4007EP01 Nero 3 CPU Cooler

Not built yet though, should be delivered today!

I pity the fool who has to start this at rank 1 NOW :) hope your planning on buying the unlocks pack!

Haha, I thought this may be the case.
Any tips for top weapons and attachments for assault/engi/support? Just started playing this again after a long time out, planning on duoing a lot with a rank 1 and hoping to minimize the amount that we get owned by :p
with an 18 ping I'm hit hard with lag compensation.

Try a 6-10 m/s ping :( on UK Servers. I tend to play on German servers where i'll have a ping around 50m/s - Then I own ;)

Got called a hacker, which with my score was expected lol (revived about 6 times)

iseries needs better marketing behind it and organising

for eg if you look at most pictures from there and know nothing about it it looks like a virgin nerd sweat box :p
I enjoyed the games last night. I got raped a bit though, well, our team was getting raped. Especially on Metro, man that was tough!

Finally starting to unlock some medals though which is helping me rank up a bit quicker :)
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