Battlefield 3 thread - Server details in opening post -

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Ditto. My 360 controller just cannot handle quick turns in the jet - not sure why.

Then I get out-turned by other players who seem to almost flip the plane on a dime - really frustrating stuff.

It's much better since the patch as break turning is allot easier. M+KB is the best IMO (I've tried controller/joystick).

As long as you can keep your speed around 310 and ensure that you bind a secondary keyboard key to pitch up (like space) then you should be able to turn at the maximum radius.
Not sure why people are complaining? You're not forced to buy the subscription.

one reason maybe certain things may either influence the game outcome or split people into groups of have content and dont. this kills a game.

also if like maps for eg if certain people dont have them and server goes to them maps they are kicked. whell have to wait and see what the cod manual says :p
Personally DG, I don't mind paying for expansion packs if they are good. If DICE allowed me to try an expansion pack before buying it, then what's the issue?
i dont mind paying if they are good but like said certain extra content splits the player base

take the new content coming for the close quarters for eg

litterally half of the big servers will be empty when that hits cause who in there right mind is going to have 16 player maps on a 32 man server or bigger ?

no one.

so while it may even be good content it can cause problems. im all for new content as long as it dont effect the game.
Well people were stupid enough to pay for unlocks, BF3 know that there are idiots out there that will pay

Haters gonna hate but i say...

I think allot of people forget that DICE is a business. I would happily pay a fee per 50 hours or there abouts for this game. If the noobs want to buy unlocks then let them. Still not going to impact my game...
haha if the content people buy is different from yours and better than yours it will effect your game :p

but nevermind.

Exactly. If all the premium stuff is just cosmetic then fine for whatever fool wants to buy it.

If it gives the player an actual advantage in the game, then it will unbalance games and ultimately more people will buy the premium subs to make it a level playing field.

Q: If Dice released a weapons pack with a sniper gone with no bullet drop, how many people do you think would buy it? And how annoyed would you be if you didn't and you were playing on a server with lots of people sniping you from miles away?

The recent glitch with the M26 gives you an idea as to how easy it is to unbalance the game.........
Can anyone recommend any servers where I can have a go at trying to learn to fly a heli and jet? I've not managed to have 1 go in either and i've leveled my mates account from level 5 to 20 lol.
Can anyone recommend any servers where I can have a go at trying to learn to fly a heli and jet? I've not managed to have 1 go in either and i've leveled my mates account from level 5 to 20 lol.

Just do a search for practice that's what I did and found several servers with instant vehicle re-spawn and only about 8 slots for flying practice and generally most on the server would just leave you alone to practice.
Can anyone recommend any servers where I can have a go at trying to learn to fly a heli and jet? I've not managed to have 1 go in either and i've leveled my mates account from level 5 to 20 lol.

Just search in server for "flying practice" or just "flying" and look for 1p start servers.

Good for practice and if conequest you can land the jet/hover the heli and get the flags for points and quickly unlock some of the the lower perks.

EDIT: Always check which map its on though as I found a 1p start flying map server on Sunday which was on Seine Crossing ???????????
Not sure, I have added him and the server as a fav...Might see if they wanna do a scrim. That is, if they're an alright bunch.

247/ OcUK vs "English"

Beware Dg's whining, high pitched, Californian accent
A few enjoyable rounds those. Managed a nice sniper headshot kill on wake island, guy driving about in one of those mini diggers. Popped him through the window at 400m, more satisfying than my longest range sniper kill as he was moving at the time.
Can anyone explain to me why I get terrible frame rates at 1080p with two 6870's? I have to run it on medium settings just to get a decent, smooth frame rate. Is there anything I can do to run it at higher settings?
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