Your posts give me a headache to read. Don't you have a shift key, or a comma key, or a full stop key?
I think this forum could do with some new rules on grammar and post legibility. The quality of posts has dropped significantly in the last year. Anyone else agree?
Well I had a bit of a play last night.
The graphics, and the general feel are WAY better than xbox.
My skills ... not so much lol. Was on a TDM server (usually prefer rush/conquest but its good to get a feel of things without objectives) and went 5-16 lol![]()
Old enough to know the difference between "ur" and "you are" you illiterate noob. I love players that haven't got enough skill to have a decent SPM on their own, so resort to turning everything down to low and using an FXAA injector to increase notions of contrast so they can spot others before being spotted themselves. Then they get all "I'm so boss at this game" when in actuality their pseudo hacks are the main things that are giving them advantage - what's next eh? F*ck around with the game files so they remove tint and glare, then loudly proclaim that's not hacking either?
Wise up and play the game the way DICE intended - till then, you're a no mark, no skill, noob. End of.
Hahahahahaahhahahaha I just spat food everywhere! Watch my video u mad bad player!
My bf3 still looks awesome so please don't insult pacman like that I'm surprised ur even old enough to know what pacman is!
I love raging kids with bad SPM KD etc whining always makes me giggle! So adjusting the options in a game dice made makes me a cheat and all the other thousands of players + people on this forum that use fxaa injector!
So please shut up with ya accusations ur boring me now! Hilarious!
Hahahahhaa I seriously can't stop laughing! what's ur accuse then? U obviously are playing on ultra as Dice intended the game to be played! But still after reading ur sig your embarrasing urself by those 4 stats! Here's a tip play on low like every competitive BF player does and u might start to becoming an average player! Oh what an accomplishment that will be for ya! Also does having a 27" monitor a cheat over someone who uses a 22" it must be right they can obviously see more!
Yea for me G36C and UMP with ACOG just work really well.
Found some new love and respect for the PKP pechenko just lying down in key places and using the bipod with 3.4 scope and getting some very decent results especially on seine and metro.
I prefer the smaller maps still and while I like the odd excursion in tanks I'd rather not have tanks or helicoptes and play ziba tower or something instead.
I'd rarely used the pkp previously, gave it a go today, it's crazy accurate even at full auto. Was picking off snipers happily.
Is it any good without the bipod?