Battlefield 3 thread - Server details in opening post -

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Lol :D




Battlefield 3

It brings out the anger in you :D

So true! :D
Have u even see my video? It obviously shows all my kills where having sharp and vibrant graphics makes me see people before them! Hahahahahha probably the funniest comment I've ever read! I think ur massively mistaken that for client side hit reg and not graphics quality!

And using vehicles in a vehicle based game hahahahah well put me in a dark room and shot my goldfish I've been a naughty naughty boy!

U won't find many bf3 players who are decent in all vehicles most of the top players usually only concentrate on one vehicle! So keep the newbish comments flowing hahahah add me on BL and give me a shout when ur playing bf3 wouldn't mind coming to play against u for ***** and giggles! U obviously have a lot of anger brewing up and the kiddies love raging when playing bf3
Westie, his point about the vehicle whoring is as a direct result of u calling his stats embarassing. Any positive K;D in this game as an infantryman is decent, I would say average K;D is 0:7 / 0:8. Basically u have a massive K;D as u sit in a tank a lot, he has a lower but still decent K;D as he trots around as a foot soldier. This just shows the game can be played many different ways and boasting about ur K;D is irrelevant for the most part.

I have no issue with spotting the way it was implemented in Battefield 2 as it's a sensible feature for a team based game where team mates will naturally communicate the position of enemies. Also it still requires the use of skill to make use off, as in you still have to locate the actual 3D location of the enemy and kill them with no assistance.

3D spotting is simply an aim assist feature, nothing to do with team play at all. It renders stealth, positioning and cover pretty much useless as people simply aim at the red triangle and fire untill their clip runs out or the enemy is dead.

Have u even see my video? It obviously shows all my kills where having sharp and vibrant graphics makethem server eople before them! Hahahahahha probably the funniest comment I've ever read! I think ur massively mistaken that for client side hit reg and not graphics quality!

And using vehicles in a vehicle based game hahahahah well put me in a dark room and shot my goldfish I've been a naughty naughty boy!

U won't find many bf3 players who are decent in all vehicles most of the top players usually only concentrate on one vehicle! So keep the newbish comments flowing hahahah add me on BL and give me a shout when ur playing bf3 wouldn't mind coming to play against u for ***** and giggles! U obviously have a lot of anger brewing up and the kiddies love raging when playing bf3

The best players are most often primarily infantry only - they don't vehicle whore then fool themselves they're boss with a high K/D.
If you suck at the game, no amount of tweaking is going to help. I don't bother changing the settings, I just play everything on ultra, I find it easy to kill and see people, they mostly stood still half the time ;)

Aiming is not a problem, I come from a UT/quake background, so static targets are easy :D
I personally find anyone bragging about their stats, or mocking another persons stats, for whatever reason, to be a bit of a **** tbh.
Had an excellent round with JGStonedRaider and co last night. In fact I think after all the patches the game is just about right now. Enjoying it a lot and is so much better when you get in a decent squad.
even better when you can actually join your sever without getting banned ;)

joined last night had two rounds on there and thought wtf every person planted in every corner ! not one person who killed me was moving :p

on bizar team killed 15 times in one round !!!!!

went to rejoin you were banned from this server reason being dg :rolleyes:

comedy gold :D

back to playing rush mode so much better than conquest
why even ban from any lol

only reason matt bans me from servers is cause i originally photoshopped his face :p

he cant control me so just bans me ;)
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