Battlefield 3 thread - Server details in opening post -

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One cq map though, (ziba tower iirc) looks a bit odd, kinda like a dusk look on it. My eyes are thanking it a lot, the blue filter causes me a bit of eye strain.

I got a bit confused when that map loaded up cos I didn't recognize it without the blue tint over everything :D

Battlefield is definitely a brighter happier place post colour tweaking
Someone tell me how to fly a jet fgs...

I get in one and I'm usually taken out in two seconds by another jet on my six. No matter how much I bank or roll they're always on my six.

I need to be two inches away from someone to use heat seekers?

I am confus.

Hey Sky, jets are blooming difficult in this game to get into (cos they are cr4p). Watch some online tutorials on how to fly the jets, I suggest practising in soft core mode in 1st and 3rd person mode to get an idea of what you can do manoeuvres wise. 300-310 is the optimum turning speed, heat seakers are just awful so use guns. Get flares and you should be ok from there.

Thing is, the ingame post process AA looks like a blury mess compared to the FXAA. Any injectors that don't affect the colour?

You can use FXAA with Tweaker, you just have to turn any colourisation off in FXAA and just leave it as a pure injector, rather than also a grading tool.

edit...I don't know which setting does that tho so sorry :(
Hey Sky, jets are blooming difficult in this game to get into (cos they are cr4p). Watch some online tutorials on how to fly the jets, I suggest practising in soft core mode in 1st and 3rd person mode to get an idea of what you can do manoeuvres wise. 300-310 is the optimum turning speed, heat seakers are just awful so use guns. Get flares and you should be ok from there.

Why are heatseekers aweful? I use them all the time and they work fine, although a lot of people rage calling me a noob lol
Hey Sky, jets are blooming difficult in this game to get into (cos they are cr4p). Watch some online tutorials on how to fly the jets, I suggest practising in soft core mode in 1st and 3rd person mode to get an idea of what you can do manoeuvres wise. 300-310 is the optimum turning speed, heat seakers are just awful so use guns. Get flares and you should be ok from there.

You can use FXAA with Tweaker, you just have to turn any colourisation off in FXAA and just leave it as a pure injector, rather than also a grading tool.

edit...I don't know which setting does that tho so sorry :(

you are not supposed to run together .
You can use FXAA with Tweaker, you just have to turn any colourisation off in FXAA and just leave it as a pure injector, rather than also a grading tool.

edit...I don't know which setting does that tho so sorry :(

Yeah i know you can use them to together, was doing and got funky coloured trees on Seine. :p I'm MexicanSeafood btw ;)

Anyone know which settings I need to change in the injFX_Settings.h file?
Tbh spudmaster, id just remove the FXAA injector and use the colour tweaker alone. When i used the injector i lost a few fps, no such issue with the colour tweaker.
What guns have people been using recently? I'm going through a stage of "Die, change gun, die, change gun" I'm sure people know what I mean..
What guns have people been using recently? I'm going through a stage of "Die, change gun, die, change gun" I'm sure people know what I mean..

Any automatic gun with a re-fire rate of 750-800, although i'm learning to handle the recoil of the 900+ re-fire rate weapons.
What guns have people been using recently? I'm going through a stage of "Die, change gun, die, change gun" I'm sure people know what I mean..

I've been using the M416 a lot recently; I used to loathe it but really enjoy using it now. I tend to switch between that and the L85A2, I'm sure there are stats to suggest better alternatives but I'm not too fussed.
Tbh spudmaster, id just remove the FXAA injector and use the colour tweaker alone. When i used the injector i lost a few fps, no such issue with the colour tweaker.

Problem I found without FXAA is as said above the ingame post processing AA makes everything blurry and 2x MSAA give too big of a performance hit on my 5870. With FXAA the AA looks decent, not blurry and runs smooth for me.

Anyway its all sorted now. FXAA with the colour changes disabled and the colour tweaker running :)
You can use them together just set your FXAA injector to sharppening and set the bleach setting it looks great check the below.

FXAA Injector danoc1 v1.3 Beta performance SETTINGS

// TODO: Normalize values to be on a human range scale, whole numbers prefered, decimals usable for micro adjustments
// These values should have min/max limit checks included in their functions, so that the end user doesn't get crazy results

// Comment to deactivate an effect.
// Example: To disable the tonemap effect, use // in front of #define USE_TONEMAP
//#define USE_SEPIA

// Set values to calculate the amount of Anti Aliasing applied
float fxaaQualitySubpix = 0.62; // Default: 0.75 Raise to increase amount of blur
float fxaaQualityEdgeThreshold = 0.113; // Lower the value for more smoothing
float fxaaQualityEdgeThresholdMin = 0.0312; // Lower the value for more smoothing

//For higher precision in the calculation of contour, requires slightly more processing power
bool highQualitySharpen = 0; //0 = Disable | 1 = Enable

// Set values to calculate the amount of AA produced blur to consider for the sharpening pass
#define Average 0.8
#define CoefBlur 2

// Set values of the sharpening amount
#define SharpenEdge 0.2
#define Sharpen_val0 1.2

// Number of samples per pixel taken for the Bloom effect. Don't set it to high! 4 = 25spp, 8 = 81spp, 16 = 289spp
#define NUM_SAMPLES2 16
float BloomPreset = 0;
float BloomThreshold = 0;
float BloomWidth = 0;
float BloomPower = 0;

#define TechniAmount 0.922 // 1.00 = Max
#define TechniPower 12.7

// lower values = stronger channel
#define redNegativeAmount 1.0 // 1.00 = Max
#define greenNegativeAmount 1.0 // 1.00 = Max
#define blueNegativeAmount 1.0 // 1.00 = Max

#define Gamma 1.00
#define Exposure 0.05
#define Saturation 0.00 // use negative values for less saturation.
#define BlueShift 0.00 // Higher = more blue in image.
#define Bleach -0.09 // Bleach bypass, higher = stronger effect
#define Defog 0.0 // Strength of Lens Colors.
#define FogColor float4(0.08, 0.28, 0.10, 2.0) //Lens-style color filters for Blue, Red, Yellow, White.

#define Earthyellow // Color Tone, available tones can be seen in ColorTones.PNG (Do not use spaces in the name!)
#define GreyPower 1 //(Valid Values = 1 to 9, use decimals for finetuning), defines how much of the grey color you wish to blend in
#define SepiaPower 0 //(Valid Values = 1 to 9, use decimals for finetuning), defines how much of the color tone you wish to blend in

// Vignette effect, process by which there is loss in clarity towards the corners and sides of the image, like a picture frame
#define VignetteCenter float2(0.500, 0.500) // Center of screen for effect.
#define VignetteRadius 10.00 // lower values = stronger radial effect from center
#define VignetteAmount 0.50 // Strength of black. -2.00 = Max Black, 1.00 = Max White.

// Controls additional sharpening applied after previous processing. Strength should be max 0.25!
float Sharpen = 0.01;

// Controls the strenght of the limiter. 1.000 for default setting
int LimiterStrenght = 1.000;
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Is anyone getting a load of lag all of a sudden? I only go on low ping servers 30-50 ping but have started to get a lot of lag stuttering/rubberbanding. Anyone else having this problem. I'm on virgin 30 mb fibre btw
Cheers AK gonna try that! Love the new colours but miss the sharpening the injector does!

Waits for I'm hacking comments from angry kids!
Cheers AK gonna try that! Love the new colours but miss the sharpening the injector does!

Waits for I'm hacking comments from angry kids!
Thing is mate, neither the realmware tweaker or fxaa injector make people easier seen in game, quite the opppsite in fact ive found on certain maps. Because theres a bit of colour in the game, camouflage works better now. One other thing the realmware tweaker shows up, the graphics in bf3 are diabolical. Hence the blue filter to hide how bad it looks. Ive said it before, mohaa 2010 on frostbite 1.5 is a far far better looking game.
Is anyone getting a load of lag all of a sudden? I only go on low ping servers 30-50 ping but have started to get a lot of lag stuttering/rubberbanding. Anyone else having this problem. I'm on virgin 30 mb fibre btw

I get it every single night from around 7pm onwards. Makes playing bf3 with friends in the evening a pain in the ass!

Virgin provide appalling internet quality in norwich. On 30mb as well. Could be 100mb tho, doesn't make a difference.

Jitter and packet loss kill my connection.
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