Battlefield 3 thread - Server details in opening post -

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I've never had any rubber banding since launch, then about 2 weeks ago I got it for the first time and would happen even if i was on an empty server and my ping was fine.

Phoned my isp which is BE* but not had a great deal of joy. It just randomly happens now and then and when it does its unplayable.
I had a similar problem with my old ISP a few years ago on COD4, between 18:00 - 23:59 I had about 75% packet loss and 100ms more latency.

Anywhere between 12:00-17:59 and it was 25 ping and 0 packet loss/ jitter.

Turns out my isp had "accidentally" classed one of COD4's ports as low priority on their network so it was getting throttled like mad at peak time :rolleyes:
Using my old injector settings but only enable the sharpening settings + colour tweaker feels like I'm playing a new game!

Makes such a difference!
I tried the realmware colour tweaker for the first time last night, colours were amazing but it felt like it was doing something really weird with my mouse movement - kind of like input lag or acceleration...

Anyone else experienced anything like this or is it just me? I guess it could have been a placebo but I uninstalled it and my mouse instantly felt normal again :confused:
Using my old injector settings but only enable the sharpening settings + colour tweaker feels like I'm playing a new game!

Makes such a difference!

Got a link to the injector your using and settings? I'm not even sure if I'm running one at the moment... I think I am... :p
doesnt touch your controls :confused:

i can only guess something else was doing that all it does it alter colour settings
Yeah that's what I was thinking at the time, I'm going to try it again later and test a few different servers/ maps etc.

Colours were so much better though, almost cartoon-like but in a good way.
A few niggles with BF3 I'm having:

Are half the pub bf3 players colour blind? i cannot count the amount of times i've seen players let enemies run across their vision or they just blithely run right past them without noticing. I'm not even talking about missing them on the minimap, i mean 5 feet away from them in their LOS.

Jesus christ the server browser is terrible.
It only shows 30 servers and then you have to manually scroll down the page to load more...I have never seen this in any other game, who the hell thought that would be clever? especially as those first 30 aren't gauranteed to be populated and you have to scroll before you can sort them.
Even then, it's pot luck what servers it feels like showing you, each refresh will bring up a different set even after scrolling as well as listing duplicates.

I also have to try 3 times to connect to each server, first time it loads up the level and then CTD's, the second time it starts then game then disappears, the 3rd time if i'm lucky it will connect properly, this is every damn time i want to join a server.

What's with this 360 degree continuous spin that i've seen people doing lately, it's not the circle of death it's a jerky spinning when being shot and then a slight warp out of it into a different position. At first i put this down to the server i was on as i had seen some warping even though everyones ping was under 110 but i am seeing it more and more.
A few niggles with BF3 I'm having:

Jesus christ the server browser is terrible.
It only shows 30 servers and then you have to manually scroll down the page to load more...I have never seen this in any other game, who the hell thought that would be clever? especially as those first 30 aren't gauranteed to be populated and you have to scroll before you can sort them.
Even then, it's pot luck what servers it feels like showing you, each refresh will bring up a different set even after scrolling as well as listing duplicates.

I also have to try 3 times to connect to each server, first time it loads up the level and then CTD's, the second time it starts then game then disappears, the 3rd time if i'm lucky it will connect properly, this is every damn time i want to join a server.

You do know you that you can filter the servers right? :rolleyes:

Not had one problem with the server list, learn to use it before you moan about it?
Kicked from a "no rules server" for counter sniping recons with RPGs this evening.

It wasnt just I was using rockets, I was quite happily shooting them in the face with my ACR, but if they were going to insist on hiding round corners and glitching so I couldn't shoot them fairly, then they should expect to be blown to bits for being cheating **** stains.
You do know you that you can filter the servers right? :rolleyes:

Not had one problem with the server list, learn to use it before you moan about it?

When you want to see every server from 32 man upwards, including 64 mans that have more than 10 slots free, the 30 servers it lists can have a large number of ones that have less than 5 people playing.

Shall i draw you a picture to explain the concept?
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