Battlefield 3 thread - Server details in opening post -

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I'm putting Conquest 24/7 ~ |All Maps|Vote| into the server name in battlelog and nothing is showing. How does that gametracker work as when I click on it, it brings up a webpage and not the server?

edit - nvm found them
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Signed up mate, I look forward to it. Good news is, have learnt how to use a gun as well..All about that low sensitivity :D

Let me know if you want to get a few games in before hand..It's been a while since I played with you, need to remember how you play.

You will be the best rep man on there Joe! Seems an interesting idea.

On another note, someone said they couldn't find CQ247 server:
won both games of seine aswell one was close 0-11 rank 1 in world tanker cerealno tanker was on the other team too and i came top as medic :D.. also 3d spotting is off and FF is on! was awesome fun best BF3 experiance yet.. people u should sign up and join the red team follow instructions on the site! :D

Similar rules we run in the WGL.

Softcore, but with 3D Spotting Disabled, FF on, and no kill cam.
Anyone just suddenly lost interest in this game now?

Its not like i play it a lot either :/ dusting out my 5h1t bucket for next weeks double XP :cool:

I have had my Pink, Red and Brown wings a long time. Now just need those Gold wings although I might leave the Black wings out tho :s

Canna get a hoooah for those that know what I'm on about ;)
Some days it has me tearing my hair out due to it's issues, but then other days it's pretty good. My single biggest issue though is down to my rubbish net connection, leads to an awful lot off missed kills due to lag. Played it on a nephews 80mb infinity, felt like a totally different game.
I don't know if its just the internet connection to be honest. I had a solid 30 ping today and I was shooting through people with nothing happening. Bit frustrating but as they say "what you can do?" :p
Had a round just now on cq247, hit reg was awful. Shooting half a clip into people from behind them only for them to turn and drop me. Ping for me doesnt get much lower than the high 60's. 1mb adsl from bt, every time i get near a lower ping player, i start to lag like crazy. Some days it's worse than others.
Had a round just now on cq247, hit reg was awful. Shooting half a clip into people from behind them only for them to turn and drop me. Ping for me doesnt get much lower than the high 60's. 1mb adsl from bt, every time i get near a lower ping player, i start to lag like crazy. Some days it's worse than others.

I'm not sure exactly what you're experiencing but your explanation for it is bunkum.

There are plenty on here (and probably you as well no doubt) that have ranted about BF3's client side hit detection.

The fact that so much of BF3 is client side, means the possibility of you lagging by being in the mere presence of somebody with a low ping seems next to impossible.
What a ball ache, I tried copying the game onto usb and installing at work. Everything went smoothly but the game crashes on launch ARGHHHHHHHHHHH fu origin!
He's no doubt having some kind of problem. But his suggestion as to the likely cause of this is wrong. BF3 is client side to stop stuff like that.
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