Battlefield 3 thread - Server details in opening post -

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Been checking the connection speeds on my two rigs tonight after speaking to a bt customer support adviser, results below using

Old i7 930 system.
ping, 125ms
dl, 5.9mbps
ul, 0.38mbps

i5 3570k, (my gaming setup)
ping, 126ms
dl, 1.93
ul, 0.10

Both rigs are connected via ethernet cable to a netgear dg834pn 108mbps adsl router. Once ive downloaded the updates for the bf3 account on the other rig, im gonna see how different it performs compared to my main account on the spec in sig.
Played 20 mins of this earlier got raped left right and center compared to 360 version, going to take time to adapt
anyone heard much on the map size of aftermath, @ cq247 we have a 64 man and a 32 man sever. im thinking my 32 man which is used for metro at the min would work best???
anyone heard much on the map size of aftermath, @ cq247 we have a 64 man and a 32 man sever. im thinking my 32 man which is used for metro at the min would work best???

Jim, they are going to be similar size to the B2K maps. Your (our :p) 32 man might work ok, if not we will have to make it 48 man :D

Speaking to DICE Producer Craig Mcleod, I was informed that fans can expect similar map sizes to the ones included in the Back to Karkand expansion with a good mix of vehicle and infantry combat.
Those ping times are shocking setter.. If your connection is stable you could try asking them to turn interleaving off which may help.
The other thing you could try is removing the ring wire from your master socket which could improve line stability.

I have 30-40ms on sky.
tbh in bf3 id rather have a higher ping seems better !

i have very low latency ping 10-15 and everything registers on me :( its great if you concentrating properly :p but i can reember i was dling something and ping was silly high like 200 and no word of a lie every bulley was like straight through people :confused:

jimlad use the less busy server as with all map packs they are fads and 2 months after pretty dead.
anyone heard much on the map size of aftermath, @ cq247 we have a 64 man and a 32 man sever. im thinking my 32 man which is used for metro at the min would work best???

32 player servers are better than 64 in my experience for Conquest Domination, Conquest, Large Conquest, Team Deathmatch and Rush, 64 player servers makes it feel like everyone is crammed into a server, so i go for 32 player servers.
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I haven't played this in months (I just wish I had the time). It does amuse me that the same old faces are still doing the rounds with the same old issues :D
Been checking the connection speeds on my two rigs tonight after speaking to a bt customer support adviser, results below using

Old i7 930 system.
ping, 125ms
dl, 5.9mbps
ul, 0.38mbps

i5 3570k, (my gaming setup)
ping, 126ms
dl, 1.93
ul, 0.10

Both rigs are connected via ethernet cable to a netgear dg834pn 108mbps adsl router. Once ive downloaded the updates for the bf3 account on the other rig, im gonna see how different it performs compared to my main account on the spec in sig.

Setter those pings are terrible, def something wrong. I get 80 ping playing on UK servers from Moscow on a 4MB connection :eek: If i play local my ping is 15.
I was playing tdm on that map with the crane and the metro the other night for hours and hours and finally started doing ok. But some people are just too good. I still can't fly anything though :/ I watched some videos on youtube but still can't get it too work.
32 player servers are better than 64 in my experience for Conquest Domination, Conquest, Large Conquest, Team Deathmatch and Rush, 64 player servers makes it feel like everyone is crammed into a server, so i go for 32 player servers.

I hear u. Cant stand 64 players as u cant seem to move around in a proper way.

32 player gives room for proper battles and flanking actions.
Setter those pings are terrible, def something wrong. I get 80 ping playing on UK servers from Moscow on a 4MB connection :eek: If i play local my ping is 15.
Never used to be as bad as this tbh, seems to have got worse after changing to the new spec in sig, (previously had an i7 920) though i havent changed any network or router settings. Bit baffling tbh. Ran speedtest on my laptop, (wireless connected) results at.

ping, 86ms
dl, 6.31mbps
ul, 0.36mbps

Tested my desktop rig from the same server a minute later.

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