Battlefield 3 thread - Server details in opening post -

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Cheers dude.

Unsure if he changed his name once or twice he was defo in SaS clan, May of changed his name. Non the less, nice to still see an old skool clan kicking about :)

Yea looks like a different bunch all together,
we started playing Red Faction then gradually moved into battlefield with a short jump into Cod4 which was the only one worth playing IMO

erm...well what can I say...or rather what can I say and not get a warning from the mods...Utterly awful, that is all.

@The guys who said about benchs forgive me but i thought benchmark tests were to asses how far you could push a gpu with it being stable? So it would run in games with no issues, if not then whats the point of them?

Is all about my epeen is bigger than your epeen, nothing else.
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