Battlefield 3 thread - Server details in opening post -

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One thing I absolutely want removing from the game is proximity sensors for tanks that pick you up when you are not moving. Make them the same as the recon motion sensors if you *must* give tanks this ridiculous perk at all.

The classes are OK as is IMO.
Proximity is only really any use on the close quarter maps that shouldn't have a tank at all IMO like Seine Crossing. On the Armored Kill maps it won't do jack for you.
I know this, all the more reason to get rid of it altogether. Though my view may be influenced by my general hatred of tanks/helos/planes. Get out and fight like a man and all that.
I know this, all the more reason to get rid of it altogether. Though my view may be influenced by my general hatred of tanks/helos/planes. Get out and fight like a man and all that.

Could just go on Infantry only servers, but i rarely see those available on maps that usually have vehicles.
I mainly only play the city maps and Aftermath anyway. I don't mind there being an solitary tank on those maps, but it realy does **** me off when one trundles up and splash kills me without a second thought. It really is ridiculous that it should be any different to the recon motion sensor. Get rid of the IR vision too while I'm at it.
I hope they sort out the stupid team balancing addons in BF4.

So many times me and my friends join as a squad and then get swapped and changed multiple times, one of my friends even got swapped at the last second as we won, so he lost instead...

I dont mind the addons which switch lone players or randomly do it on the next death but killing you mid game just to swap you is stupid.
That's exactly what somebody asked for above because every game he joins is a land slide defeat or gictory.

People post and make it seem so simple, but team balancing isn't.
Likewise i don't want to see 3D spotting remove

It should remain as an option, as it is now.

People who want 3D spotting can play with it on. Anyone who wants a little bit of a slower game can play on hardcore/normal with it off.

Personally I think pointing my crosshair at a red marker some 400 metres in the distance, when I do not even have visual of the target, then smacking them in the face simply because someone is spamming MAV is stupid. Not only do I think it is stupid it comes with zero sense of achievement or use of skill.

There already is a penalty for playing like a camping tit - You don't play the objective...and lose. Anyone who complains about people camping on OBJECTIVES (like defending rush, flags) can go die in a fire for all I care, it's not camping, it's playing the damn objective.

Horse for courses though.

What is absolutely bloody ridiculous though is the flag marker you have when someone is carrying the flag.....just point in the markers general direction and let rip....classy.
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Yea cant really understand why thats the case in hardcore,its just retarded :confused:

I have no idea why it is just not linked directly to 3D/Minimap spotting options.

No 3D spotting should equal no 3D Flag carrier markers....would too much sense though I guess?

CTF is pretty much broken anyway so it's a bit of a moot point. Any semi organised team can stop absolutely anything from taking their flag more than 5 footsteps from their base. Spam surrounding area with mines for anyone trying to get in quick in lighter armor/bikes and ensure you have some of your own armor/air assets blatting anyone trying to clear said mines.
Dice also needs to remove the sniper class altogether from BF4. Khar Island map is unplayable, 50% of players are snipers and are camping in the hills. Not to mention their automatic sniper rifles can fire 100 bullets a minute and their ridiculous suppression effect from only one shot. Also their 1 shot kill is stupid as well.

It also breaks up team play, when half the team are camping in the hills oing after useless kills.

Overall the game has now become terrible.
I actually feel the sniper class is already very well balanced. The only way to get a kill on the flags from the hills is with the bolt actions. The semi auto snipers just don't cut it at that distance. They are only viable weapons for their intended purpose, up close and playing aggressively. Which lets face it, is preferable to them being bush wookies hiding up in the hill.

Snipers have to contend with : 3D Spotting, Scope Sway, Bullet Drop, Bullet Speed & Time to Target, Scope Glint, lack of any defence against vehicles, Bolt Action snipers that can only one shot kill with a headshot and of course a kill cam showing people exactly where they are.

How on earth you can moan that they need to go is beyond me. How is a one shot kill stupid when its only possible with bolt action rifles and with a headshot. That is unless of course you've been playing Hardcore ? But then Hardcore in BF3 isn't exactly balanced. Play core instead.
I actually feel the sniper class is already very well balanced. The only way to get a kill on the flags from the hills is with the bolt actions. The semi auto snipers just don't cut it at that distance. They are only viable weapons for their intended purpose, up close and playing aggressively. Which lets face it, is preferable to them being bush wookies hiding up in the hill.

Snipers have to contend with : 3D Spotting, Scope Sway, Bullet Drop, Bullet Speed & Time to Target, Scope Glint, lack of any defence against vehicles, Bolt Action snipers that can only one shot kill with a headshot and of course a kill cam showing people exactly where they are.

How on earth you can moan that they need to go is beyond me. How is a one shot kill stupid when its only possible with bolt action rifles and with a headshot. That is unless of course you've been playing Hardcore ? But then Hardcore in BF3 isn't exactly balanced. Play core instead.

It doesn't just have to be a headshot to be a one shot kill. Most players don't have 100%, half the time I get killed from snipers, i am already down around 60-70% of hp.

at 60-70% a 1 shot hit from a sniper rifle will almost definitely kill you, while other guns you would need at least 2-3.

The biggest reason they need to be removed, is because they break the game. BF is suppose to be a team oriented game, and nothing breaks that more than players camping at a hill site.
They don't. Every battlefield game has snipers and its part of what makes battlefield.

That and recon can be a useful class when it wants to be. Spawn beacon is very useful on rush for example and they can use PDWs to play aggressively
What is absolutely bloody ridiculous though is the flag marker you have when someone is carrying the flag.....just point in the markers general direction and let rip....classy.

I would make it so if someone on foot is carrying the flag then only other in foot infantry can see the flag marker. If it is in a vehicle then everyone can see it. Unfortunately I think you have to have some means of indicating where the flag is due to the size of the maps, otherwise the map would just be a stalemate of a few people trying to run around searching for it in every nook and cranny, whilst being picked off by snipers/helos/tanks.
Why give them C4? They'll only sit their asses on it. I reckon more importance should be given to team interaction, healing, reviving, spotting etc, with kills much, much lower down the list. But people will still nurse their KDR :rolleyes:

Giving a recon c4 allows them to play much more aggressively. I find recon is utterly useless in BF3 as it is only really good for sniping or setting a spawn beacon up close for squad mates to use. But the sniper glint was the worst idea ever and basically makes the recons only true ability (sniping) useless as u can't hide, u don't even get a gilly suit ffs!

The classes were far more balanced in BC2 and a lot more exciting to play as a rush recon.

It doesn't just have to be a headshot to be a one shot kill. Most players don't have 100%, half the time I get killed from snipers, i am already down around 60-70% of hp.

at 60-70% a 1 shot hit from a sniper rifle will almost definitely kill you, while other guns you would need at least 2-3.

The biggest reason they need to be removed, is because they break the game. BF is suppose to be a team oriented game, and nothing breaks that more than players camping at a hill site.

If ur health is down to 60-70% then of course a sniper rifle should be able to take u out!! Otherwise the class is of absolutely no benefit whatsoever and all snipers may as well sit on the hill with an LMG and 6x scope or worse still a shotgun with slugs like in BC2.
Imo the best thing about BF3 is the fact that Wookies can't go and disappear up a tree for the entire match anymore - once they are spotted then a hail of bullets is sure to de-camp them (in most cases).
Well, I starting playing BF3 again last night, only to discover I'm absolutely dire at it (not that I wasn't before :p). Just can't seem to use 4x PSO-1 scopes as effectively as I could before, which is a shame as I used to lay waste (well, in terms of my ability) with an SKS and 4x.

JG, sent you a friend request btw, don't worry I hadn't died :p

EDIT: Also I have to say, I much prefer (as a sniper), to get mucking in from just behind the frontlines so to speak. I spot, make use of my tools etc, and I don't give a single hoot about camping or my KD/R. I just really, really wish snipers had C4, there's been so many cases where I've run up to a tank and then realised that no, this isn't Bad Company 1/2 and promptly get blown up :(
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