Battlefield 3 thread - Server details in opening post -

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im not buying MOH for the beta. hopefully Combat Testing should sort that issue out :)
Anyway, ill buy BF3 anyway, sure its going to be a blast :)
Steam directory can be backed up if need be. Put on a disk, flash drive wherever you like.

If you should then need to transfer, you install new steam. Start the download to BC2 and then just swap in the files you already have. Simular to a bittorrent, it'll hash check it all and update the tiny bits that are different. Its as fast as a normal install, faster I think main downside is needing net access but bc2 is multiplayer anyway
Steam directory can be backed up if need be. Put on a disk, flash drive wherever you like.

If you should then need to transfer, you install new steam. Start the download to BC2 and then just swap in the files you already have. Simular to a bittorrent, it'll hash check it all and update the tiny bits that are different. Its as fast as a normal install, faster I think main downside is needing net access but bc2 is multiplayer anyway

While in theory this works, I've had a lot of issues with this, files corrupting e.t.c. and not being fixable leading to a full reinstall.
I think there's something wrong with your pc if you can't copy and paste files without them getting corrupted.
My guess steam will be charging £40 few retail pre orders £30,the steam argument that it updates your game,wow its not that hard to patch a game thats just lazy,as lost or broken disks,what do you guys do with you boxed games leave them lying on the floor or something:confused:
Friend bought me a copy of BC2, lost the disc, can no longer play. If only he'd bought me a steam copy :p

I have the retail copy, once the key is linked to your steam account you don't need the disk you can just download again through Steam...At least it works for me like any other Steam game. :confused:

It was the same with DOW II, Fallout:NV and I'm sure BF3 will be the same.
My guess steam will be charging £40 few retail pre orders £30,the steam argument that it updates your game,wow its not that hard to patch a game thats just lazy,as lost or broken disks,what do you guys do with you boxed games leave them lying on the floor or something:confused:

actually i tend to break dvd drives :o

havn't had one in the pc for months now.
i initially pre-ordered from when it was announced.

then i decided that it would be prudent to see what Price Amazon and Play were charging... which was £10 less for the "limited" edition...

Cue three hours trying to cancel my pre-order with and i'm nicely snuggled up with again :)
Hmmm....i've never really tried Steam.
Maybe worth a go? With a 20mbit connection downloads wouldn't be an issue for me.
Don't suppose there's a way of transferring games and their cdkeys onto a newly created Steam account?
Repost in case someone missed this. Lead platform for this game is PC:

More good news for PC gamers with an eye on the next chapter in the Battlefield franchise. Details from a Game Informer cover story have leaked, and they look pretty enticing. The most promising revelation is that Battlefield 3 was built on the PC and for the PC. According to executive producer Patrick Bach, "we're focusing on PC first, and then we fiddle with it to fit it onto consoles."

Rock, Paper, Shotgun points to this forum post, which lists a number of additional details from the Game Informer piece. Character animations should be much improved thanks to the same animation system used by EA Sports titles. Destructible environments look to be a big part of the game, and there's an earthquake on one of the levels. DICE has also spent some time on the game's audio component to provide better audible cues and more realistic sound overall.

Unfortunately, the new Frostbite 2.0 engine is reportedly too complex for DICE to release traditional mod tools. The Battlefield 3 team is reportedly close to twice the size of group that worked on Bad Company 2, and DICE is grappling with whether to invest its time in mod tools or polishing the game's existing content. With single- and multi-player components plus a co-op element, there should be plenty to keep gamers busy until the first round of downloadable content hits.

Read those 10 pages of scans from some magazine or other and have to say I'm quite hopeful for this, and the best thing, I shall be buying a new computer in the next few months (my first for 7 years or so...barr a couple of minor upgrade parts) so I should be able to play this nicely when it comes out...very exciting for me!!
The amount of FPS games that have come out over the past 12 months have really put me off and forced my clan to take a mmo route....

After looking at those screenshots and looking at the crysis 2 MP video its sparked my interests back up.... i know neither are a sure thing to good but hey who cares..... Nice to have something thats worth looking forward to!!!

As always TFU ( will be looking for any1 new who wishes to join us :D
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