Battlefield 3 thread - Server details in opening post -

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Teamwork != sitting in the same corner sniping.

Dude seriously, that's like the opposite of what I said...

Teamwork beats solo campers 100% of the time. Even people a semi-organised public server will roll right over a camping team if they play with aggression.

Sure on the bigger maps they can be a pain to find without killcams or 3D spotting but they are practically irrelevant in those types of maps because they can't exert any map control.

What difference has a 20-1 sniper made in a 1000 ticket match? None at all unless people care too much about their k/d.

EDIT: If you think no killcams would mean 30 snipers camping then you clearly haven't played BF2 at all.
I have played BF2. And I have played BC2 - where you will see a lot of snipers not caring if their side wins or loses. These people will be playing BF3.

But BF2 didn't have killcams and BC2 did. So your logic totally of fails.

People play as camping snipers because that's what they want to do and killcams don't stop them. So why do we need it?

Killcams are bad for gameplay because they make it harder to flank and sneak attack the objectives. They make too easy for unskilled players or players who are totally unaware of their surroundings.
B: Hi, my name is B. How may I help you?
A: Hi B
B: Hello .
A: It's not my birthday till the 26th of sept which is next month, but i've read that people have been given a 25% discount on their birthday for ea games. Would it be possible to have an early discount, lol feel like a kid again :).
A: As you can see i've been a long time supporter of ea with a ton of games on my vet account, I'd like to make a purchase now and the 25% would help a lot
B: Will you please allow me sometime.
A: No problem B
B: Which game you want to purchase ?
A: Battlefield 3 on preorder which would add another game to my VET
B: So you need veteran too.
A: nope i've got that
A: Vet 8 :)
B: For which game ?
A: I just need the discount 25% code for battlefield 3
A: And i'll pay for the game right now off my card :D
A: Early Birthday present :D
B: Please may i know from which email address you have registered there on EA
A: it should be (blocked)
A: I think i've had the account for over a year now right back to BF2
A: So by your help i'll be able to purchase BF3 today on preorder
B: Sorry you have already been given a discount , so we cant provide you the discount again.
A: Np B atleast you tried
A: thanks for that
NOOOOOOOO I would've got 25% discount! :mad::D
BF3 @ gamescon


MW3 @ gamescon

No, they didn't. yet another thread where the "hurr me wants same game with better grafficxz" mentality crops up.

Well you obviously did not. All of my hardcore BF2 players I have gamed with for the last 6 years did.

BF2 map size and gameplay with BC2 graphics and a few tweaks.

Interesting to note the developers are listening as well. 3D spotting has been dropped. Commo rose back in. Same as BF2.
Well you obviously did not. All of my hardcore BF2 players I have gamed with for the last 6 years did.

BF2 map size and gameplay with BC2 graphics and a few tweaks.

Interesting to note the developers are listening as well. 3D spotting has been dropped. Commo rose back in. Same as BF2.

Oh theres a shocker, "hardcore" players afraid to try anything new and would prefer the exact same game with better graphics. Wonder why that would be exactly. Sorry, but if "hardcore" players had their way we would be stuck with games that tried nothing new for fear of the hardcore mob getting smacked off their little pedestal and having to learn new gameplay mechanics. Must be a real shock to the system not playing the same old crap and being on a level playing field with everyone else.

Its nearly 6 years after bf2 launched and some people would be happy with a "new" game but in reality its the old game with a few new skins and new maps, oh yeah sign me up, thats definately worth the wait.

The devs so far are listening for the comm rose being put back in, its not confirmed if 3d spotting has definately been taken out, at least not by dice.
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