Battlefield 3 thread - Server details in opening post -

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Oh theres a shocker, "hardcore" players afraid to try anything new and would prefer the exact same game with better graphics. Wonder why that would be exactly. Sorry, but if "hardcore" players had their way we would be stuck with games that tried nothing new for fear of the hardcore mob getting smacked off their little pedestal and having to learn new gameplay mechanics. Must be a real shock to the system not playing the same old crap and being on a level playing field with everyone else.

Its nearly 6 years after bf2 launched and some people would be happy with a "new" game but in reality its the old game with a few new skins and new maps, oh yeah sign me up, thats definately worth the wait.

Wow. Having a bad day?

I never said the exact same game. Read my post first and chill out.
Wow. Having a bad day?

I never said the exact same game. Read my post first and chill out.

EdGey: It's as if they have just taken BF2, updated the graphics and maps

PapaLazaru: Which is what everybody wanted.

Not having a bad day at all, im just getting increasingly bored with this mentality that people seemingly want sequels to be essentially the same but with better graphics. Yet somehow its ok to bash cod for being essentially the same crap year in year out.

A sequel is meant to improve on everything the original did and do it better, graphics, gameplay, audio, controls. BF2 did vehicle combat well, had good audio and control layout but the infantry combat was waay below par.
BF3 same as BF2? you having a laugh, BF3 has destruction, no commander, 4 man squads where everyone can spawn on each other, two factions compared to three in BF2, regen health/regen vehicle health, unlimited ammo for APC and whatever else. BF3 is no copy and paste of BF2, and I can live with that, I got me commrose, me happy bunny.
BF3 same as BF2? you having a laugh, BF3 has destruction, no commander, 4 man squads where everyone can spawn on each other, two factions compared to three in BF3, regen health/regen vehicle health, unlimited ammo for APC and whatever else. BF3 is no copy and paste of BF2, and I can live with that, I got me commrose, me happy bunny.

Who are you referring to? :confused:
Its nearly 6 years after bf2 launched and some people would be happy with a "new" game but in reality its the old game with a few new skins and new maps, oh yeah sign me up, thats definately worth the wait.

Mate, it isnt just a reskinned BF2, did you actually play the alpha??

Just because they are bringing back features like the commo rose, it does not make it the same game.

But having re-read it seems like that may not of been what you meant?

I think we are all in agreement here that BF3 seems to take the winning BF2 formula and ramps it up to the next level! Everything looks to be improved, especially infantry combat which, judging from the alpha, so so much better.

And you have additional features like destruction, weapon attachments, bullet physics and suppression.

I cannot wait!!!
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BF3 @ gamescon


MW3 @ gamescon


I lolled :D
Mate, it isnt just a reskinned BF2, did you actually play the alpha??

Just because they are bringing back features like the commo rose, it does not make it the same game.

Who said i said it was a reskinned bf2? Im saying if the "hardcore" players had their way thats all it would be as they hate change and seem to think they got slighted if their favoured weapon has changed one iota in the new game.
Oh there's a shocker, "hardcore" players afraid to try anything new and would prefer the exact same game with better graphics. Wonder why that would be exactly. Sorry, but if "hardcore" players had their way we would be stuck with games that tried nothing new for fear of the hardcore mob getting smacked off their little pedestal and having to learn new gameplay mechanics. Must be a real shock to the system not playing the same old crap and being on a level playing field with everyone else.

Its nearly 6 years after bf2 launched and some people would be happy with a "new" game but in reality its the old game with a few new skins and new maps, oh yeah sign me up, that's definitely worth the wait.

Agreed, if I want to play BF2 - I'll go play BF2.

BF3 is looking awesomely different.
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