Battlefield 3 thread - Server details in opening post -

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Rumours has it you can make another EA account and set your bday as tomorrow, you can get % off code for knows having fun with chat up lines on the online support for it :)
For those who cut their teeth on the Bad Company series, the sheer scale will be a little intimidating at first. The Conquest demo playable at Gamescom takes place on the lush and verdant Caspian Border multiplayer map. It’s a map that features forested hillsides, long stretches of dirt roads, and a handful of outposts that house the five capture points which serve as the focal points of Conquest mode.

Down on the ground, we had a blast trying out all the different vehicles, from the jeeps to the M1 Abrams tank. Given the sheer size of the map, vehicles are practically required if you want to get anywhere. We wound up preferring the tank, because like in the Bad Company series destruction plays a massive strategic role in Battlefield 3. Being able to blow open the wall of an enemy-held building is critical to capturing crates, and the tank cannon certainly does a good job of that.

Given how much time we spent up in the sky, we didn’t get a chance to try out all the new classes down on the ground, but we did take a few stabs at the long-ranged recon, or sniper, class. Why this class? Dominating the skyline of this map is a humongous radio tower looming like a red-and-white-striped beacon for all would-be snipers. We couldn’t resist the temptation, so we spawned in as a recon and made a beeline straight for the thing. Inside was a ladder that took us a solid 30 to 45 seconds to scale, but at the top was a dream of a sniper perch that let us see almost the entire map.

Trying to pick off enemies was a genuine challenge given the generous levels of weapon sway DICE has added to the sniper rifles and the fact that your scope now appears to glint and shimmer in the sunlight as a heads-up for enemy players. Still, we managed to get a few solid kills in before we were taken out by skilled tank driver below. Like previous Battlefield games, physics are a huge obstacle to sniping. You have to be quick on your toes to compensate for bullet drop while also making sure to lead any running enemies.

That tower is mine.

More of the preview here;;title;1
we tried something new it was called bc2 and it was utter ****.

its nothing to do with learning, bc2 showed just how much was missing from what people loved about bf2 and they are understandably putting it all back in - why? because its what made battlefield games since 1942.

All my friends are jumping on this game - these are friends that i used to play bf2 at uni with till 3am , and they haven't gamed on a pc since, and now their actively looking at getting a pc again just so we can all tag up again like old times, they didnt even blink at bc2!

people want the old style back , its been sorely missed - and it seems DICE have really listened to that and implemented as much as they can.

The bad company series was always an offshoot from the main series, designed with consoles in mind more so than pc and it was reflected in the gameplay. The one constant BF games had up untill bc2 was the infantry combat always felt lacking compared to the vehicle combat, bc2 for the most part did a good job of implementing infantry combat and its a combination of that and some elements from moh which have made it into BF3. BF3 is bringing back the old style in terms of vehicles and maps, but thankfully theyve moved away from the farsical infantry combat of BF2, and implemented a combat system for infantry that doesn't feel like it was an afterthought.

Its got nothing to do with being 'HARDCORE' ffs

Funny that as its always the "hardcore" players of games that are the first to start to moan when they hear this or that has been changed, just have to look at what happened with TF2 being a totally different kind of game and the whining that went along with that.
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Release day will no doubt see Blaze on its knees, no one will be able to log in, servers will crash like mad, the forums will explode. 10 points to the first person that posts "Dear god Dice have you learned NOTHING ?".

BF release days are a thing of wonder.
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