Battlefield 4 - Performance FIXES Thread (Good or Bad)

Running fine on Ultra with MSAA 4x and the resolution slider at 100. 40 FPS is my min.

-GTX 660 OC.
-i5 3570k @ 4.4GHz.
-Windows 8.
-1600x900 resolution (20" Monitor).
9550 @ 4GHz
8GB ram
Win 7

Well it runs.... just. Its not really playable.

Usually around 33 fps but feels like sub 20 everything on low or off. Hits 48 at best and down to low single figures.

Changing res. makes no difference so safe to say some improvements still to come. Going to do a driver uninstall and check other settings. Just needs to run like bf3 and i'll be happy.
From what i've seen here and on other forums, Windows 8 users aren't having many problems.

It's Windows 7 and below that has slower than expected performance.

Mine is running fine and I have a 1GB 6870! Mostly high settings, 1080p, 90FOV but no anti-aliasing.
i7 3610QM - boosts to a little over 3GHz when in BF4
GTX675m - clocked to roughly desktop 570 performance
Windows 7

Using 331.40 Beta drivers.

Low settings its mostly around 45fps and smooth enough - even on a 64 man server doesn't really drop below ~33fps stutters now and again but mostly smooth enough it doesn't bother me. (If I disable HT it drops to single digit figures quite a lot so seems CPU performance is more of a bottleneck when you don't have a CPU that can handle 8 threads than anything else.)

Ultra settings - 20-30fps feels choppy quite a lot but then this GPU isn't really upto that.

When I was experimenting last night I could drop the CPU clocks to as little as 1.2GHz with hardly any performance loss when running with HT on (8 threads) but with HT disabled (4 cores only) even with the CPU boosted up to 4GHz it was just a stuttery mess. I get the feeling its been optimised to run over 8 cores for the sake of it even when it doesn't need to be.
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Asus p8-z68 board

16gb hyper x ram

I7 2700k @ 4.8ghz

2 x msi twin frozr gtx 580

Mostly ultra settings with a few things knocked down here and there to high or medium. 70-80 average with drops to 60. No issues at all with the exception of a minor stutter which persists every 10 secs or so.

Edited to say 331.40
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After reading some of the comments I'm a bit worried how it will run on my system as I still have a HD5770 :eek:
Downloaded BF4 BETA last night so will hopefully give it a go tonight.
i5 3570K @4.5
680 WF @ stock
1920 x 1080
Win 7
331.40 drivers
Ultra presets

Had a few games on 64 player conquest last night, it was ok but the frame rate was very choppy, not totally unplayable though. I also a couple of games on the 32 man domination games, that made quite a lot of difference as the game felt a lot smother.

I did find that if I dropped the setting down to low the frame rate didn't improve by very much but I did get a few unstable OC related game crashes.
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absolutely no issues at all with the spec in rig running win 7 ultimate, bit of latency issues but no FPS/graphical problems that i noticed.

Using latest offical drivers @ 1920*1080 mixture of ultras and highs which was the auto setting, only difference i made was to disable VSync in Cpanel.

The game does have a distinct vaseline-o-vision
[email protected]
16gb DDR3 @1600MHz
2x680 evga SC

running @ 1080p with everything cranked up to the max and 4xaa (forgot to turn that and on the whole it's pretty smooth.

to do this i did install the nvidia beta drivers and also got a tip to close battlelog/chrome once the game has loaded.

prior to this i was getting ridiculous frame dropping/stuttering/grinding to a halt/lag

I still get these issues but they are more isolated cases now. think server lag has quite a bit to play.... and bringing down the skyscraper doesn't help things either haha ;)

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Slight update to the below :)

Intel i7 3770k @ 4.3Ghz
HD7990 Latest Beta
16GB Ram
Windows 8 64 bit.
Settings, ULTRA, MSAA 4X 1080p

3mins benched using fraps at above...

Frames: 16647 - Time: 180000ms

Avg: 92.483 - Min: 62 - Max: 155

Pretty damn happy with my Min of 62fps indeed :)
i5 3570K @ 4.4Ghz
2x7950 CF running stock OC 13.10 beta drivers
Windows 7
128GB Samsung 830 SSD

The performance was LOLsage worthy. Stuttering all over the place, barely sustaining 40fps, going as high as 60 but even that was ridonkulas (even on low).

I disabled one of the cards and got a much better 70fps and bar the jerking issues etc that I think is just the game rather than card it's running not bad so far.

On BF3 that set up with both cards is typically a steady 100frames + on all ultra settings max AA etc 1920x1200 and rarely if ever dips below 60 in demanding situations. Plenty optimising to come I should think

It seems that it has really something to do with Window 7 vs Windows 8 !

all of my friends are playing it on Windows 8 flaweless, now i have Win 7 64 bit Enterprise installed and it's lagging as hell !

Seems i'm not the only one to spot this ^
I updated to latest beta drivers and updated Punkbuster and it is running smoother than a poo sandwich :)

it is VERY pretty now! and very playable :)

Thanks guys
Has anyone tried the amd beta drivers? :D

Just tried bf4 and it doesn't seem too bad on my system (HD5770 @ 1080p)
FPS was dropping to 30 when I was on roof looking down on action

Bit lower than bf3 but still seemed playable :)
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