Battlefield 4 Thread ~ Server details in opening post ~


BATTLEFIELD 4 is SUPER SUPER smooth on Windows 8, Ive just tested it myself and it's like a completely new game.

Windows 7 IS the cause.

Oh and I have Windows 8 looking like Windows 7 with Start Button :D

Really? I wouldn't have thought that would have been the case.
I don't understand all the performance issues, I'm using a 680 and 3770k @ 4.8 and getting a steady 60fps at 2560x1440 everything on ultra. (windows 8). Actually running better than BF3.
majority is people not doing simple things like being asked to update pb or graphics drivers or playing at realistic settings.

neil will have problems with any fps game ever made for eg :p
It does seem to be Windows 7 user that are reporting the most issues...but more people would have Windows 7.

Windows 8 here...and while I've had some issues with W8, BF4 performs well enough for a beta to know that on release and with a bit of work from nvidia I am in no need to update my 680 sli rig for another couple of years :-)

My W8 issues have ranged from BSOD after being left on for a 8+ hours...something to do with intel storage enterprise drivers, and explorer.exe crashing on me when the charm bar is activated.

I tried 8.1 and the machine died on me and went into an endless repair loop.

I know my machine and drivers are typically sound, as Windows 7 was rock solid.
Managed to watch FPS while playing on a 64 player server.

Auto settings which is a mixture of Ultra and High on the following laptop setup

4700MQ at 3.4GHz
780m GTX overclocked plus beta drivers and 1080p


On medium settings it's 70-90fps

BATTLEFIELD 4 is SUPER SUPER smooth on Windows 8, Ive just tested it myself and it's like a completely new game.

Windows 7 IS the cause.

Oh and I have Windows 8 looking like Windows 7 with Start Button :D

That's it now, I have to buy Win8. ;)
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So it's legit? And Origin let me download from their site?

Guess I will by it then as its £54 for the whole lot.

From reviews and what i've read, simplycdkeys is a legit website, and loads of places are using simplycdkeys to purchase BF4 because of that deal, i've purchased it from there myself.
Christ almighty people, it is a BETA! :D :p

I put money on it that the game will run just fine on medium rigs and windows 7.

Also, supposedly the DICE EA test servers are much better.......
Finally had a play,

GPU: GTX 570
CPU: 2500K @ 4.6
Ram: 8gb

Overall performance is below average, it's playable but not competitively. I can still rank high as well it's me ;)

Anyhow...seems to be alright, haven't seen many bugs, overall impressed over BF3 Beta.

I'm thinking it might be upgrade time, if I was to get a GTX 770, would my CPU Bottleneck?

Peeps with ultra fast broadband always like rub it in:( and yes I am jealous:D Sitting here with 2.5mb with a hope my exchange gets upgraded next year.

Don't worry, it only took me about 10 hours to download it with the same speed :)
If I had a faster upload speed than 100KB/s I would upload it to my 1gbit/s fileserver for you guys who can't preload it for the 4th. But I dont.
Christ almighty people, it is a BETA! :D :p

Which comes out next month, do you not think they not already manufacturing the game to disk right now for shipping all around the world?

Or do you think they have some Star Trek magical machine that creates the game out of thin air in a matter of seconds.

This is BETA for sure, but for all general purpose, this is the release version in my eyes and this open testing is just for the next updates/patches to come.
It is an old build, the version that lvl cap was playing as well as the footage they have been showing in their videos on youtube is a far newer build by the looks of it, either that or they are false advertising like most of the other game companies out there........

It was the same for the beta of BF 3 (also an older version than what they had at the time), tons of problems, proper textures not implemented, changing settings not doing anything, poor performance for majority of users and it was like a month before release too, come the final game, most things were fixed/improved (iirc there was a day one patch)

Yes DICE/EA are terrible and well known for shoddy launches but they will get the problems sorted before then or within a few weeks of release, do you really think they are going to hamper performance for window 7 users (i.e. like 70-80% of PC gamers probably) just in order to get them to upgrade to windows 8? Do you really think they are going to make the performance terrible for good rigs in order to get people to go out and splash another £200-600 on their PC?

The main reason for the beta is server testing.

If the final game doesn't run/work well, the majority of people aren't going to bother with the game, therefore it will only affect DICE/EA in the long run, not just their profit but also their image and future game sales.


Also, remember what the crysis 3 beta was like compared to the final game?
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I thought it might be SLI causing the stuttering but disabling it made no difference.
It is an old build. Damage is not even in the game yet- fire a 320 at a car and it doesn't blow up, sides of buildings don't blow up, etc.
Just trolled the hell out of a server, placing c4 and legging it for them to follow me, then boom.

Never laughed so hard.
Well, i'm damn peeved with this release.

Yes, its a BETA. The devs are looking at bugs, net code etc, i get that.

The radio silence is whats getting me. How many people are there who cant play the game? Lots. For me, my rig should cope with it just fine but does it? no.

My CPU goes to 100% loading the damn beta, 3-5fps on the load screen and maybe push 6 if i can load in. Its totally unplayable!

Ive put beta drivers on from AMD.
Ive manually updated punkbuster.

Cant see any other possible help suggestions. Any thoughts from those with similar rigs?

No flaming please or accusations of crying etc, its not helpful! :)
Have you overclocked your CPU? It is really cpu intensive and you should be able to get 4.7ghz easily out of it, upto 5ghz on air with some voltage and memory tweaks.
Yes, its at 4Ghz at the moment.

cpu goes to 100% on the load screen. Latest try I got in game and got a grand total of 2fps. Its just crazy!
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