Battlefield 4 Thread ~ Server details in opening post ~

got downloading from work (11 mins left on this boss connection), how would I transfer this from my works computer to home?
I hope they gave the sniper C4 in the principle that they wouldn't feel the need to camp on the rooftops etc but alas it doesn't appear to have worked.

That said, spawning on your squad on a rooftop and jumping onto the top of a tank with C4 is pretty satisfying. Map reminds me of Seine Crossing but with the added benefit of being able to blow up tanks in more ways.

It will work. The only scope for the sniper at the moment is Iron Sights, and zooms. As soon as you can get an Acog or PK-A (both are in the full game) and HC is enabled, there will be lots of CQB Snipers.

Most of the people I have encountered on roofs have been spamming M320's as per usual.

got to admit, i do like it.

my wife was looking at a new house she wanted and the first thing i did was check it was in a fibre area. haha.

it wasnt and the conclusion is where not moving.


horrible thing is im at work, remotely logged in to download it. as soon as i get in from work i will be going out and wont actually get to play until around 9-10pm :(

Haha I done the same thing. Gotta get that super speed! :)
It took me 10 hours to download it... it took a friend of mine much less in Holland, he has 1gbit leased line!
Let me have your comments on hit damage when you get a chance. Definately feels like to many hits to kill for me.

Also there is a 13.10 beta 2 driver for cross fire and other improvements.

Will do, probably get my ass handed to me non stop for like 3-5 rounds though :p :o

Of course this is assuming that the game will even run well for me :p



IIRC for the crysis 3 beta, it showed that I was getting 9MB!?! :eek:
It will work. The only scope for the sniper at the moment is Iron Sights, and zooms. As soon as you can get an Acog or PK-A (both are in the full game) and HC is enabled, there will be lots of CQB Snipers.

Most of the people I have encountered on roofs have been spamming M320's as per usual.

Well I'm all for snipers becoming team players that have a truely positive effect to their team and the global objective.
It will work. The only scope for the sniper at the moment is Iron Sights, and zooms. As soon as you can get an Acog or PK-A (both are in the full game) and HC is enabled, there will be lots of CQB Snipers.

Most of the people I have encountered on roofs have been spamming M320's as per usual.

The recon class is now 10x more useful, partly due to one change. They can now carry carbines. I've been running round with the ak 5c, motion balls and c4, and you're easily as effective as an assault player (I hardly played recon in my 500 hours in BF3, probably around 15% time played, if that). That's a proper CQB recon (there is no SNIPER class in BF4 ;), it's RECON).

Now, whether the masses decide to use the new weapon class available to the recon and get off the rooftops is another matter. I doubt they will, because some people just want to sit on a rooftop and be the pro sniper who goes 5-1 and does nothing for their team. :rolleyes:
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