Battlefield 4 Thread ~ Server details in opening post ~

Like i said last page, update your punkbuster manually. It was happening yesterday for some and more of the servers have probably updated now.

It seems to have stopped the loading menu problem for a lot of people.
just tried it and wtf is this? worse graphics 50% less performance and felt sluggish like moh. bf 2.5 would buy it for a fiver only the amount they are charging is extortion.
sorry for being a retard, but i just got back home, turned on origin and where do i get to try to beta?

(i pre-ordered the normal edition with origin, i thought the beta is open for normal members today?)
Looking through the server browser and i'm only getting max 10 servers with people in them, surely they'd be more 'active' ones?
Well based on this beta, I am sold tbph :)

- gun damage system is perfect, slightly higher than bf 3 especially across long range
- nice amount of destruction
- looks great
- no stupid suppression system
- assault, support and engineer class all feel well balanced, didn't try recon out much but sniping definitely feels weird....
- VOIP = win! had some guy just spamming weird noises earlier too :p :o
- rpgs are stupidly good now, taken out a few helis with them
- liking the new vehicle system with regards to the ammo system, you really can't rape in the same way and have to prioritise who you take out first, when to move in etc. essentially more strategy involved
- helis are awesome, so cool flying them
- tanks don't seem to be quite as overpowered i.e. main shell doesn't have as much splash damage and the shell drops quite quickly
- found myself using some features like shutting the gates a fair bit
- people who work towards team stuff are rewarded a lot more now, no longer are the ones who have the most kills at the top but they are actually in the middle
- perfect hit reg.
- sounds awesome

Rooftop campers aren't as much as a problem as what I thought they would be, although perhaps they would be if they could actually aim :p :o

Game runs pretty well for me, there are bits of lag here and there and occasional slow downs but on the whole I am not having anywhere as bad of problems as what others are having

windows 7 64 bit
network smoothing factor of
i5 750 oc to 3.6GHZ
MSIO OC 7850 2gb using the latest stable drivers
aero mode enabled
1080P res.
medium settings with mesh set to ultra

A nice summary Nexus, for its the team oriented aspect of the game.
Will they let us play any other levels other than Siege of Shanghai? It's a very small map that gets boring fast!

It's getting a bit dull for me as well. As soon as that C tower comes down you just get loads of snipers camping out to defend it. There's rarely any close combat when I play conquest.
Get into a server and get the can't deploy bug, tried deploying at several different locations and nothing happens
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