Game alone comes with the first DLC, China Rising (4 maps).
Premium comes with 5 DLC's (not maps) which each contain 4 maps, making 20 maps in total. They will be released over the next year and a bit after the game releases. With premium you get 2 weeks early access to the DLC's. You also get other stuff with premium such as double-XP weekends and unique dog tags.
Simply put, the 5 DLC's:
China Rising
Second Assault
Naval Strike
Dragon's Teeth
Final Stand
Each of those contain 4 new maps as well as guns, vehicles and the lot.
With premium you are basically pre-purchasing all 5 DLC's, and in my opinion that deal posted above for BF4 with premium for £55 is amazing. The game alone is £30, plus £12 for each DLC if bought separately makes £90 in total; that's what makes it such a good deal.
Pre-ordering the base game will only include the first of the 5 DLC's, China Rising.
Hope this helps!
Very clear, thanks!
Few friends are trying to join but they're getting the freeze at loading screen / white screen when ALT Tab'ing... as far as I know at the moment there is no fix??
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