Battlefield 4 Thread ~ Server details in opening post ~

I hated it at first, but it's grown on me.

Bit annoyed at the tank and heli machine guns missing pretty much everyone you aim at unless you're right next to them, and even then...

Yes, the machine guns on the tanks seem pretty crap compared to BFBC2 and BF3.

I feel like face palming every time am trying to shoot some guy with it. :/
Try like 5-6 people all shooting their weapons and firing explosives into a lift, someone managed to survive all this until we realised someone was still alive in there!

Bunch of noobs :o


They wouldn't have been camping up there for much longer if I was in my attack heli! Go really low along the outside of the map and then sneak up behind them and BOOM! :D

Really hope DICE don't limited the mortar height/distance as I can't wait to use that to deal with people camping the roofs, saying that I'll probably avoid that map as the roof campers have become damn annoying, reminds me of markiz monolith in bf 3, as usual it is the players that ruin the game/maps :(


And don't forget people, if you have a friend on the enemy team, get him to plant c4 around the campers and then you shoot the c4 with a sniper rifle, makes for lots of rage posts in the chat box, someone did it earlier on today and you should have seen the posts :D
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Can anyone give me a few tips on what I'm doing wrong tactically here?

I presume I'm better sticking to the walls and peeking around corners (and aiming better)?

It might also be an idea for me not to try killing my team-mates in the lift (the orange over his head made me panic!) and shoot through shutters. :p

It's actually good watching this back as it shows how much I actually missed.
Can anyone give me a few tips on what I'm doing wrong tactically here?

I presume I'm better sticking to the walls and peeking around corners (and aiming better)?

It might also be an idea for me not to try killing my team-mates in the lift (the orange over his head made me panic!) and shoot through shutters. :p

It's actually good watching this back as it shows how much I actually missed.

The main thing that jumps out is lack of map awareness i.e. you don't seem to know where enemies "might" be and going routes you should never go by unless you know that your team are controlling the roof.

Aiming didn't seem too bad to me and you seemed to be able to control recoil and burst fire well enough but as always, well placed headshots will drop someone much quicker.

- use the bottom mini map, such a big advantage, if someone fires without a suppressed weapon they will show on the mini map, you missed out on quite a few easy kills and there was one camper at the very edge of the map, probably shooting people on the roof when they came to the edge
- go for the flags! When you see your blue A, B, or/and C flashing, that means someone is there, honestly you can come in the top 3 quite easily if you just cap and defend flags
- don't stay in the open and most certainly don't run along the side of the map where anyone on the roof could easily kill you, before going out, aim down the sight whilst scoping the roof area
- to take the roof back, you have 3 ways, elevator (usually someone guarding it or/and with c4 lying there), 1 ladder at the side of the sign where the elevator is (can get up via the glass/metal bar ramp way and 1 ladder at the other side where the other glass/bar ramp is brought down
- aim down sights when going around corners and as you said, try to stick to walls/cover and only peek out as much as what you need to, why give your enemy more to shoot at? And if you think someone might be around the corner, scope around whilst checking the area
- remember to hit q a fair bit as it will show where enemies are, even if you don't physically see someone
- if someone is camping around a corner and he sees you plus fires at you, don't peek from the same corner, go to another place or flank them i.e. the noob at the corner of B lying down that you tried to noobtube :p, if that were me, I would probably have gone around to the right through A or run past the crates and go to the blown up truck (only that option if your team had the roof though.....)
- you don't really need to aim down the sight when someone is very close to you, should get the kill by just hip firing

Yeah, cheers for that. I have been completely neglecting the mini map. Things are pretty hectic in domination so I'm likely dead by the time I've glanced at the mini map.

Will give it another go tomorrow.

I'm actually really enjoying this beta despite the flaws.
The main thing that jumps out is lack of map awareness i.e. you don't seem to know where enemies "might" be and going routes you should never go by unless you know that your team are controlling the roof.

Aiming didn't seem too bad to me and you seemed to be able to control recoil and burst fire well enough but as always, well placed headshots will drop someone much quicker.

- use the bottom mini map, such a big advantage, if someone fires without a suppressed weapon they will show on the mini map, you missed out on quite a few easy kills and there was one camper at the very edge of the map, probably shooting people on the roof when they came to the edge
- go for the flags! When you see your blue A, B, or/and C flashing, that means someone is there, honestly you can come in the top 3 quite easily if you just cap and defend flags
- don't stay in the open and most certainly don't run along the side of the map where anyone on the roof could easily kill you, before going out, aim down the sight whilst scoping the roof area
- to take the roof back, you have 3 ways, elevator (usually someone guarding it or/and with c4 lying there), 1 ladder at the side of the sign where the elevator is (can get up via the glass/metal bar ramp way and 1 ladder at the other side where the other glass/bar ramp is brought down
- aim down sights when going around corners and as you said, try to stick to walls/cover and only peek out as much as what you need to, why give your enemy more to shoot at? And if you think someone might be around the corner, scope around whilst checking the area
- remember to hit q a fair bit as it will show where enemies are, even if you don't physically see someone
- if someone is camping around a corner and he sees you plus fires at you, don't peek from the same corner, go to another place or flank them i.e. the noob at the corner of B lying down that you tried to noobtube :p, if that were me, I would probably have gone around to the right through A or run past the crates and go to the blown up truck (only that option if your team had the roof though.....)
- you don't really need to aim down the sight when someone is very close to you, should get the kill by just hip firing

Rather annoyingly the ladders are only there to get onto the roof in Domination mode. In Conquest the only way up is the Elevator.
Can anyone give me a few tips on what I'm doing wrong tactically here?

I presume I'm better sticking to the walls and peeking around corners (and aiming better)?

It might also be an idea for me not to try killing my team-mates in the lift (the orange over his head made me panic!) and shoot through shutters. :p

It's actually good watching this back as it shows how much I actually missed.

The main thing that jumps out is lack of map awareness i.e. you don't seem to know where enemies "might" be and going routes you should never go by unless you know that your team are controlling the roof.

Aiming didn't seem too bad to me and you seemed to be able to control recoil and burst fire well enough but as always, well placed headshots will drop someone much quicker.

- use the bottom mini map, such a big advantage, if someone fires without a suppressed weapon they will show on the mini map, you missed out on quite a few easy kills and there was one camper at the very edge of the map, probably shooting people on the roof when they came to the edge
- go for the flags! When you see your blue A, B, or/and C flashing, that means someone is there, honestly you can come in the top 3 quite easily if you just cap and defend flags
- don't stay in the open and most certainly don't run along the side of the map where anyone on the roof could easily kill you, before going out, aim down the sight whilst scoping the roof area
- to take the roof back, you have 3 ways, elevator (usually someone guarding it or/and with c4 lying there), 1 ladder at the side of the sign where the elevator is (can get up via the glass/metal bar ramp way and 1 ladder at the other side where the other glass/bar ramp is brought down
- aim down sights when going around corners and as you said, try to stick to walls/cover and only peek out as much as what you need to, why give your enemy more to shoot at? And if you think someone might be around the corner, scope around whilst checking the area
- remember to hit q a fair bit as it will show where enemies are, even if you don't physically see someone
- if someone is camping around a corner and he sees you plus fires at you, don't peek from the same corner, go to another place or flank them i.e. the noob at the corner of B lying down that you tried to noobtube :p, if that were me, I would probably have gone around to the right through A or run past the crates and go to the blown up truck (only that option if your team had the roof though.....)
- you don't really need to aim down the sight when someone is very close to you, should get the kill by just hip firing

To add to that, overall it seemed like you were out for a casual sunday stroll around the shops, not in the middle of a warzone. :D

When you turn a corner, or when you're entering a new area, you should always be looking for enemies, and for most players than means peeking corners, killing an enemy, then going back into cover, and repeating until the area is clear and you're onto the next area. It's me too, but if I'm not ADS peeking an area and sprinting. You'd be surprised at how easy it is to win gunfights by hipfiring and strafing while hipfiring if you meet someone coming the other way suddenly. Basically, sprint between cover/in open areas, a running target is much harder to hit. Then peek the next wall/cover before clearing to area. I (and some other players I play with) do a "ADADADA" thing when peeking or actually all the time. I'm always moving, I'll peek out, then back in, then back out, and even when I'm standing still I'm not standing still. :D

This is my style of play (BF3, but it's the same for BF4) the metro bit at the start is most similar to domination. And yes, I'm using the M16 :D This was recorded ages ago.
at 1:45 there's a good example of peeking, taking some shots (into a dead body, but hey!) and returning to cover. Rinse and repeat. On the 3rd peek, there's someone there and I get a kill.

When you took the rpg/grenade to the face outside the C flag, which takes you down to 21% health, you just stand there, and inevitably get killed. The very moment you get hit like that, or get some bullets into you, run back round into cover (if you're peeking, you should have cover right next to you ;)), drop a med pack, heal up, then peek the area again.

This is peeking, nothings changed since BF3 with this.

As nexus has said, map awareness is a huge thing. If a flag has just been taken, then there WILL be enmies coming from that flag to the next flag. Check the minimap for triangles and you'll have the upper hand. It's easy once you learn to check the minimap every 3 or 4 seconds to be pre-firing at a guy round a corner because you already know he's coming.

Also, don't just deploy in the random deploy, look at what your squad is doing, and spawn on them if it's good.

Be aware though that domination is much much faster paced than regular battlefield, probably a little too fast paced for someone trying to get their skill level up. Good players with fast twitch reflexes and who can read the map/enemies will prey upon slower players who wander out into the open after getting a kill, while reloading.
I seem to spend most of my time bouncing off knee high scenery, aim being nudged by scenery/random event ingame/clumsy game mechanic, burst firing is a waste of time as you can't put enough damage down in a concentrated fashion with it over just spray and praying with a vague degree of control. Headshots too unreliable to be worth the effort, likewise a lot of times putting dozens of bullets on target with very little registry.

Meanwhile half the game mechanics feel alien and clunky and its almost as inaccessible as eve online for working out what does what - especially in terms of upgrades, unlocks, extended squad features and so on (and thats coming from someone whos been playing FPS games since ~1995).

Seriously why am I playing this over pretty much any flavor of COD even the poor ones like black ops? I mean at times when that doesn't get in the way I do enjoy it but the back of my mind is just constantly reminding me how much more fun COD is at the same thing in terms of infantry combat (minus vehicles and not quite as pretty graphics).
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Can someone please explain how to do this mexican proxy thing, I have tried but dont understand it.

Google it.

- But essentially you download OpenVPN.
- The host you bought the VPN from will give you some files to open in OpenVPN, or at least the settings to do it your self.
- Go to, it will redirect you to where the IP is based, IE Mexico.
- Change the language in the URL to en_GB.
- Order the items, pay by credit card.

The supplier I used offer a trial for 2 days for about $2, but it's not working any more, too many orders from the same IP I guess.

You can also use a proxy in your browser under the connection settings, but I doubt it will work.
The main thing that jumps out is lack of map awareness i.e. you don't seem to know where enemies "might" be and going routes you should never go by unless you know that your team are controlling the roof.

Yea map awareness, what flags are taken, did the heli just drop people,
did we clear the flag and corners and always move, never stand still.
What are the enemy going to do next? and find a good solid squad.
Teamspeak or mumble also helps when playing with friends.

We won a round yesterday with 28 points and I was spawning on group in different location all the time and was on the move constantly. BF4 has a faster gameplay than Bf3 and if the team has too many campers and not taking flags be ready to have your ass served a lot.
Been playing it a few days now and have to say I'm enjoying it. I'm not one for worrying too much about hitregs and wether things are Op or not etc
I'm getting a few server crashes and I cant play it every day from about 3-6pm for some reason but im a patient man so not too bothered

I just like to have a good shoot em up with some element of strategy thrown in. working as a squad to overcome the problems put in front of you is all I ask. Not bothered about k/d or how uber elite peeps think my stats are (or usually arent). I dont mind the sniper camping , in fact I like the way the height is used , for spawning and chuting into flags etc.

Enjoying the tanks having to be careful with rounds and it seems easier to take them out as there seems to be plenty of engys around and the rpgs are excellent to control.

One question though is about ammo/rpg resupply , I dont seem to be able to get anymore rpgs once im out , do they only supply from the upgraded box rather than the little packs ?

origin id is : dodg3rman for anyone who wants a hard working squad mate who will die plenty to help the team :D
One question though is about ammo/rpg resupply , I dont seem to be able to get anymore rpgs once im out , do they only supply from the upgraded box rather than the little packs ?

Yup, the little ammo packs resupply bullets for your main gun only, they dont do do m320, rpg, c4 etc you need to play with someone who has unlocked the ammo box for that.
I found the BF3 Beta was very demanding, but still ran like you would expect a normal game to, once settings were adjusted. The difference between that beta and this one IMO are miles and miles apart.

Following on from previous comments, I downgraded my Nvidia Drivers to 320.18 and the experience is drastically improved on all fronts. I actually feel like I can play the game without it turning into a lag-fest every few moments giving me time to appreciate the actual gameplay.
Well I've decided to upgrade from the digital deluxe to premium on the basis of what I've seen so far. I'm enjoying conquest a lot.
Yea map awareness, what flags are taken, did the heli just drop people,
did we clear the flag and corners and always move, never stand still.
What are the enemy going to do next? and find a good solid squad.
Teamspeak or mumble also helps when playing with friends.

We won a round yesterday with 28 points and I was spawning on group in different location all the time and was on the move constantly. BF4 has a faster gameplay than Bf3 and if the team has too many campers and not taking flags be ready to have your ass served a lot.

I hear what you are saying - perhaps BF4 is a bit too complex for me

don't get me wrong I really enjoy Battlefield - but in games I play its very rare to get to genuine defend and attack points (pinch points). As someone will nearly always get behind you - by jumping off a helicopter etc etc -not very much like real-life

vs something like Americas Army I was playing yesterday - and while the maps are much simpler - they are really often fun as in when defending - you're really defending, and when attacking it feels difficult.

if that makes any sense
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