Battlefield 4 Thread ~ Server details in opening post ~

SPM ? What does it matter ? The object of gaming is to have fun and occasionally get those epic moments you bore your mates about. I'm happy sitting in the scout repping or jumping out and repping a tank. Making that one back flag defend when the rest of the team are all at the front line. Taking out a heli with your rpg. Outfoxing a tank and taking him down while he goes mad etc etc

What the heck does your spm matter other than to boost your e-peen. Get out there and play with us lot on the forums in your squad and have a blast
I don't think you read it properly. We're talking about camping snipers, not snipers that play on the offensive, capturing flags, using motion mines and also c4 on vehicles etc, basically snipers that contribute to the team.

I was on Zavod 311, and 4 snipers were not far from their base on a hill, trying to pick off my team coming out of our base and B flag.

The class has so much utility now, even the ability to equip two different ranged scopes, so there isn't any reason why you would sit on a hill sniping.
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one epic moment yesterday i wish id frapsd it :(

bomb dropped i went grabbed it a guy (random ) swooped down in little bird picked me up whole other team hot on our tracks helis the whole force :D

he swoops down sideways i hop out plant he flys around covering i on floor hiding taking down all on foot tanks allsorts firing at us we do it and then instead of the usual nab just flying off he flies in just missing everything i jump in and we fly away :cool:

thats what i wanted in bf and that is why im loving this :)

That sounds like a proper battlefield moment. I had one last night in Paracel Storm in the gun boat.

The storm was raging and the boat was hitting into the waves and submerging and popping up from the huge swells then I see 2 enemy gun boats and a rhib flanking me left and right, I start banging out multi burst cannon on the first gun boat followed by a tv guided misssle boom 1st boat gets it, the rhib is firing and advancing and the other gun boat is attacking me, all the while the boat is in on and going under waves.

Next I get a cannon volley off at the rhib as the waves smash into the boat, the rhib is hit but not taken out. The Rhib pilot tries to come in close so I turn and ram his boat and it blows up!!! Miraculously my love boat is still in one piece and the final challege is taking out the last gun boat, at this stage i'm walking wounded so fire off a volley of burst cannon again, enemy does the same my health is dropping and I know its curtains then hear a click my tv missile has recharged.

Whoosh I fire off the missile and boom....Then a fraction of a second later boom my boats is blown to kingdom come...He had the same idea.

So unfortunately this is a diary entry as I died on the battlefield...:)
it's all about the e-peen!!!!!! :p

but they SERIOUSLY need to sort out this hit reg/delay whatever the **** it it that allows me to run around a corner only to be hit by bullets that were clearly not in line of sight.... getting a bit retarded now :(

still....loving the game :D really enjoying the little bird....and super OP boats xD
My reaction rate is pretty good, and so is my aim. My problem is that in some of the maps I find my self running around and capping flags but not doing anything else, not finding many opponents etc. I am level 25 and have already captured around 270 flags.

What is your SPM for reference guys?

No idea what mine is( most likely lower than you) and I don't really care,only thing I care about is getting up upgrades.
oh yea.... is the commander app for android/apple released yet? I powered through the other night just to get to lvl 10 so i could be commander in bed on the ipad....but i tried to join via the battlelog app and it says commander app not installed.... but I can't see it on the stores? :( am I just being blind or is it a delayed release and any ETA on it? :D
I can live with the crashes for now, it's the memory leaks I hate at the moment, they happen after 3-5 games. My non-paged pool ends up being 6GB+ after closing the game. I have to restart my PC to clear it. :(
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As a sniper it really annoys me that everyone moans about them. In BF3 I was rocking the M98B with a RDS and I was regularly top of the team as I was capturing points, spotting etc. Half the time I couldn't use my sniper rifle due to there being a pathetic sniper limit in place - seriously, why? It's my game I will use what gun I want to and how I want to.
Just because most players were too useless to handle the fact I was out gunning them with a bolt action rifle when they had M16s I get penalised. Sure if the whole team is sat with sniper rifles then it becomes silly but I RARELY ever see that, usually perhaps 3 or 4 but out of 40+ players it's not exactly an issue!

Rant over!

I am one of those noobs that uses the M16A3 and is often killed by you. I would usually want about "being useless to the team" etc etc but BF4 has given me an appreciation for sniping. I have actually ranked up my Sniper class as much as my Engineer class. Also on normal mode, one does have to aim for the head as even my SRR seems to do only 80 damage to the chest. Hardcore mode is a different story.

So enjoy your sniping and hopefully see you soon...
Really enjoyed my rounds last night running mostly with Nexus and Allnamestaken. Nice having spawn choices of Nexus tank or Allnames scout heli. Just bring your rep tool and enjoy the ride and rack up them points.

poor Nexus got banned for being to good. We gave the badmins some choice words but hey they arent going to listen are they. Was a long round and really close , coming down to the end about 100 each and Nexus disappears from the top of the leaderboard , thought he'd crashed.

Still trying to avoid 64 player though as I still crash when i go anywhere near them. The rest are running really good and stable , unparked my cores early yesterday and it has defo improved things and i've put a max of 120fps on but i'm not sure if this helps or not just seemed like a good idea.

Yeah they were excellent matches and probably the best I have had in this game yet, rounds were pretty damn close.

Still annoyed about that too! :o :(

Couldn't really care less about the points etc. I had, more the fact that I was really into that round and absolutely loving it, which is very rare on the zavod map.

I have 420 SPM, am I terrible at this game? :(



On a more serious note, exactly this:

SPM doesn't mean much. You can play domination or TDM all day and boost your SPM. or you play Obliberation on a huge map with less than 48 players and it'll be incredibly low or be a crappy noob sniper who sits at the back all day doing **** all

SPM ? What does it matter ? The object of gaming is to have fun and occasionally get those epic moments you bore your mates about. I'm happy sitting in the scout repping or jumping out and repping a tank. Making that one back flag defend when the rest of the team are all at the front line. Taking out a heli with your rpg. Outfoxing a tank and taking him down while he goes mad etc etc

What the heck does your spm matter other than to boost your e-peen. Get out there and play with us lot on the forums in your squad and have a blast

All the stats are pretty damn pointless imo and none of them really indicate a "good" BF player, too many factors/variables that affect them
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As a sniper it really annoys me that everyone moans about them. In BF3 I was rocking the M98B with a RDS and I was regularly top of the team as I was capturing points, spotting etc. Half the time I couldn't use my sniper rifle due to there being a pathetic sniper limit in place - seriously, why? It's my game I will use what gun I want to and how I want to.
Just because most players were too useless to handle the fact I was out gunning them with a bolt action rifle when they had M16s I get penalised. Sure if the whole team is sat with sniper rifles then it becomes silly but I RARELY ever see that, usually perhaps 3 or 4 but out of 40+ players it's not exactly an issue!

Rant over!

It's like EA bashing, people just think it's the done thing to moan about snipers and everyone jumps on the bandwagon.

It's like BF3 where everyone and their dog used the M16a3 because it was uber easy, however, running around with my M40a5 + RDS capping flags was alien to most because it took more skill.

Play the game how you want, do what you enjoy that's what it's all about. The only problem with sniping from range is you can get to the corpse and do the 'dip' in time :p
It's like EA bashing, people just think it's the done thing to moan about snipers and everyone jumps on the bandwagon.

It's like BF3 where everyone and their dog used the M16a3 because it was uber easy, however, running around with my M40a5 + RDS capping flags was alien to most because it took more skill.

Play the game how you want, do what you enjoy that's what it's all about. The only problem with sniping from range is you can get to the corpse and do the 'dip' in time :p

Its not the same as EA bashing...

EA are not fellow BF4 players or combatants, they are thiving corrupt swines, so fall into their own category

Snipers that camp and dont cap are the single most annoying factor of the game..FULL STOP..with the except of the crashes of course.

I relish planting c4 on snipers and blowing the feeckers out of the map.

Snipers reminds me of Billy no mates, only out for himself and his k/d not playing the objective, not supporting his squad or team. (There are exceptions of course)..
It's like EA bashing, people just think it's the done thing to moan about snipers and everyone jumps on the bandwagon.

It's like BF3 where everyone and their dog used the M16a3 because it was uber easy, however, running around with my M40a5 + RDS capping flags was alien to most because it took more skill.

Play the game how you want, do what you enjoy that's what it's all about. The only problem with sniping from range is you can get to the corpse and do the 'dip' in time :p

You have no problem with 10 + of your team sniping not really contributing to the team effort? People don't have a problem with recon par say as long as they are actually contributing to capturing flags etc or if there are only a few sniping. In regards to "play how you wan to" yes you should, but not up till ruing other people's fun because "Its my game I play how you want to".
It's like BF3 where everyone and their dog used the M16a3 because it was uber easy, however, running around with my M40a5 + RDS capping flags was alien to most because it took more skill.

hehe yea I got annoyed that everyone jumped on the m16a3 bandwagon so i swapped to using the g3a3... shame it's not in bf4 :( (yet maybe? :D ) or normal mode in CQB it was at a dis advantage with its slower rate of fire, but on HC and at some range, a few single clicks and people be dropping....not to mention it sounds beast in comparison ;)
I'm loosing the will with this :(

Got BF4 at the w/e, installed, downloaded the huge update and launched full screen (first time). Got option to hit enter, but nothing happens. I can see what looks like the windows mouse cursor which i can move about but can't click anything.

I've an old HD 4890 and got drivers warning when starting the game. So far i've updated to Catalyst 13.1 which seems to be the latest driver available for my card and still get the warning. But after having to kill the game from the BattleLog page when it next launches it is in a window rather than full screen.

Any chance anyone else has had this prob? :(

I had similar when running the Beta on my 4870, running it in window'd mode (set within the game) and then alt+enter to fullscreen fixed it for me...

I don't see it now, but did change gfx card...
Its not the same as EA bashing...

EA are not fellow BF4 players or combatants, they are thiving corrupt swines, so fall into their own category

Snipers that camp and dont cap are the single most annoying factor of the game..FULL STOP..with the except of the crashes of course.

I relish planting c4 on snipers and blowing the feeckers out of the map.

Snipers reminds me of Billy no mates, only out for himself and his k/d not playing the objective, not supporting his squad or team. (There are exceptions of course)..

again, that's your take and misconception and nothing wrong with that.

As a sniper, I cap and defend flags, I use different weapons depending on the situation. I also don't care what others think of my playstyle because I have fun. Again, sniping is fun ;)

You have no problem with 10 + of your team sniping not really contributing to the team effort? People don't have a problem with recon par say as long as they are actually contributing to capturing flags etc or if there are only a few sniping. In regards to "play how you wan to" yes you should, but not up till ruing other people's fun because "Its my game I play how you want to".

Only time I see tons of snipers is like in BF3 when your spawn camped. Annoying ? yes , does it bother me ? nope I can always find a new server.
I can live with the crashes for now, it's the memory leaks I hate at the moment, they happen after 3-5 games. My non-paged pool ends up being 6GB+ after closing the game. I have to restart my PC to clear it. :(

ive found if you shut down origin and battlelog it instantly stops
tell you what is more annoying that the snipers.... are the other classes when they don't do their role.... for instance...... running low on ammo.... request ammo, see a group of support soldiers, run over spamming "gimmie some ammo" and not a single **** was given....dunno if it's just complete lack of awareness or what but it really grinds my gears! same with medics who don't revive (ok many might not have defibs yet) or even drop health when you are clearly coughing up blood next to them. :( I just want to live! it's what sets the meh players out from the good players tbh, you could be a terrible aim but if you're rocking up with all the revives and med packs, helping the team then you are a king and on behalf of the BF community I thank you :) but just don't revive when there's a tank clearly waiting to shoot me again ;)
Its not the same as EA bashing...

EA are not fellow BF4 players or combatants, they are thiving corrupt swines, so fall into their own category

Snipers that camp and dont cap are the single most annoying factor of the game..FULL STOP..with the except of the crashes of course.

I relish planting c4 on snipers and blowing the feeckers out of the map.

Snipers reminds me of Billy no mates, only out for himself and his k/d not playing the objective, not supporting his squad or team. (There are exceptions of course)..

When snipers are not killing other snipers they're taking out the opposition, keeping them at bay.. thus helping out the team :confused:

And if they're like me, they'll sneak up and C4 tanks, spot for the team and deploy motion sensors. Yes they get good K/D ratio, but they get next to no captures or vehicle points which means one positive stat and another negative.

Just because you get killed by snipers, doesn't mean they're not doing their job. Every class has their job.
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