Battlefield 4 Thread ~ Server details in opening post ~

I'm struggling with this a lot, bf 3 seemed more balanced with gunfights etc, I find myself dying a lot in this, and struggling unlockinging new weapons
Omg the battlefield 4 experience is as linear as you can get! If I run quicker than the npc's it doesn't always trigger the next bit, especially as one enemy is left in some distant corner. Instead of them taking it out, I have to. At one point I was standing underneath an enemy sniper looking at me, my friendlies next to me kept on saying " Enemy sniper, watch out ". How pathetic!

You can't open doors unless that special circle appears and also there has been a number of times I've been thrown into the sea because of my friendlies came up behind me on the same ladder.

I played the first level and stopped after that. Utterly boring. MP is where it's at!
Excellent effort. :)

What's that on his head though? I guess doing a Pork Pie hat would be a challenge. :p

I can't just upload that can I?

There are no browns to use to make that hat. The colour of his fur is the darkest brown there is >.<

So I opted for a Fez on his head, instead :p
Well the crashing has all but stopped for me, but I'm still getting occasional stuttering which makes me avoid CQ infantry shootouts as it seems to be worse at that point.
And the rubber banding can be pretty horrific too, especially on 64 player servers, although it's worse on some servers than others.

Not sure if it's my PC considering it's an old i7 930 but seems lots of people are reporting these issues, even on top of the range PCs.
Connecting to a server tonight times-out and if i do manage to join, rubber banding occurs.

Nexus is also getting this too, so reinstalling BC2 for times like these.
Have you guys tried this:

If anyone has the leaking problem you can stop it by going to the battlefield 4 folder and setting windows 7 compatibility mode on the 32bit exe, then start the game in 32bit mode in the origin launch properties.

I usually crash every game, but I've just done 4 games and no crashes :eek:
If you figure it out let me know. Lol

On a side note, for some reason I decided to level support first as there was usually tons of the other classes, and I really wasn't enjoying the game that much. It turns out it was the LMG's. As I've unlocked them all abd switched to carbines to start unlocking them and it's like a different game when it comes to gunfights.

Yeah same here, unlocked all of support first, but always took a hammering from all other classes in a heads up gunfight. On HC it's not too bad. I do love the airburst though, great fun killing those roof camping snipers :D
today does seem bad for server crashes. :(

Have you tried your fixes?

Oh my days. Paracel Storm, enemy team has all the flags, what does my team do? They jump into boats and begin to go after other boats instead of capturing flags.

That's the last time i play with randoms.
why do the xp boosts get cut short? used a few of em 200% xp one was most noticeable was supposed to be for 2 hours during that time it randomly disappeared
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