Battlefield 4 Thread ~ Server details in opening post ~

Would love to try and make a Fozzybear emblem but my skills are lacking unfortunately. Anybody want to have a try for me? Pretty please. :)

I'm going to try and have a game of BF4 now but I'm guessing it'll be the same old same old. :(
the quality of service ea usual provide so no real surprise :D

really getting fed up of medics not dropping packs, support not dropping ammo, and ******* not using the spot feature "oh no i want the kills to myself" well **** off to COD :mad:

and squad leaders not setting targets; telling me to "stop spamming" when REQUESTING ORDERS continuously :D
I like the ace 21 JG! :D Although need to get some more unlocks for it.....

I don't know what DICE/EA have done but today, the game has just felt soooo sluggish despite getting good FPS, even put everything back to low and still doesn't seem as smooth as it was on Fri + Sat :/

So frustrating this game but when it works it is damn fun.
Will keep playing with the ACE 21 but I think I miss the raw power of the 52. Will keep at it until I get all unlocks.
...and crash.

First game for 2 days and I crashed (BF4.exe stopped working) when the C Tower started to come down on Siege Of Shanghai. I know others have had this issue but it's the first time for me.

I'll wait for the patch. Hurry the **** up will you DICE?

I think I know why DICE had such an early build for the Beta. They probably knew about all these issues in later builds and daren't put any of them out as the Beta version. Would have hit sales hard. *******.
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and squad leaders not setting targets; telling me to "stop spamming" when REQUESTING ORDERS continuously :D

problem with the sl thing, is i sometimes get dropped into the role and don't realise it, i'm usually to busy trying not to die to notice the on screen message :o

First game for 2 days and I crashed (BF4.exe stopped working) when the C Tower started to come down on Siege Of Shanghai. I know others have had this issue but it's the first time for me.

thing is it does it that often when the tower comes down and idiots still insist on making it drop :(.
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and another ***

Single player frontal knife, you smack them in the face and take their tags, but in MP means smashing the F key that does *** ALL but you end up dieing!
Challenge accepted :) I will assume you don't have premium so I can only use 20 layers and the general icons.

Cheers. No, I don't have premium. :)

thing is it does it that often when the tower comes down and idiots still insist on making it drop

It's weird. I've played it many times on the exact same server and never had the crash. Puzzling why it affects some and not others.
Most servers took Siege out off the rotation fozzy. CQ247 done it and I think 11th clan also etc

I suggest you take a look at the servers rotation before u start playing because C tower falls at least 50% of server crashes.

To the guys mentioning lag on cq247 server sort your pc out i guess. 48 man CQ large has been rock solid. 64 man has been laggy at times when its up but I feel thats more to do with EA/DICE then hosts. And no we don't use MultiPlay we use I3D, 2 servers located in the Netherlands, 1 UK based.

Also pointing at CQ247 while this game is ****ed and will be ****ed for a while, but hey easier to point at cq247 and say HERR DERR...****..lag.

Stop looking for drama. OCUK forums are bad enough as it is.(not ocuk, the so called ''adults'' on it)
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I like the ace 21 JG! :D Although need to get some more unlocks for it.....

I don't know what DICE/EA have done but today, the game has just felt soooo sluggish despite getting good FPS, even put everything back to low and still doesn't seem as smooth as it was on Fri + Sat :/

So frustrating this game but when it works it is damn fun.

Agreed, its a good game am pleased with the progress they've made since B3. Hopefully patches will improve it. Haven't been able to play it last few days. need to get my K/d to 1 lol. nearly there 0.95
Most servers took Siege out off the rotation fozzy. CQ247 done it and I think 11th clan also etc

Like I said, most of my recent games have been on the same server (SoS the only map on the rotation) on Siege Of Shanghai. I've never had an issue with crashes when the building comes down.

I bet it has DICE flummoxed as well.
Agreed, its a good game am pleased with the progress they've made since B3. Hopefully patches will improve it. Haven't been able to play it last few days. need to get my K/d to 1 lol. nearly there 0.95

I thought you'd got angry and burnt your PC seeing as I hadn't seen you in a while.
It's bizarre.

My last game also started off with me having some shotgun as default when playing as engineer. I'd never seen the gun before and it certainly isn't unlocked or in my loadout. I'd always used the ACW-R. :confused:
I thought you'd got angry and burnt your PC seeing as I hadn't seen you in a while.

No, haha, I'll be back just been hectic last few days.
I did however set fire to my pc last year when I used air spray to clean my pc.. next to a candle in the kitchen. whole pc went up in flames, but luckily died down quickly as I was carrying it out into the garden quick sharp. Apart from my corsair case a bit singed in places components all ok :)
Just had a good hour and a half session with no crashes. Although gf is moaning at me to come and help make dinner now and the server I was on just suddenly closed (said client disconnected) and it went from full 64 players to no one in it. I think the server went wrong or they just kicked everyone out for some reason. Time to have a break.

No "BF4 has stopped working crash" yet today though which is nice.

It is so random, sometimes you can play for hours across different maps with no crashes and others it crashes within 5 mins.
It's bizarre.

My last game also started off with me having some shotgun as default when playing as engineer. I'd never seen the gun before and it certainly isn't unlocked or in my loadout. I'd always used the ACW-R. :confused:

that is bizarre, reminds me of BC2, when you'd lose all of your unlocks and start with the first weapon again. had to exit server rejoin all ok again.
Is there some trick to getting VOIP to work? I've only been in one game where I heard anyone else using it. Tried with a mate but we couldn't hear each other even though the icon was showing us speaking and testing my mic in windows and the battlelog voip page shows it working fine.

If you figure it out let me know. Lol

On a side note, for some reason I decided to level support first as there was usually tons of the other classes, and I really wasn't enjoying the game that much. It turns out it was the LMG's. As I've unlocked them all abd switched to carbines to start unlocking them and it's like a different game when it comes to gunfights.
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