Battlefield 4 Thread ~ Server details in opening post ~

Cheers guys. Will get myself on Origin to purchase it and get gaming with you noobs!

Engineer RPG helicopter shotter downer en route!
just out you have to crouch to repair the attack boat and surprise surprise theres a glitch where it wont let you crouch, nice one EA well thought out and tested you ****ing muppets.
Omg the battlefield 4 experience is as linear as you can get! If I run quicker than the npc's it doesn't always trigger the next bit, especially as one enemy is left in some distant corner. Instead of them taking it out, I have to. At one point I was standing underneath an enemy sniper looking at me, my friendlies next to me kept on saying " Enemy sniper, watch out ". How pathetic!

You can't open doors unless that special circle appears and also there has been a number of times I've been thrown into the sea because of my friendlies came up behind me on the same ladder.
Typical! On boat doing really well and having fun with guys on here and crash..............

Hit reg. has been beyond terrible too, hit enemies with the HMG and tanks with a HE shell, no reg.

Game is a ****ing joke, I think the most annoying thing is the fact that the beta ran soooo much better than this so called "final release" version.........
Epic Fail, they get enough early dosh as it is for an unfinished product

Don't do it yet, wait till it's cheaper and see if DICE/EA fix their ****

but I can't wait til:
pigs can fly
hell freezes over
etc etc etc


I will be holding out for as long as I can thought :) money grabbing bar stewards
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If anyone has the leaking problem you can stop it by going to the battlefield 4 folder and setting windows 7 compatibility mode on the 32bit exe, then start the game in 32bit mode in the origin launch properties.
If you enjoy making emblems as much as I do then get premium :D

Plus buy it from one of the 3rd party sites and you can get it for as little as £29.

In comparison I paid £19 for BF3 premium about 6 months ago from origin so I can't see it getting much cheaper than that for a loooong time.

And speaking of emblems here is a Stewie I just made for one of my Norge friends:

UPDATE #6 (Nov 11):
Quick Update Update
Just a quick update: We don't have an ETA on the below R8 Server Update and client updates just yet, but we will have information on these soon. We will let you know as soon as we have more detail. Stay tuned, and thanks for your patience.

4 days after there last information update and there is actually no information great!
Is there some trick to getting VOIP to work? I've only been in one game where I heard anyone else using it. Tried with a mate but we couldn't hear each other even though the icon was showing us speaking and testing my mic in windows and the battlelog voip page shows it working fine.
If anyone has the leaking problem you can stop it by going to the battlefield 4 folder and setting windows 7 compatibility mode on the 32bit exe, then start the game in 32bit mode in the origin launch properties.

Is there any difference in image quality by using the 32bit exe instead of the 64bit exe?

Edit: Blonde moment! I can't remember how to set compatibility mode :s
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Was having a fantastic game on Pacific Storm, got into an attack boat, was on a score of at least 12-0, then the game crashed! :mad:
I never do that well, hell I'm lucky if I can even get into an attack boat!

Great emblem, how did you do the shapes for shadows?
Keep trying to make myself a Jigglypuff emblem, but always get frustrated and quit. :p
Is there any difference in image quality by using the 32bit exe instead of the 64bit exe?

Edit: Blonde moment! I can't remember how to set compatibility mode :s

If you play on higher graphic settings you might, I have not noticed any difference when playing on low. Right click the exe and go to properties > compatibility tab, Then in origin right click the game and go to game properties.
UPDATE #6 (Nov 11):
Quick Update Update
Just a quick update: We don't have an ETA on the below R8 Server Update and client updates just yet, but we will have information on these soon. We will let you know as soon as we have more detail. Stay tuned, and thanks for your patience.

4 days after there last information update and there is actually no information great!

the quality of service ea usual provide so no real surprise :D

really getting fed up of medics not dropping packs, support not dropping ammo, and ******* not using the spot feature "oh no i want the kills to myself" well **** off to COD :mad:
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