Battlefield 4 Thread ~ Server details in opening post ~

Had some great close games on Rogue Transmission before with MarkPitchford!

Add me if you like to play conquest large; MartyStonehouse

Yeh I joined in on one of them, apposing team though which was a shame. Particularly with you two topping the board on that team and nailing me a few times each :D

Good game though, down to 7 tickets wasn't it?!
Reason I am not playing on hardcore at the moment though is because of the stupid friendly markers (bug?) not appearing over teammates heads until it is too late (I have killed them).

yeh that is annoying, you start waiting longer before you shoot to make sure, and therefore inevitably get killed more often :rolleyes:

Finished my emblem :)
I do like shotguns, but there are only a very few times it comes in handy for me, i prefer the DMR as at least it can do something at medium range lol.

Haven't unlocked any shotguns in BF4 yet lol, haven't touched Support.

My most used weapon is the the QBS shotgun, slap in 12G Slugs and you can literally snipe with it.

How come?

I find hardcore to be exactly that, hard core.

No hit markers, no mini map, no spotting, only a couple of bullets to kill.

Makes it a much more realistic experience.

Sure, you get sniped by unseen snipers quite a lot...

Your forgetting that killing in battlefield is a two way experience. Whatever makes it harder for one person in that equation, makes it easier for another.

No spotting makes it harder for the person doing the hunting, but easier for the person laying down with a gun pointing at a door.
Only needing a couple of bullets to kill makes it harder to survive, but easier to kill for those with poor aim.
No minimap makes it harder for the person hunting, but easier for the person camping in the same spot.

In the examples you've given above, it makes it easier for those who camp, have poor aim and use lame tactics. As a result it attracts those type of people. Not saying that everybody who plays hardcore is the sort to camp in doorway, but the game mode makes it easier for them.
Server Update R8 rolling out
We recently deployed the R8 Server Update. It should be propagating throughout servers in the upcoming hours. You can find the change notes below.

R8 Update Notes:
*Fixed a number of dog tags that were showing up as blank in-game.
*Lowered the damage caused by Mobile AA Active Radar missiles to aircraft. The previous damage was incorrectly set too high.
*Added support for live scoreboards on Battlelog. This lets you see the current score and status on a server before joining -- such as the number of targets remaining in Obliteration mode.
*Improved server crash reporting and performance tracking on all platforms. This should further help us identify and fix server crashes going forward.

Still no comments on when the pc client patch is going live but apprantly the ps4 is having a lot of problems and it needs a patch so that people can actually play the game and lets just say if the ps4 gets patched before the pc/older consoles get patched there is gonna be a lot of mad people! and the s*** is gonna hit the fan...

How much of crashing is actually client crashes vs server crashes ? most of the crashes people seem to be reporting this week are client side by the sounds of it ?
Your forgetting that killing in battlefield is a two way experience. Whatever makes it harder for one person in that equation, makes it easier for another.

No spotting makes it harder for the person doing the hunting, but easier for the person laying down with a gun pointing at a door.
Only needing a couple of bullets to kill makes it harder to survive, but easier to kill for those with poor aim.
No minimap makes it harder for the person hunting, but easier for the person camping in the same spot.

In the examples you've given above, it makes it easier for those who camp, have poor aim and use lame tactics. As a result it attracts those type of people. Not saying that everybody who plays hardcore is the sort to camp in doorway, but the game mode makes it easier for them.

Except that you get way more campers in normal mode as all the idiots who complain that they die to easily in Hardcore mode play normal. This is great for those of us that play hardcore as there are fewer muppets :D
See I have the opposite opinion, I feel that normal is actually hardcore, plainly because it takes more bullets to kill so you have to be more precise and the addition of the kill cam makes it so the sniper, that just headshot you from across the map, will move location because you know where he is.

This is my idea of an actual hardcore server:

100% Player hp
Spotting Off
Hit Markers Off
Minimap Off
Kill Cam On
Vehicle/Player Regen Off

Reason I am not playing on hardcore at the moment though is because of the stupid friendly markers (bug?) not appearing over teammates heads until it is too late (I have killed them).

Thing is though no matter how precise you are in normal mode if you go one to many even against average players by the time you have done enough damage to kill 1-2 players you will be dead or forced to disengage to survive. In hardcore mode a good player can drop multiple average players while they are still trying to aquire the target. Spamming fire won't help against a good player in hardcore even if it does give a poor player a bit more chance against average players than in normal mode.
What's with the crappy colourful skins in this game? I saw a yellow tank and a red tank driving around yesterday and a load of douches with pitiful names like:


with red guns. It looks like NoddyWars.

Also, sound breaking on Lancang Dam is very annoying and "Levolution" is a gimmick. Disappointed with it in it's current state.

The Locker map has to be the worst map on any BF game since its inception. Worse than Metro. Also that tank factory one is garbage too.

Not a great start really.
What's with the crappy colourful skins in this game? I saw a yellow tank and a red tank driving around yesterday and a load of douches with pitiful names like:


with red guns. It looks like NoddyWars.

Also, sound breaking on Lancang Dam is very annoying and "Levolution" is a gimmick. Disappointed with it in it's current state.

The Locker map has to be the worst map on any BF game since its inception. Worse than Metro. Also that tank factory one is garbage too.

Not a great start really.

Yeh locker is retarded. You just get an inevitable bottleneck somewhere and then it just descends into a farce where everyone is just spamming grenades everywhere and you can't move forward.
I prefer lockers to metro though as there are several routes you can try if one is really bottlenecked, unlike metro which had red stairs then front and back escalators...that was all the choice you had really...and they are all right next to each least lockers has upstairs routes, downstairs and outside routes to try and sneak/push/flank. :)

all that said.... still completely possible to get spawn locked...had a silly fast round on lockers 2 nights ago...was over in what felt like 10 mins :p sure it was 800 ticket too xD
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What is DICE's policy against cheaters now anyway? Wipe their stats? They should ban them outright - most will buy the game again = more cash for DICE, most will FO back to COD

They put PB on. Pretend to care, but do very little. The fact that talking about known/obvious cheats in battlelog gets threads instantly closed sums up their attitude. Also the only function of the report button is to make you feel better.

Last night another lag fest for me :( Dropped all settings, custom config file giving me 60-110 fps (drops lower when silly amount happening on screen) but always laggy. Killing the game for me as I always run and gun but playing like that now isn't possible.

Oh and new bug for me playing conquest normal and my hit markers vanished. People just dropped dead in front of me but no marker to say I even hit them.
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