This is the best advice... but even hitting someone in the head doesn't matter sometimes
Nexus is a noob, ignore him.
This is the best advice... but even hitting someone in the head doesn't matter sometimes
lol dg.............
Nexus is a noob, ignore him.
Lol DG. Always with the explosives, never with the aim.
morning all
what's the best recon set-up that will help your team, outside the sniper rifle which is down to choice.thanks
I wanna use a different carbine than the AK-5C, just feels too easy now!
I haven't unlocked many, just got the A-91 (or something along those lines) and I think the high damage carbine is next. Any others worth while?
So is the mortar something worth grinding through Support for? Think I might try it and just use my Carbine with it.
This is the best advice... but even hitting someone in the head doesn't matter sometimes
Nexus is a noob, ignore him.
here's a question.... has anyone actually every killed anything using the chaingun on the ac-130/gunship?
Ive ranked support and thought id give this mortar thing a go. Pooh....couldnt get the control crosshair to adjust on to target , it would move too many pixels and go past where i wanted to shoot. Very fiddly and not worth the effort. I did drop my pixels down on the mouse to my sniper settings but didnt help. Not going back to it again.
Can anyone help me my CPU is at 100% when i play bf4. i have a 670 windforce and a 3570k.
I haven't killed a single soul with the AC-130, i deployed it on Paracel Storm, no-one used it...I was proper offended.
You have an i5. It will be used 100%. Same issue with my 2500k in this game and Crysis 3. I upgraded to an i7 3770k and gpu usage/framerates are quite a lot better. CPU usage is only about 70% on the i7. This is with 670 SLI though.
The miniguns on the helicopters are still totally useless. It is like it is firing raisins rather than bullets.
sli 2 cards dont open this wormhole here i5 is fine for any single card . two cards you want a i7.
I haven't killed a single soul with the AC-130, i deployed it on Paracel Storm, no-one used it...I was proper offended.
I even dropped a vehicle on Flood Zone, wasn't used.