Battlefield 4 Thread ~ Server details in opening post ~

I prefer lockers to metro though as there are several routes you can try if one is really bottlenecked, unlike metro which had red stairs then front and back escalators...that was all the choice you had really...and they are all right next to each least lockers has upstairs routes, downstairs and outside routes to try and sneak/push/flank. :)

all that said.... still completely possible to get spawn locked...had a silly fast round on lockers 2 nights ago...was over in what felt like 10 mins :p sure it was 800 ticket too xD

little tip for locker mortars :D

oh my its funny as hell in some game types on there they at bottom rush out to snow hammer mortars straight on them. on some maps ive had like 20-30 kills in like 3 or 4 minutes doing this :p

also if they get trapped its like mortaring fish in a barrel. :D
not used the mortar yet..... I look forward to these moments xD

had quite a fun moment on the train map last night too, I spawned in the gunships and was on the big gun (105 or what ever) and spotted a tank trying to cap D flag (the train) which was moving slowly. the tank was up on the tracks literally tailgating the I let him have it. first shot hit and he didn;t have a clue....turret started spinning around obviously trying to spot something.. *boom* second hit....he now stops driving and really starts to spin....then i think it was either the 3rd or 4th shot that took him down then I bailed and got the flag back :D hoorah!
little tip for locker mortars :D

oh my its funny as hell in some game types on there they at bottom rush out to snow hammer mortars straight on them. on some maps ive had like 20-30 kills in like 3 or 4 minutes doing this :p

also if they get trapped its like mortaring fish in a barrel. :D

Mortars do work a treat on that map about my only good game so far I cleared out the snowy pass using mortars and that allowed me to get behind the enemy at the triple door bottleneck and wipe out the entire ~15 guys there (12 kills at that point according to battlelog but I swear was more like 15). Sadly the only time the hit registry hasn't let me down trying something like that.

EDIT: Lol battlelog shows my longest kill streak at 7 even though that map I had atleast 12 kills in a row before dying (and again I'm pretty sure it was ~15).
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Mortars do work a treat on that map about my only good game so far I cleared out the snowy pass using mortars and that allowed me to get behind the enemy at the triple door bottleneck

I once saw a Support setup with a mortar and I thought "what a nab"... until I realised he killed all the enemies at the snowy entrance to sniper tower. One by one they fell and bosh, we were through. Wall done Sir, I doth my cap.

I had a think last night about the difference in hit reg between BF3 abd BF4. I think it is a combo of poor netcode and poorly optimised server coding and/or strained servers. I have come to this conclusion because there have been many times where I have shot someone with my secondary 12G shotgun only for them to continue running toward me for several seconds... and then die. This means that the hit was not detected by the server and it gave that enemy the chance to shoot me during this time. I have also found myself being in a firefight, losing after I have riddled the enemy and then finding they have 1%
I wanna use a different carbine than the AK-5C, just feels too easy now!

I haven't unlocked many, just got the A-91 (or something along those lines) and I think the high damage carbine is next. Any others worth while?
I wanna use a different carbine than the AK-5C, just feels too easy now!

I haven't unlocked many, just got the A-91 (or something along those lines) and I think the high damage carbine is next. Any others worth while?

ak5c is the best nothing else is as good.
if you want to see mortaring master join me later for the rage of the server as they shout for bans :D

little tip on hc you cant see crosshair use the players icon as your cross hair in the middle. so line up the orange player marker exactly in middle of screen and spam quick.

lol dg.............


Personally I avoid hardcore for a few reasons:

- team kills, happens way too often (not too mention for things like the helis etc.), essentially too many noobs ruin that game mode
- promotes camping even more due to no kill cam, spotting, mini map etc. Dread to imagine what flood zone is like on HC.......
- don't know about bf 4 but for bf 3, team work is far better on normal than hardcore
- explosives aren't as much of a problem in normal, sick and tired of people spamming the noobtube etc. in hardcore

and a few other reasons.

Just aim for the head in normal core and you can take out plenty of people :p
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Pah....a true gamer eats at the keyboard.between maps :D

Well, i could eat breakfast, dinner and tea with the amount of time it takes to load maps in my house.
I just get blank screens with white mouse and the little flashing white block near the top right of the screen. Maps never loads though, so i have to ctd and start again.
Suckage! :mad:
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