Battlefield 4 Thread ~ Server details in opening post ~

Isnt '124' not enough vcore?

I would say it is unlikely that it is the games fault that you are getting a BSOD with a 124 code.

to be fair on past experience it's quite possible, going back to bf2 there have been instances of it disliking overclocks that intel burn etc have had no issues with.

it's the same with graphics cards, for some reason the battlefield games can be really picky with overclocks, when you have no problems in any other games.

best way to clear it up is run at default speeds and see if you get the issue.

LVLCap uploaded a nice video about balance the other day, I agree with most of his points, especially regarding vehicles.

think i agreed with most of it aside from upping the attack heli power, that's fine, seen decent pilots still do a good job, just not rampage over everything like BF3
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to be fair on past experience it's quite possible, going back to bf2 there have been instances of it disliking overclocks that intel burn etc have had no issues with.

it's the same with graphics cards, for some reason the battlefield games can be really picky with overclocks, when you have no problems in any other games.

best way to clear it up is run at default speeds and see if you get the issue.

But that just means it isn't stable at the end of the day.
Lol this game is joke now

Yep, probably looking for a new game now tbh. I am a HUGE fan of the battlefield series games but BF4 is such a joke.

Infantry play is slow, boring and a trade fest.

Attack heli's got such a huge nerf today on top of the huge nerf into BF4 I now recommend the only thing you should use it as is transport to a flag (and I am a big ol heli whore) and a serious about that. It is beyond useless now.

Tanks and AA are just about useable (no point shooting at OP LB's in AA, just kill Infy).

Boats and Littlebirds are literally the only fun thing in BF4 and they are pretty much OP.

We have all had our frustrations with BF games, I have been one to say give them time with BF4, but today is the first day that it has made me properly angry. Being good with a TV missile takes a lot of skill, now you can only fire 1 every 30 secs (BF3 was 15, flares 6secs) and your flares take 30 secs to reload. The TV missle does 40 damage so anything you hit can repair up to 100% within 28 seconds of you hitting it.

This game is now CrashyLockyFailed 4$ - The removal of skill.
Things might get better from now on, it seems that the live scoreboard that was implemented was crashing servers. This function has now been disabled!
Server crashing every map change. Then you have to QUEUE when there is only 5 ppl in there. Epic work. How retarded do you have to be to release a patch that breaks more than it fixes? Agile software methodology right here boys!
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