Battlefield 4 Thread ~ Server details in opening post ~

The annoying thing is that whoever moves us, does it when there are still plenty of tickets left to turn the match around, if they are going to balance teams, then do it half way through......

And indeed! Very good games tonight, great team and squad work! :cool: Game really comes in to its own when playing with a good squad.

Tonight the chat box was ****ing terrible, actually had to hide it in the end due to so much **** being posted lol. Although I don't think it was that match with you but the last few with Raider.

Yeah, that servers chat box was lagging too, i'd put up a message and it would take a good 5-10 seconds to show up. Maybe something to do with the admin tools, because they were messaging but I didn't see them ingame. That and the Jews vs Nazi's debate going on was just, well....

I got moved again (for i think the third time) on Zavod, Which I think caused the game to crash lol, so i took it as a sign and went to bed.
Don't get me wrong, in game modes like TDM it makes allot of sense. Conquest/Obliteration/Rush, there are other more objective based stats that are more meaningful. I think the guy who has consistently been mowed down in Obliteration while trying to the bomb down deserves to stand out scoreboard wise when he finally gets it.

I don't agree. if you're constantly getting mowed down whilst going for the bomb then you're playing the game wrong. Obliteration is all about supporting team mates in co-ordinated pushes. People rushing in on their own, getting killed is what leads to breakdowns in the defense/offensive push.

I imagine the KD stat similar to %territory stat in football. To me KD shows how well you managed to hold a defensive line. Obviously you have to mix it with the SPM to picture the performance as a whole.
K/D means nothing ! its truly does . most people you see in a pub game who have mega k/d are either snipers, camping , vehicle whores like (boat whores currently sitting off objectives spamming rounds )

you should get more objective points tbh to make people want to win and not camp for high k/ds.

funny thing is its totally different in a comp game its team event and anything else than a win is failure and thats why i like that better.

one good thing that used to be in fps games were things like campers made to move or even die ! in one old cod uo mod you used to fart if you were camping :D it used to last for 30 seconds and people would all know you were camping !
I dislike campers as much as the next person, but end of day, it's part of game and how some people play.

Guess the trick is finding some way to take them out. Which is a bit difficult on a HC server.

I sometimes camp a bit, but not often. Usually am running around like a headless chicken :D
Anyone know the cheapest place for Premium? Will it be one of the cd key places? If so can anyone recommend a reliable one? :)

Anyone know the cheapest place for Premium? Will it be one of the cd key places? If so can anyone recommend a reliable one? :)

I bought it from, currently £29.99. Pretty reliable as a lot of users here purchased it from them.
I imagine the KD stat similar to %territory stat in football. To me KD shows how well you managed to hold a defensive line. Obviously you have to mix it with the SPM to picture the performance as a whole.

Your example assumes that the entire team is all playing towards a single objective which often they're not, campers / snipers / vehicle whores for instance are often not really contributing towards capturing points, just farming newbies. IIRC they have it right in BC2 for rush game mode where you could only see points.

one good thing that used to be in fps games were things like campers made to move or even die ! in one old cod uo mod you used to fart if you were camping :D it used to last for 30 seconds and people would all know you were camping !

Used to be quite popular in CS as well.
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Managed to get on for a game with nexus and a few others from here last night, but performance was terrible my fps was all over the place and there seemed to be some hit reg issues going on too for a number of people.
Darn. Didn't even think to shop around for that as thought it would only be available direct through origin.... coulda saved £10 :(
I bought the base game and premium package together from simply, cost £59.99 all in. Way too expensive for both on origin.
dunno if anyone can help but with the sraw is there anything you need to do to make it guidable, tried taking out some tanks yesterday, tried to guide them onto the tank but they didn't change direction at all ?, was a decent distance away so wasn't a quick change of direction or anything :confused:

I have found that when shooting ground/sea vehicles it's best to aim right at it and hold the crosshair on it until the rocket hits. Air vehicles I am still learning :p
Anyone getting the client closed connection error when trying to join a game. I click to join then it starts to load, the bf4 icon appears in taskbar but then simply closes again. It's a very intermittent issue though. Aside from this the game is running fine for me. No server crashes or sound bugs.
I probably should bind spotting to my shoot key lol... I'm generally running and gunning COD style so if I'm looking at someone I'm probably shooting them also :S not much room for spotting in my play style.
So i've just upgraded from windows 7 to windows 8.1, and now i'm getting kicked from every game after a couple of minutes. It's going to the black screen with the flashing cursor, as if i'd quit the game. No message on Battlelog that I can see, nothing in event log.

Any ideas what's going on and what i can do to sort it out? (already updated punkbuster direct from the pb site).
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