Battlefield 4 Thread ~ Server details in opening post ~

My laddies have been expressing an interest so they'd been playing on my account. Things haven't been going well. One is 14 but has learning difficulties and an Erb's palsy which means restricted strength and movement in his left arm. The other is 13 but has ADD and is prone to random rapid mouse movements in every game, especially when he gets surprised!

An example, 0 kills, 13 deaths. Another example, 0/9. Of the three games I looked at, 1 kill. It's going to be bloody hard keeping over 1/1 this time round but I'm currently 0.99. Last game (which Battlelog isn't showing up, same issue as above) I finished 20-9 or something on Dawnbreaker with MVP and 90% of that was on foot as Engineer with the G36C (which I initially thought crap but now I have a grip of some sort and a sight I'm beginning to like a lot!)
Strange one, over the last week or so I have had massive issues with hit reg.

Today I compared my BF4 settings with what I used in BF3. I changed the BF4 network smoothing slider back to 50% and I noticed an instant significant improvement with the hit reg. My ping usually averages about 40ms so I'll stick with this for a few more sessions and see how it feels

Like the crashing it seems a bit random though its never brilliant - last night it was ok and I was putting in 2:1 KDRs - doing my COD style running and gunning was able to kill 3-4 people but always had that 4th or 5th person who just wouldn't die. But today its terrible struggling to get anything to register on half the players on a server :(

I raged so hard in the last server that the chat stopped working and I couldn't send anymore messages!

£90 for something that feels like an alpha. Arma3 is still alpha and I only wasted £50 on that!

Yeah yeah, like some say, it runs smooth as silk now when it does run, but the point is it crashes nearly every game, now it keeps only loading 170MB of RAM and then crashing (i was going through my event viewer earlier) before it even connects to the game. And the hitreg is disgusting.
Good game tonight with Nexus, Mark and co. Shame the server kept moving us for balance on the last couple of maps.... :(

Yeah starting to **** me of that! :mad: So going to avoid TE when playing with you guys, not only that but I find the hit reg. to be pretty poor on that server.

The annoying thing is that whoever moves us, does it when there are still plenty of tickets left to turn the match around, if they are going to balance teams, then do it half way through......

And indeed! Very good games tonight, great team and squad work! :cool: Game really comes in to its own when playing with a good squad.

Hit reg. was beyond terrible for me tonight, there was even one guy who was invincible, shooting him in the back with an entire mag and nothing, I died, respawned, and encountered the exact same guy, shot him at the front etc. and he didn't die, only way I could kill him was by knifing him......

I raged so hard in the last server that the chat stopped working and I couldn't send anymore messages!

Had that problem the other night, couldn't respond at all except use commo rose.......

Tonight the chat box was ****ing terrible, actually had to hide it in the end due to so much **** being posted lol. Although I don't think it was that match with you but the last few with Raider.
So according to Frankieonpcin1080p, Second Assault is Xbox One content only and is not coming out on the PC? So we don't get Metro etc on the PC :(
So according to Frankieonpcin1080p, Second Assault is Xbox One content only and is not coming out on the PC? So we don't get Metro etc on the PC :(

Timed exclusive - coming to PC couple of months later or something :| not that I really want to play any of those maps but **** like that means BF4 is my last EA/Dice game purchase. (It my first since ~2008 and I kind of broke a habit and bought BF4).
Timed exclusive - coming to PC couple of months later or something :| not that I really want to play any of those maps but **** like that means BF4 is my last EA/Dice game purchase. (It my first since ~2008 and I kind of broke a habit and bought BF4).

I thought xbox exclusives were 2 weeks?
My Rounds finally appeared on Battlelog. Best of the Evening was 20-8 on Dawnbreaker

IE11 still insists I install the plugin! Have been using Chrome to launch my games. I only upgraded because Battlelog insisted I must in order to keep playing!

Disable windows defender and install the plugin. Windows defender hates the plugin and won't even let it run when it's installed so basically you got to run defender less..
Good game tonight with Nexus, Mark and co. Shame the server kept moving us for balance on the last couple of maps.... :(

aye was a good laugh, apologies to all for my usual rant about railway, but as mentioned i ******* hate that map, and trying to get a ride off someone....:mad:

apologies to stoney for driving us into the middle of a campfest :o, still feel it wouldn't have happened if the useless muppets on our side had been spotting, honest :D


dunno if anyone can help but with the sraw is there anything you need to do to make it guidable, tried taking out some tanks yesterday, tried to guide them onto the tank but they didn't change direction at all ?, was a decent distance away so wasn't a quick change of direction or anything :confused:
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Game is still a complete joke. Hig reg all over the place then 3 crashes in the last hour. So glad i never got premium as i'm losing the urge to play this POS!!! Sort it out DICE
Completely agree!

Especially for obliteration, no tickets at all, just 3 mcoms per team and a timer.

Unfortunately it will never happen though as stats matter to the majority of gamers :(

lol @ people thinking KD isn't a relevant stat.

Don't get me wrong, in game modes like TDM it makes allot of sense. Conquest/Obliteration/Rush, there are other more objective based stats that are more meaningful. I think the guy who has consistently been mowed down in Obliteration while trying to the bomb down deserves to stand out scoreboard wise when he finally gets it.
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