Battlefield 4 Thread ~ Server details in opening post ~

Anyways I just hope that they stop tinkering with the weapons in bf4. 1 or 2 changes if needed and then its locked. To many changes went on bf3 with whatever weapon was 'whinge' of the month. Although part of me thinks its just dice making dlc guns better to make people buy the dlc, only for those guns to be nerfed in a later patch.
Nexus stop bigging up that turd thats bc2. Everything thats wrong with bf3 is bc2 fault by far.

So Jets raping every map they're on in BF3 is the fault of BC2? :eek: Yeah it had 3d spotting but its obvious dice were going that direction even if BC2 hadn't been a pc game as BF3 was going multi platform.

I didn't find much wrong with BC2, personally I think it had the best feeling gunplay in the series, the other BF games always felt a bit random to me with infantry combat. Definitely had more of a focus on ground combat as opposed to air, but that was really no bad thing as the maps didn't really lend to loads of air combat.

I still also like how the scale of things in BC2 seems to be better than BF3\4, the characters and vehicles etc. look bigger and more to what you'd expect. In bf3 imo the scale of things seems to be off, as if they've made the scale of the world, characters, vehicles etc smaller to be able to create larger maps. Just have to play bc2 multi then hop into bf3 to see what I mean. :)
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Anyways I just hope that they stop tinkering with the weapons in bf4. 1 or 2 changes if needed and then its locked. To many changes went on bf3 with whatever weapon was 'whinge' of the month. Although part of me thinks its just dice making dlc guns better to make people buy the dlc, only for those guns to be nerfed in a later patch.


Was sick and tired of them changing every weapon even when there was no need.....

Iirc didn't demize or someone say that the reason they do it is because they like to change things up so people try different stuff out rather than using the same stuff all the time? If that is true, well they failed their objective since nearly everyone uses the m416 or m16 :p

I hope they make the pistols more powerful, they sucked big time in bf 3, with BC 2, you could actually do damn well with just the pistol.

You guys still play bc2?

Not anymore for a few reasons:

- lack of server choice and players, especially at night
- bit bored of it as iirc I have about 500-600 hours of gameplay time

Was thinking of buying the Vietnam expansion but supposedly it is more or less dead :(

The one thing where bf 3 is MUCH better than BC 2 is the feel/player control, when you go from bf 3 to BC 2, it just feels so clunky, it actually made me want to quit but I pushed on and got use to it again after a match or two :p
One thing id like to see implemented in BF4 is making it take a few seconds to attach c4 to vehicles, as it is its waay too easy for engineers to hide in rubble, run out plant a few charges onto a tank then blow it up in literally 3 seconds. its probably the most effective "anti armour" tactic besides a team of javelins with a soflam.
Was thinking of buying the Vietnam expansion but supposedly it is more or less dead :(

Vietnam expansion was the bomb when it came out. Loved it and I still try and a get a game in once a month or so. No shortage of servers, just hardly anyone playing it and there is only a handful of servers that are full/fill up with players, at least thats the way it is on hardcore.

Biggest thing I notice is how much slower you run/sprint in BC2 compared to BF3. :o

BF4 to me looks like BF3 with some new tweaks and features, slightly improved graphics/physics. To be honest I'd love another WW2 battlefield - seems to be a lack of any new WW2 based games and yet there were loads a few years ago - Brothers in Arms, Day of defeat, etc. :(
One thing id like to see implemented in BF4 is making it take a few seconds to attach c4 to vehicles, as it is its waay too easy for engineers to hide in rubble, run out plant a few charges onto a tank then blow it up in literally 3 seconds. its probably the most effective "anti armour" tactic besides a team of javelins with a soflam.

That would be a pretty good idea actually!

The most effective "anti armour" tactic is jihad jeep! :D On maps like caspian etc. I usually just end up doing that the entire round, should see the chatlog! :D

Vietnam expansion was the bomb when it came out. Loved it and I still try and a get a game in once a month or so. No shortage of servers, just hardly anyone playing it and there is only a handful of servers that are full/fill up with players, at least thats the way it is on hardcore.

Biggest thing I notice is how much slower you run/sprint in BC2 compared to BF3. :o

BF4 to me looks like BF3 with some new tweaks and features, slightly improved graphics/physics. To be honest I'd love another WW2 battlefield - seems to be a lack of any new WW2 based games and yet there were loads a few years ago - Brothers in Arms, Day of defeat, etc. :(

I regret not buying it as soon as it was released big time! :( Was put of by the comments regarding there being a fair amount of choke spam points and a few other things

Hmm, I might have to pick it up then! I also play hardcore, funnily enough I can't stand hardcore in BF 3......

As long as the servers that are full are actually good then I don't mind!

Likewise or a future set game, that is largely why I think I will give BF 4 a miss (despite looking a lot better), just bored of these modern shooters now, battlefront better be good!
That would be a pretty good idea actually!

The most effective "anti armour" tactic is jihad jeep! :D On maps like caspian etc. I usually just end up doing that the entire round, should see the chatlog! :D

Got killed by a jihad jeep last night for the first time in literally years, seen him coming from a mile off and switched to the Tanks lock on missile, the things refused to even attempt to lock on, didn't even show the amber box. :mad:
like bf3 no vehicle balance bfbc2 had good balance but basically like bf3 jump on tank rape all on foot rinse and repeat.

this is what you see on all low pub servers and will continue with bf4.

i know bf series has vehicles and i understand them being good but not too over power as much a they do the gameplay.

as a test go try bfbc2 and go do 25-30 man killstreaks you just dont . in bf3 any nub can jump in with repair team look at me boss im a tank whore .
like bf3 no vehicle balance bfbc2 had good balance but basically like bf3 jump on tank rape all on foot rinse and repeat.

this is what you see on all low pub servers and will continue with bf4.

i know bf series has vehicles and i understand them being good but not too over power as much a they do the gameplay.

as a test go try bfbc2 and go do 25-30 man killstreaks you just dont . in bf3 any nub can jump in with repair team look at me boss im a tank whore .

Since when did tanks "rape" in BF3? Especially given the vast amounts of engineers swanning about the place with rpg's and javelins. More often than not tank's don't last half as long as you'd expect given the fact that most servers are quite literally "death from above" with rocket pods laying a battering to anything moving.
One thing id like to see implemented in BF4 is making it take a few seconds to attach c4 to vehicles, as it is its waay too easy for engineers to hide in rubble, run out plant a few charges onto a tank then blow it up in literally 3 seconds. its probably the most effective "anti armour" tactic besides a team of javelins with a soflam.


Make it a time based application but to balance it only 1 pack of C4 should be needed to destroy/disable the vehicle.

A reactive armor tank requires copious amounts of C4 to destroy, that takes time in itself.
Since when did tanks "rape" in BF3? Especially given the vast amounts of engineers swanning about the place with rpg's and javelins. More often than not tank's don't last half as long as you'd expect given the fact that most servers are quite literally "death from above" with rocket pods laying a battering to anything moving.

Tanks only dominate when players that get killed constantly by the tank don't change to engineer to do something about it. Case in point was this game where the tank driver was able to dominate thanks to a combination of repairing engineers and my team not actually making a conscious decision to try and do something about the damned tank. Half a dozen engineers will take care of a tank fairly quickly. It's when you have one or two fighting against one or two repairing engineers and the tank, that the tank will win. I was raging at my team but I get the impression half of them don't even have the chat box on popup.
Tanks only dominate when players that get killed constantly by the tank don't change to engineer to do something about it. Case in point was this game where the tank driver was able to dominate thanks to a combination of repairing engineers and my team not actually making a conscious decision to try and do something about the damned tank. Half a dozen engineers will take care of a tank fairly quickly. It's when you have one or two fighting against one or two repairing engineers and the tank, that the tank will win. I was raging at my team but I get the impression half of them don't even have the chat box on popup.

Pretty much a rarity then, usually tanks rarely last beyond a few minutes at best depending on how attacking they are.
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