Battlefield 4 Thread ~ Server details in opening post ~

I had oc'd sli 670's eyetrip, wf models at 1267/1228mhz cores and 7204mhz memory. My 780 isnt a great clocker tbh. Use the same settings as the sli setup, ultra, x2 msaa @1920x1200. Cant bench at the minute though as FRAPS causes bf4 to crash. But below are a few runs with the 670's.

Frames, Time (ms), Min, Max, Avg
56026, 600000, 53, 177, 93.377

Frames, Time (ms), Min, Max, Avg
75031, 600000, 49, 193, 125.052

Min fps might be up as ive always found that when moving from sli to a newer single card, but will have to wait to see if i can get FRAPS running ok to check.
I need to spend several hours on the test range in heli's.

Oddly, it's something that I though would be easier on a pad... but the control scheme is just wonky for pads... far easier with m+k.

Don't think I have even touched a jet yet.

The Z11 is fine and fun - I worked hard from the start to get some hours on it for cannons :)

The Apache and Transport choppa on the other hand, like moving a piece of burnt food - all or nothing! Once your in a dive from considerable height, bail time :D
The Z11 is fine and fun.

The Apache and Transport choppa on the other hand, like moving a piece of burnt food - all or nothing! Once your in a dive from considerable height, bail time :D

too true, even with the LB sometimes.... they just don't seem to want to ascend/pitch up :\ fallen victim to it quite a few times....start swooping in...pull up and still finger on W to go up.... but it just freezes and goes "nope" into a building/tree/tank/sea/whatever :p
Who's around tonight for squading up?

Feel like a long night of BF. Still got so many things to unlock to find my fav's.

Really want to get the LA852 (?) with nade, defib and pistol kills in a round. Does it have to be the enemy I kill? :D
Yes, but more surprised how long it lasted. Considering I have had the account since BF3 was released. :D
Thing is if you were hacking, they wouldnt bat an eyelid. But any form of flesh on show in your avatar or profanity in your name. It's a no no.:confused:
Thing is if you were hacking, they wouldnt bat an eyelid. But any form of flesh on show in your avatar or profanity in your name. It's a no no.:confused:

What's more the game is about war --> mass slaughter, killing and all ages play this type of game and they know it. But won't do anything to stop kids of 8 or younger playing it as its all about the money.

So if the emblem or name is not to pornified big deal, kids see a lot worse in real life.

What Double Standards they have.
love using games/films as a scape goat. "ooooo my child has become violent, aggressive, swears and a murderer....and it's all the fault of these violent games and films"

oh I'm sorry, are you finding the game that is rated 18 to be detrimental to your sons behaviour? tell me again how you bought the special uber elite edition for your sons 12th birthday......

plebs xD

I remember being in "the electronics boutique" (that's going back some time xD ) and wanting to buy road rash at the age of like 11? my mum was with me and they guy behind the counter was like "uhhhhh you sureeee you want to buy this for's recommended 17+" I kinda gave my mum the "awww but pleaseeeee" look and she bought it for me......and I mean....well....I turned out fine......right?

*grabs chain, hits guy off bike, ramps bike off a granny with a zimmer frame* wwwweeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee gamesssss!!!

wow that went a bit off topic... :p
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