Is anyone else having trouble with flickering textures and weird graphics since the new update? Currently been running the latest AMD Catalyst 13.11 Beta 9.5 drivers and BF4 has been great so for for me up until today. Since this new update that came out its really screwed it up?
Any ideas?
Anyone SLI or Crossfire cannot at present play the game without turning off Crossfire/SLI and using second card as paperweight
Best patchfix ever Dice/Ea Grrrrrrrrrrr
just seen a name wandering around the map as if underneath the map, treid to take screen shot but it didnt work ? on map rogue transmission
BTW, last night I decided whilst downloading HD pr0n on utorrent I would play BF4, I hit everything I aimed at and traded kills with everyone that I didn't get the drop on, it seems the game is coded to make it easy for people with a high ping rate, so if I play with my connection saturated I get better scores with higher ping than I do low ping...