Battlefield 4 Thread ~ Server details in opening post ~

oooo bitch lol

I dunno, RPG seemed rubbish when I tried it, mind you that was when I just started out playing infy and I was trying to learn the maps and such. How much different is RPG to SMAW with regards to damage? advantages etc

If flies slower and drops more, so harder to aim.

In terms of damage, I'm not 100% sure offhand - Symthic may know.

TBH one of either is usually enough to down a chopper, which for me is the main thing, but I THINK RPG is one less shot on a tank/APC in most instances.
-AA is still fine with actives as long as their range gets nerfed from 3000mtrs (yep 3000 LOL)
- DMR's plz god no
- V40's remove 1 nade
- RGO's aren't that bad IMO
- Heli needs to be a shed load faster / CM reload decreased / TV OHK on air vehicles (except transport). I am happy with ammo count atm, I want it to be balanced not OP.
- LittleBirds problems aren[t well documented, what makes it OP is the emergency reps...when it goes below 37 health all it takes is the slightest repair and it is back over that..It has emergency repairs like in built extinguisher essentially, that is the main problem with it.
- Hand one cares ffs

Tony the AA guns are more than sufficient to hit the heli at 1000mtrs, that combined with many stingers means that even with a buff, the AA will still be very strong (and should be) oh and if you encounter hover camping, they are easy to take out with SRAW

DMR's need some kind of a buff. If it's not a 'slight' damage boost then make it handling and increase their bullet velocity.

Active Radar missles definitely need some kind of nerf. Their range just makes them too stronk!

Little bird shouldn't allow 2 people to repair it in flight.

Attack Heli really needs a handling/movement buff to make it much more manouverable.

1 less V40 mini should be fine. Their's too much grenade spam in this game, maybe reduce their restock time/speed.

Oh, and remove the MBT LAW or it's ability to auto lock/hit vehicles. It makes it a no skill weapon.

EDIT: Forgot to add; ffs EA/DICE fix the 1 SHOT KILL BUG!!! It's really annoying.
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Well with the SMAW and RPG keep an eye on the bottom right hand corner, the reload animation is longer than the actua soon as it says 1, you can fire again even tho the animation hasn't finished :D
EDIT: Forgot to add; ffs EA/DICE fix the 1 SHOT KILL BUG!!! It's really annoying.

Its hilarious sometimes - on hardcore ultra long range shot with g36c, tap em in the leg (pretty sure they hadn't taken any damage before) = 1 shot kill.

How on earth they managed to get so much wrong at a basic level with the game implementation I can't even imagine and I've got 20 odd years of programming experience. (Actually I can sort of - they are blatantly fudging outcomes that would take a bit of effort to code and/or was beyond the capabilities of whoever was working on it).
maybe 30-60 minutes, so going by that, maybe around 11:30. Ring any bells mate :p:D

BOOM headshot! 100 Points /game

Might be on tonight, tbh I'm getting a tad bored of the game. On nights next week so a whole 7 days without playing will do me good.
Not finished yet...paracel was 80-0 to them then 50/60-0 to us..they are strong on Zavod and won the first round with 50 tickets, 2nd round about to start.

I'd say you should beat them tho, can't remember who were are playing tomorrow hmmmm
Just played VIP (Nicz_dk etc) in an 8vs8...2 boats on my 1 seriously 2eeeeezzzz Boom boom mother hubbard

did they not have TV missiles or something ?

Hahaha I hadn't noticed either, he is one of the top infantry players in the UK, absolute beast. Maybe not as pro at spelling though :D you woulda loved it if playing with mates like BF4 ;)

The whole peeking thing never seems to work for me.

I always end up waiting for somebody that never turns up, so move up then get shot moving up past whatever I was peeking.
did they not have TV missiles or something ?

The whole peeking thing never seems to work for me.

I always end up waiting for somebody that never turns up, so move up then get shot moving up past whatever I was peeking.

That was his first vid, he'll be doing more and really knows his stuff.

Yep, they have TV's but Admiral Raider don't give a fudge. Don't underestimate taking an RPG and quick switching to 4th seat on close engagements. Plus luckily I had a repper when I engaged the 2nd boat who just about kept me alive engough to take both of them. Once I'd killed both boats it was both TV's on the LB to kill it :D
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