Battlefield 6

Blimey this thread has a few familiar names I recognise...

For me (in the midst of serious considering buying a PC to start playing BF and CoD), any new Battlefield game would have to be modern day. I agree with others that BF3/BF4 were my absolute favourites. Admittedly I'm slightly biased as I typically will only play infantry only on small maps - Lockers/Metro for example.

I still remember that night we went on a killing spree in Lockers with triple digit kill counts hah and many accusations of cheating IIRC.
Desert Combat, was the best experience I've ever had on a Battlefield game. Superior to anything DICE have done with any Battlefield engine.

EA shutting off dedicated servers support, killing modding. Didnt help, then replacing those feature of the game with unlock progression so the battlefield is nolonger balanced throwing the game away every 12ish months and making it super casual are all turn offs for me and the same I honestly havent had fun on a BF game since 3.

Maybe one of the best BF videos ever :D

Funny thing about Desert combat, development on it got halted because dice hired some of the devs to work on bf2. After bf2 was released they had the option to either locate to Sweden, or get **** canned. Most of them took the latter option. They basically just hired these people to stop competition from their own game engine and mod community.
I think the next one will be set in the future, like BF 2142.

Too many people want a piece of the pie from naming rights/licencing for games set in current settings using assets that exist. That's why COD switched to a modern setting, same with arma 3. Squad had to remove humvees because AM general wanted royalties.
Bf3/Bad Company2 were the absolute height of greatness for me.

AMEN. Bad Company 2 was possibly the best of them all. To the point that bought 3d nvision monitor & glasses to play it on 3d which was amazing.
(CIV5 was also amazing with Nvision).

Is shame that graphics have gone backwards today. VR is crap and for few supported games.
RT is pathetic on selected titles.

3d Vision was working on everything, even 10 years old games like DAOC, with just some tweaking of the depth.

Sad that Nvidia killed it, yet the outcry from the official forums never arrived here
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I think the next one will be set in the future, like BF 2142.

Too many people want a piece of the pie from naming rights/licencing for games set in current settings using assets that exist. That's why COD switched to a modern setting, same with arma 3. Squad had to remove humvees because AM general wanted royalties.

Here's hoping, but I suspect it'll be 'modern' times. Perhaps late 90's like in the 2nd Gulf War. Still some technology but nothing quite like Hover Tanks etc. I do still want a 2142 Sequel/Re-imagine though. It was my favourite. :(
Sad that Nvidia killed it, yet the outcry from the official forums never arrived here

The number of users who actually make proper use of 3D Vision was/is tiny - shame they've dropped it but my kit hasn't been out of the draw since 2012 or something.
Blimey this thread has a few familiar names I recognise...

For me (in the midst of serious considering buying a PC to start playing BF and CoD), any new Battlefield game would have to be modern day. I agree with others that BF3/BF4 were my absolute favourites. Admittedly I'm slightly biased as I typically will only play infantry only on small maps - Lockers/Metro for example.

haha!!!! The raging voice of Wndsr was always amusing :D
I don't care when this is set as long as it is good. But given that this is DICE Stockholm I have serious doubts about their ability to give us even a playable game, never mind a good one.
As long as they don't remake it bugs and all hah - the one thing that meant I didn't play as much BF2 as I'd have liked too was the number of times I'd empty an entire magazine into an enemy only for them to run off or seemingly take it all then kill me with one shot and a friend and myself proved that in many circumstances 1 in 3 marksman rifle shots would not register as hits ever (also seemed to be some kind of random number fudge where missed shots would sometimes count as hits against static targets).

Dice Stockholm might do pretty graphics better than just about any one but woeful when it comes to attention to detail in their coding.
As long as they don't remake it bugs and all hah - the one thing that meant I didn't play as much BF2 as I'd have liked too was the number of times I'd empty an entire magazine into an enemy only for them to run off or seemingly take it all then kill me with one shot and a friend and myself proved that in many circumstances 1 in 3 marksman rifle shots would not register as hits ever (also seemed to be some kind of random number fudge where missed shots would sometimes count as hits against static targets).

Dice Stockholm might do pretty graphics better than just about any one but woeful when it comes to attention to detail in their coding.
BF2 hitreg was all over the place. People really do have rose tinted glasses!
Old BF2 or new BF2?

I would love to see a game pull a community like the original BF2 did.

Unfortunately, the death of community dedicated servers has put pay to that.

Original BF2 was a mind blowing online experience and not rose tinted goggles either, a genuine 64 player experience which to this day is still to be matched. A great time to be alive :D

Think I'm in the minority in that I really liked BF1, at least when it comes to infantry gameplay.

3 and 4 were good, but I had a love/hate relationship with armour and aircraft.
Great fun to play with, but damn they could be frustating once u had a good enemy heli pilot on Siege of Shanghai.

Always enjoyed being a transport chopper pilot :p

Sadly I don't think we'll ever return to the likes of Desert Comabt of BF2.
But then again, I don't miss the grenade spam.

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