Battlefield 6

Great fun to play with, but damn they could be frustating once u had a good enemy heli pilot on Siege of Shanghai.

The level some took piloting to on Shanghai was insane and some of the tricks they'd use I dunno how anyone ever even realised could be done in the first place. I was also always in awe of the top level Littlebird pilots.

Always enjoyed being a transport chopper pilot

I always enjoyed other people being a transport chopper pilot :p
I'm not confident they will get the map designs/balance right no matter what era they go for. I think at this stage 2142 would be too risky. They will most likely play it safe and they can't afford another flop. Dedicated servers are a must obviously.
The level some took piloting to on Shanghai was insane and some of the tricks they'd use I dunno how anyone ever even realised could be done in the first place. I was also always in awe of the top level Littlebird pilots.

I always enjoyed other people being a transport chopper pilot :p

I never got the hang of that TV missles, was rare I could be the gunner. :(
I never got the hang of that TV missles, was rare I could be the gunner.

It was broken to **** implementation wise anyhow - you had to learn how to use it without triggering such issues as the steering input becoming erratic due to some kind of Euler/Gimbal lock type problem and encountering things like flying out of map bounds (sometimes due to going right through the target without it registering) and getting stuck at a fuzzy screen and every approx. ninth one would kill you and the chopper you were in rather than the target it hit! unless you took steps to avoid that like switching seats not to mention all the netcode issues with where the target was visually and where you needed to actually hit with the poor engine handling of multiple fast moving objects.

EDIT: Found someone's compilation of many of those issues with some rather poor music hah

as someone said in the comments "I wonder if Dice knows there is a TV missile in the game"

This is why I refuse to give Dice/EA any more money for any game unless they make good on fixing issues like that upfront and they don't just reappear in a game after supposedly being fixed in a previous title on the same engine, etc.

Some of those hits that did nothing are actually kind of working just Dice being lazy with the implementation of counter measures - I might be misremembering now but I think there was a trick electronics setup that while active would give you brief protection against TVs.
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Imo Battlefield 2 was by far the best, I remember buying a new PC so I could play it with good settings.

I put a lot of hours in that game.

BC2 was cool, the destruction 2.0.

I played a good bit of 3 when it first came out but I hit a wall with it, then never played it again.

Skipped 4 completely.

Played BF1 quite a bit I actually quite enjoyed it for what it is.

BFV yeah it's pretty awful.

I don't get why all the weapons are shared now, I guess because it's a lazy way to get balance, but IMO it ruins the experience. BF2 you had army specific weapons, vehicles etc.

A remake of BF2? Maybe.

I always thought like a Napoleonic war version would be cool, where your muskets are very inaccurate, takes ages to reload, close combat is much more of a thing and fixed artillery etc, think it would make a good dynamic and much less if of a COD like twitch point and click fest which BF games seem to be evolving towards.
I don't get why all the weapons are shared now, I guess because it's a lazy way to get balance, but IMO it ruins the experience. BF2 you had army specific weapons, vehicles etc.

Yeah, this need to over balance and appease the kids that complain to DICE constantly about how they're getting killed all the time because they're crap. Which results in a year of nerf, buff, nerf, buff, nerf until the gameplay is noticeably different from the game you original purchased. Partly it seems due to this age of gaming development where they don't test much at all, despite raving about closed Alphas with the public etc and they can get away with releasing a game a full $LOL price that's unfinished.

EA and DICE are pretty much dead to me. I have zero trust in them now, which is a shame as I have played them all since BF1942. But I'm old school, I don't seem to fit in to today's gaming society.
This is why I refuse to give Dice/EA any more money for any game unless they make good on fixing issues like that upfront and they don't just reappear in a game after supposedly being fixed in a previous title on the same engine, etc.

Yup, the mess on launch was the final straw and while I continued to play BF4 (and bought BF1 in the hope this has changed), they ultimately failed the gamers and I also refuse to give them any money. The only way this will change is if they bought out a roadmap, had consultation with gamers (online), engaged with what the gamers want and ultimately, released a product that was worth the price tag. The issue can't be all with DICE however as EA just railroad them into an early release. EA are the blight of the gaming industry and it'd be nice DICE went elsewhere to host their games and actually took time to create something masterful.
The issue can't be all with DICE however as EA just railroad them into an early release. EA are the blight of the gaming industry and it'd be nice DICE went elsewhere to host their games and actually took time to create something masterful.

EA own them, so EA/DICE are interchangeable where the blame is concerned.
Feels like they're churning out battlefield games very quickly these days?

Not really enjoyed one since BF2, everythings about trying to make a magnificent atmosphere these days with fancy graphics, which is great the first time you play it....then you realise the maps are crap and the gameplay is dull as soon as the wow factor wears off.
Feels like they're churning out battlefield games very quickly these days?

Not really enjoyed one since BF2, everythings about trying to make a magnificent atmosphere these days with fancy graphics, which is great the first time you play it....then you realise the maps are crap and the gameplay is dull as soon as the wow factor wears off.
Previously it was every two years but they've committed to not releasing another until 2021 which is highly unusual.
haha!!!! The raging voice of Wndsr was always amusing :D

I've not changed.... I just don't have any games to rage at currently :p

Before they tweaked the movement penalties on the sniper rifles I used to run and gun with a 338 Recon in BF4 - he was on the receiving end one match - oh the rage!

It's making my blood pressure rise just thinking about it!! I bet there were a few choice words coming from my direction.
I loved all the Battlefield games but I preferred Battlefield 4 and Battlefield 1 to Battlefield 5. Although I was enjoying Battlefiled 5 for a while, now I just can't get into it.

I only play Squad conquest and usually servers are half empty or their weird auto-balance is broken.

There's loads of cheaters now too.

Everytime I try to play I just end up quitting.

I'm really liking the new Modern Warfare at the moment.
Bf1 and bfv are utter trash with ridiculous mechanics such as the behemoth in bf1 and super soldiers in bfv.

If they re made bfbc2 (undoubtedly the best of the series) without any of the above detritus then it would be a 100% purchase.
Just give me 1942 on a massive scale. Simple weapons, no upgrades, proper air battles. Lovely. I'm sure you could even drive the battleship iirc, more of that please.
BF2 still the best overall for me.

1942 was special being it was the first and new.

Vietnam was good fun

2142 never liked it, ray guns and stuff not my thing (leave that for COD)

Bfbc2 was also great fun

BF3 + 4 excellent

BF1 had its moments but nothing like the previous titles.

BF5 utter garbage.
I want to see modern stuff, plus the tech that is kinda a bit futuristic like robodogs in the division. BF3 -4 BFBC best bf ever. Atm enjoying COD
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