Battlestar Galactica -Blood and Chrome

They might have trouble with the 'old' style visuals of that era. I would rather see a series about the Pegasus than a history of the Galactica, it might be hard to draw people in without the premise of advanced technology. The older Vipers and Cylon ships might look a bit too 'old school' for some.

Possible Spoilers

I Don't really see the problem :s. Galactica is one of the first Battlestars, and was deliberately shown as such in the re-imagined series. It was made clear on several occasions that at the point the series takes place, Galactica is hardly cutting edge, and is several years if not decades behind technologically for threat of digital warfare and the like. It was being decomissioned at the start of the series. Even most of the vipers they use for the first part of the series are the older models afterall. Older model Centurions, Raiders and Motherships were shown on one if not multiple occasions in the re-imagined series, and they looked great in CG.

The nittgy gritty old school look worked fine for BSG, and drew in plenty of viewers. I imagine the look will be much of the same in Blood and Chrome. Thats one of the strengths the re-imagined universe has going for it, it no istant fix technology (replicators, transporter beams of anykind). or overpowered laser/phaser/martian ray guns of any kind. It's far more realistic.
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Exactly. Some of the early episodes that made me love the series so much were basically highlighting that this wasn't utopia. Things like having to find something as basic as water, or going without sleep for way too long, and how the stresses told on everyone.


We had the backstory of Pegasus anyway. New ship gets ****ed up by Cylons, just survives. Commander goes a bit mental, things go pear-shaped. Not sure what's really left there to work with.
Looking forward to it even more now, fills the void of at least a seasons(Well, okay it's a two part mini series pilot like the original) worth of gritty space scifi.
"glad i searched zb39ky44bsg75"

I hope thats not the entire series worth of action all compressed into one trailer.

It does really good .
I really hope this is good. But i get the feeling the series will be a swansong for adult sci fi as we've known it.

Looking forward to it though, the visuals seem to still be there :)
The nittgy gritty old school look worked fine for BSG, and drew in plenty of viewers. I imagine the look will be much of the same in Blood and Chrome. Thats one of the strengths the re-imagined universe has going for it, it no istant fix technology (replicators, transporter beams of anykind). or overpowered laser/phaser/martian ray guns of any kind. It's far more realistic.

Hardly realistic.
They have FTL that instantly teleports ships to locations lightyears away and can also displace any matter occupying the physical space.
Railguns, particle weapons, antimatter nukes are possible already, only antimatter costs quadrillions per gram. FTL isn't even theoretically possible without exotic matter.
FTL isn't even theoretically possible without exotic matter.

That may be, but it would be pretty dull without the ability to quickly travel long distances. :)

I hadn't heard of this before, looking forward to it. I didn't watch Caprica, but I discovered BSG a year or two ago and I absolutely loved it. Fingers crossed for something new that lives up the BSG name.
Well the trailer doesn't tell us much apart from it looks exactly like the BSG we know :D The viper in the hanger bay looked a bit weird... completely CGI?

I hope the actors and story is good as the BSG remake was pretty damn lucky with some excellent performers.
Will we have free floating cameras being held by weak cameraman like that in BSG and Stargate Universe?, Prefer static cameras
The viper in the hanger bay looked a bit weird... completely CGI?

A few scenes looked a little odd, could be CGI or just the fact that it's not an official trailer release?

Completely off-topic, but hello again! I haven't been on OcUK in a while, but I used to go by the name tTz - long time no see! Not sure if you remember me, but you were a big help when I started learning guitar a few years back. Quite a lot of years back, come to think of it. :p
What are you talking about when you say bsg remake and what is the reimagination of bsg i keep seeing mentioned :confused:

Original BSG

A few scenes looked a little odd, could be CGI or just the fact that it's not an official trailer release?

Completely off-topic, but hello again! I haven't been on OcUK in a while, but I used to go by the name tTz - long time no see! Not sure if you remember me, but you were a big help when I started learning guitar a few years back. Quite a lot of years back, come to think of it. :p

Hey titz :D! Where the hell have you been?
Been busy. :p Since the last time we spoke, I've started and almost finished a 4 year MPhys degree. I kind of gave up forums for a while, but I appear to be back again. :)
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