Racist incidents
A racist incident, according to the police, is any incident, including any crime, which is perceived by the victim or any other person to be motivated by a hostility or prejudice based on a person’s ‘race’ or perceived ‘race’. In 2013/14, there were 47,571 ‘racist incidents’ recorded by the police in England and Wales. On average, that is about 130 incidents per day.
Hate crimes
A ‘Hate crime’ is defined in law as any criminal offence committed against a person or property that is motivated by hostility towards someone based on any aspect of their identity. The five strands of hate crime monitored by police in England and Wales, and Northern Ireland are: disability, gender identity, race ethnicity or nationality, religion, faith of belief and sexual orientation. In 2013/14, there were 44,480 hate crimes
recorded by police in England and Wales. Of these, 37,484 were recorded as race hate crime and 2,273 as religious hate crimes.
Deaths with a known or suspected racial element
The Institute of Race Relations monitors deaths with a known or suspected racial element in the UK.[1] Our research indicates that in the twenty years after April 1993 that there were at least 105 such deaths in the UK.
Of these, the vast majority (eighty-five) were in England, with five in Wales, twelve in Scotland and three in Northern Ireland. Within England, twenty-eight murders took place in London.
Twenty people were killed whilst at work as taxi-drivers, as shopkeepers and at pubs or clubs. Whilst the majority of the murders that we recorded involved attacks in the street, eight came from attacks on people in their homes. Of these, several were arson attacks.