simple one this, is iplayer dead in the water and the bbc have just given up on ever trying to up the quality ?
i know they are testing 4k, and have been for years now but the iplayer itself is still only pumping out glorious 720p, to me it seems they still only want people viewing things on the tv and nothing else in 4k, or even 1080.
even checking out BBC news on youtube it seems 1080/24 is king, apart from the 720/50 stuff Oo
so as a platform is it dead in the water as far as development now.
i know they are testing 4k, and have been for years now but the iplayer itself is still only pumping out glorious 720p, to me it seems they still only want people viewing things on the tv and nothing else in 4k, or even 1080.
even checking out BBC news on youtube it seems 1080/24 is king, apart from the 720/50 stuff Oo
so as a platform is it dead in the water as far as development now.