BBC possibly to drop F1 coverage...

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The BBC could save a fortune on te team they send! They send a team to cover practice ffs!

They only need brundle and croft covering all he racing/quali/practice
Kravitz and Mckenzie track side
Jake and someone like AD else for the preshow.
there's me saved what 5 on air talent salaries and flights, meals, accommodation without even trying.

This isn't about the cost of production.

Ecclestone runs F1 (for private equity firm CVC Partners) and has simply set an unaffordable price for BBC. BBC has done nothing wrong. It's Eccleston who's chosen to exchange more money for fewer fans. Poor show.
Gutted, yet another sport ruined by money grubbing gits & Sky. It'll be a cold day in hell when Sky get any of my money. Looks like just half the races for me next year :(

It's doubly annoying because of how good the BBC coverage is - I think they have the perfect package of presenters & programming at present.
Because the only show football on sky sports 1?

And what difference does it make if they show it on SS1 or SSN?

Well, quite a lot of difference to those folks who use TopUp TV to bolt SS1 onto their FreeView box....going to be annoying for them if they switch over to SS1 expecting to see racing cars and instead find a bunch of overpaid nancy boys kicking a pig's bladder around a scabby patch of grass ;)
It's doubly annoying because of how good the BBC coverage is - I think they have the perfect package of presenters & programming at present.

And we've just got our hand on the HD feed only to lose it again :( I'm joining the line to punch Bernie in the nuts.
FFS!! Annoyed at this decision so much! F1 is pretty much the only thing I watch on the BBC. Like hell I'll be paying for a tv licence next year, they can **** right off!
right absolute minimum is

£29.75 for basic tv + sky sports collection. maybe cheaper if it will be shown on just one sports channel.

Then you have to add on phone rental.
Then if you want HD another £10.25

Insane just to watch one sport.
This isn't about the cost of production.

Ecclestone runs F1 (for private equity firm CVC Partners) and has simply set an unaffordable price for BBC. BBC has done nothing wrong. It's Eccleston who's chosen to exchange more money for fewer fans. Poor show.

Bernie didn't just up the price mid contract.

BBC can't afford f1 including production, so they wanted out, so bernie found someone who could afford it
Why is it always the UK?

UK home of football (on subscription TV)
UK home of motorsports (on subscription TV)
UK home of Cricket (you get the point)

It just doesnt happen in other countries. I could save the BBC a SHED load of money. For startes just cut half the awful crap you put on BBC3 may aswell drop MotoGP as your coverage of that is so shocking its not worth it.

Sod athletics and the olympics
f1 is dead to me once this starts i dont have sky sports and im certainly not going to pay for it just to watch half of the f1 races each year....
I got rid of Sky after subscribing since it first started when it was free because of the incessant phone calls trying to get me to upgrade or similar, they would never talk to my wife and kept phoning over and over until I spoke to them.
I wrote to them to stop the calls, they said they would put a marker by my account not to phone but they still did.
Now I keep getting mail to get me to join back up, each one I write on "junk mail return to sender, remove from mailing list" but they still keep coming, I contacted the Mail Preference Service buy they will not do anything if you are getting mail from someone you had a previous account with.
So I will not be watching F1 on Sky
so just another step towards the death of the BBC, i bet when they finally die off we still have to pay the license fee
Or, find a friend with Sky Sports... give them x amount per race and use their Sky Go account (stream it to your house online by logging in with their details).

This will only work if the don't keep the IP addy to the account ;)
What I find stunning about all this is that rather than attempting to "add value" to F1 and increase revenue by creating extra revenue streams, they are instead going for the short term gains of increased TV revenues by moving to Pay TV.

In the long term I have no doubt that this will damage interest in F1 in the UK. Much of the value of F1, comes from outside the TV revenue - sponsorship, mechandise, circuit fees, VIP access etc etc. If you sacrifice in the long term your overall numbers of F1 fans for that relatively small boost in TV revenue you are shooting yourself in the foot.

F1 is missing a huge opportunity to add premium content for avid fans to consume. Many of us would happily pay extra for things like they have already in america (access to team radios, on board footage, high tech car tracking and timing). This is a far more constructive way to increase revenue without damaging the base support.

I don't think I have missed a F1 race since 1982. In 2012 this may well change. The move to paytv is a slippery slope and just the start of the way things will go if this goes unchallenged by the fans.

I sincerely hope that all of those F1 fans who don't already have sky and sky sports don't go ahead and purchase it. This deal will end almost immediately if Sky don't generate the number of extra subscriptions they are expecting from this.
The short term pain of missing some races for a season, will ensure that in the future F1 doesn't sell out further. If we don't do this, once they realise that they can milk us, they will only push further (adverts mid race even on pay tv, commentators selling products more than commentating (as in the US) higher fees and worse).

This is probably our only opportunity to make a stand and ensure the future of F1 heads in the diretion that we, the fans want it to go, not the greedy money makers at the top.
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