Beans on toast in a cafe, how much is reasonable to pay?

Pre-covid, my workplace did a 7 item breakfast for £3. You could add a 5 item breakfast for £2.50 and have a 12 item breakfast for £5.50. With two mugs of tea, since each came with a mug of tea. Profit was about nothing - food is a small part of the business and the idea was to attract customers into the business and give existing customers something they valued.

Staff got it on the cheap. IIRC it was 70p for the 7 item breakfast. Bloody great deal.

It's surprising how cheap adequate ingredients were when you're a large business buying them by the lorryload.

The quality of that produce must have been terrible for that price, what were they using, Richmond sausages or something?
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In the world of Royal Engineers, beans on toast + cheese is a meal to be treasured and many will travel to get it....

Can't remember the price of it, but it's not expensive.

But in real life, beans on toast?! no chance, eggs benedict if I am having breakfast out.
i do kind of agree here.

not that i have anything against beans on toast as a meal, i'm very partial to it on occasion with some fine grated cheddar.

but if you're gonna eat in a cafe, even a greasy spoon, get something more imaginative.

That's what I meant in my own, brash way.

At home, beans on toast occasionally is ok. Far from my favourite meal but I'll have it maybe once a year.

At a cafe? No chance.
This is my chance to post my excessively expensive copper pan @robfosters :D

£3.50 in an average grotty place. £7 in a nicer place.

just because you can buy it for 32p doesn’t entitle you to have it for pennies too.

also, lol @ people going to a place to order beans on toast- what are you like 3 years old? :p
No bacon, mushroom, fried slice, black pudding, beans in a separate pot, cheap anaemic battery eggs (Assuming the white balance is set correctly). What a disastrous plate.
The price might depend on where in the country you live.

I've never bought beans on toasts at a place. But £3 seems expensive? Or is that just the inflation these days?
The quality of that produce must have been terrible for that price, what were they using, Richmond sausages or something?

Likewise if you order beans on toast from

Everything comes from an industrial scale catering company. I've no idea what the brand names are for individual food items. I don't work in the food side. I know the hot drinks we use are common brands (Kenco, Tetley, Options) and the markup on hot drinks is much higher than the markup on food. A very large business ordering bulk packed food and drink by the lorryload can get a very low price per unit. Much lower than anyone would expect from retail prices for the same products. At least before covid. Maybe it's different now, but I doubt it.

I have eaten the food. I liked it. I don't choose the sausages, though. I don't eat sausages. "Emulsified high fat offal tubes", as they were memorably described in Yes, Prime Minister. I had extra bacon instead. Because bacon.
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