Shouldn't we just ask the expert @Beans on toast Dave ?
Shouldn't we just ask the expert @Beans on toast Dave ?
How similar in texture and taste is it to Spam?its awesome grilled has to be made by plumrose though.
Pre-covid, my workplace did a 7 item breakfast for £3. You could add a 5 item breakfast for £2.50 and have a 12 item breakfast for £5.50. With two mugs of tea, since each came with a mug of tea. Profit was about nothing - food is a small part of the business and the idea was to attract customers into the business and give existing customers something they valued.
Staff got it on the cheap. IIRC it was 70p for the 7 item breakfast. Bloody great deal.
It's surprising how cheap adequate ingredients were when you're a large business buying them by the lorryload.
If you are going to a cafe to eat, why would you order such a rubbish meal?
i do kind of agree here.
not that i have anything against beans on toast as a meal, i'm very partial to it on occasion with some fine grated cheddar.
but if you're gonna eat in a cafe, even a greasy spoon, get something more imaginative.
Mmmmmm, blurred sausage.
No bacon, mushroom, fried slice, black pudding, beans in a separate pot, cheap anaemic battery eggs (Assuming the white balance is set correctly). What a disastrous plate.
The quality of that produce must have been terrible for that price, what were they using, Richmond sausages or something?
Likewise if you order beans on toast from