Beheaded teacher in a street in France(Usual suspects).

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One murderer?

You do know that certain regions are at war with the west and have been committing mass murders since and before 9/11?

People move here for cultural freedoms and then murder those exercising those freedoms.

I don't think they do move here for 'cultural freedoms', more like a better standard of living. The ones who do move here for those freedoms are likely from minority groups like the Shia, or Ahmadis etc and those Muslims are never in the news for committing terrorist acts like the beheading...
I think the sad issue is that most Muslims are more loyal to their religion than they are patriotic.

Thou shalt have no other gods before Me

Not just muslims

The Guardian aren't MI5 mate.
The new threat is from right-wing terrorism, where MI5 took over the lead from the police in April.

Out of 27 terrorist plots disrupted in the last four years, eight have involved right-wing extremists.

Islamist extremism is the biggest threat, but there is a growth of right-wing extremism, which the Security Service assumed lead responsibility for tackling from the police.

The spy chief said that of 27 disrupted terrorist attacks, interrupted at a late stage, since 2017, eight of them had been by far-right extremists.

Q: What about the Far-Right threat?

A: Mr McCallum said this was growing with eight out of 27 “late stage” terror plots foiled since 2017 involving Far Right terrorists. He said online radicalisation was one of the causes of the increasing problem with more young people being drawn into Far Right extremism. He added that some were drawing inspiration from Right wing extremists in the US and elsewhere overseas, but that these connections were not “structured” and coordinated in the same way as Islamist terror activity could be. He also said that while the Far Right terrorism now outstripped the Islamist threat in Germany, the same was not the case here.

The guardian is not MI5, but the boss of MI5 is MI5.
At least they shot him dead. It's a pity that they did not stop him killing, but at least it saved a few tax payers their euros.
Let's not generalise, and why pick Pakistan? And they all refuse to denounce these acts do they? ...

Not sure, they seem friendly enough



Great culture i hear.
When was the last time a tory beheaded a teacher?
Im not defending a religion and definitely not defending people that kill or try to hurt people either, but when was the last time a moderate muslim beheaded anyone?

The same kind of talk that leads extremist muslims to commit these acts are being used by the Tories to rowl people up that then go on to commit acts of violence.
Not sure, they seem friendly enough


Great culture i hear.
A bit like the Liverpool fans that set a building on fire with fireworks and attacked the police during lockdown and the idiots gathering after the 10pm pub closures.
Im not defending a religion and definitely not defending people that kill or try to hurt people either, but when was the last time a moderate muslim beheaded anyone?
A bit like the Liverpool fans that set a building on fire with fireworks and attacked the police during lockdown and the idiots gathering after the 10pm pub closures.

The Liverpool fans didn't move to the UK to support a terror sponsoring country like Pakistan and take every opportunity to praise /celebrate it, despite it being a racist, sexist, morally corrupt country ...
Im not defending a religion and definitely not defending people that kill or try to hurt people either, but when was the last time a moderate muslim beheaded anyone?.

How do you know this guy wasn't?

Muslims in the UK have killed each other and they call themselves "moderate"
The Liverpool fans didn't move to the UK to support a terror sponsoring country like Pakistan and take every opportunity to praise /celebrate it, despite it being a racist, sexist, morally corrupt country ...
How do you know this guy wasn't?

Muslims in the UK have killed each other and they call themselves "moderate"
But non muslims also kill each other? It seems to be a human condition.
There is going to be a breaking point eventually. I guess it already happened in China and Myanmar.

How much longer will the world tolorate a religion which uses violence to respond to criticism?

We should hold a "draw mohammed" contest like they did in the states and when the little bearded fascists show up.... well, it didn't go too well for them.

If you want a laugh (or to be depressed) have a read of the guardian comments regarding this article, its full of the usual, "well he shouldn't have been murdered but...."

Yep, they turned up to attack one "contest" in Texas. You can probably guess how that ended lol
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They have already created a separate society, closed ranks, based around mosque led policy and insight.

They act and vote as per the local mosque leaders, follow a different law etc.

Tell me how Muslim women can ever mix and integrate when they are barely allowed to interact with anyone outside of their family/household?

Stop that, they are fantastic workers, doctors and engineers, holding the economy together. Aren't they...? Or are there swathes of inner city areas with enclosed communities, almost like sub countries within our island, with no desire to integrate and a strong attachment to their old ways with no regard to our own culture? I take from this topic that a lot of people are getting fed up to the back teeth of multiculturalism and its negative aspects and are beginning to talk of how to stop further immigration from certain religious regions. Things are slowly coming to a head I believe.

The race crusader on a mission to clean up the forums of all the racists. His super power is tagging everyone with his favourite word.
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