No not saying he shouldve slowed down, saying perhaps he shouldve continued going over completely the edge of the race track (which he wasnt at this point). Its all hindsight of course...
Each one of your posts is embarrassingly anti Hamilton as to be a joke. Firstly one of your pictures showing him with more space than you'd think is post contact, after his front left is hit Hamiltons car moves to the left, because that is what happens when your front left suddenly stops and the other three tyres don't, the car started to move left.
Secondly what you can see in those pictures and what Hamilton can see are ENTIRELY different things, Hamilton can see a white line ahead of his tyre maybe 10 metres ahead of his car, he doesn't want to touch the white line. Try being in a formula one car, with a bunch of people turning right ahead of you any second and braking with 2 tyres on the grass or 2 tyres on the white line vs the other two on the tarmac..... that would have been an accident anyway.
As for its not really Grosjeans fault because he's only focusing ahead of him, sorry, BS. On lap 44 of that race you needed to be aware of whats going on ALL AROUND YOU at ALL TIMES. In the first and most dangerous corner its absolutely without question inexcusable to not focus on who might be behind and to the side of you just because you might want to jump up the inside. There was never a chance in hell of jumping up the inside, he was trying to take an absurd line into a corner that likely had Hamilton not been there, caused contact anyway, either with the cars infront because he can't make that tight a turn that fast, or cars behind if he has to brake so hard to miss those guys he's dead weight in that corner.
Every single part of what he did today was inept, wrong, dangerous and unforgivable. The excuse of "he was only focusing in front" is barely passable for lap 44, for lap 1, not passable at all.
All of your crap about maybe Hamilton could have moved over more.... it doesn't matter, Hamilton already moved over and Grosjean still went over. You're suggesting that with probably 3 car widths to his left AND the racing line on his left, that Hamilton would have avoided any problems if he moved over further. Sorry but if Hamilton was further over, the likelyhood is Grosjean would have moved over further as well and as said, if Hamilton hits the grass and tries to brake, his car spins, doesn't stop and hits everyone ahead anyway.
Not aware he was there... then why did he shoot over very sharply and stop right before hitting Hamilton? Why, because he knew he was there, he was purposefully trying to squeeze him and screwed it up completely.
I like Grosjean but that was beyond reckless today and a 1 race ban is incredibly lenient.