Well that's a bit different, isn't it? One's an actual living child, the other is an unborn foetus. If a mother is 7 months pregnant and decides to abort her baby it's her decision. This means she's already carried the baby for 7 months, making it quite possibly the most difficult thing she will ever do, so she'll have one hell of a reason for doing so. That's her decision and nobody else's. I know someone who aborted a child at 4 months because she was in an accident which killed the father and rendered her brain damaged and partially paralysed. It completely broke her and she eventually took her own life.
Should she have brought that child in to the world? Would that have been fair to the child?
Stop dodging the question.
You have a health full term fetus in a woman
1) should the woman be allowed to abort the fetus (which will still need to be clinically removed from her bodyl
2) and if she should be allowed to abort the fetus at this stage other than the name applied to it (fetus vs new born baby) what is the difference between the two?
Does some magical process occur when a fetus passes through the birth canal or is cut out of its mothers womb that suddenly means its capacity to suffer has changed?
My position is that early term abortion (based on the best scientific understanding of fetal deveoplement and accompanying ability to suffer and feel pain) should be legal 'on demand' but that after that point there should be a compelling medical reason for an abortion to go ahead.
'Early term' is likely to be in the first trimester