Benifets to be a pirate gamer :(

I don't really want to get into this argument but statements like this really annoy me.

Share the source. You can't claim that something backs up your argument by simply saying "well I read it somewhere" or just wildly proclaiming research has been done without at least saying where you found or heard of such research.

Maybe you should quote everyone in this thread, I haven't seen a link to any site so far.

Anyway, its nothing I've read recently so I can't remember the source, so I just did a google for you instead. :)

Colin Campbell takes a look at the trade that's costing this business over $1 billion a year.
I realise that 99% of the people in this thread (and other threads) don't back up what they say, yours was the last post I read and is why I quoted you. :)

Fair enough though, you backed up what you said
When the industry says "We're losing 1 billion" they're inflating the results to a figure that's woefully inaccurate. Out of all the people who download the games, who would actually buy that many? Okay, so lets say Guitar Hero is £20 and 100 people pirate it, which is £2000 lost right? Now, if only 1/5 would actually buy it (taking into account that not everyone has fat wads of cash) then £2000 hasn't been lost at all, £400 has. so a much smaller number. amplify that on a bigger scale with the 1 billion, and you see just how much crap they're chatting.
:rolleyes: Are you on another planet? Developers do not want rental stores to be open at all. If I remember correctly Nintendo tried to stop it from happening back in the SNES days, but they found a loophole which meant they couldn't include the manual or the original box when renting games out.

And before anyone says it, no people do not rent games to try before they buy. a lot of research has shown very few people go out to buy the game after rental.

Rental games are a different license, if the developers/publishers didn't want it, they simply wouldn't allow it.
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wen pir8ing games for my DS i fell out of love with gaming just switching between games here and there. then i bought pokemon diamond and i wanted to get my moneys worth from it, so i played it to death, loving each minute!

OK, so people renting don't always buy the games they rent. Big deal. If a game is only good enough to play for the time you rent it, then that's the fault of the developers producing games that don't take longer to play than a rental and aren't worth buying to play over and over.

It also overlooks the fact that a rental is still a rental, where there might well not be a sale. If a person isn't going to buy a game, but they are going to rent it, then that's money you make on the rental that you otherwise wouldn't have seen. If you stopped rentals, there would be a gap in the market between those prepared to buy and those not prepared to buy. Capitalism essentially demands that this gap be filled with rentals.

mr.sly said:

Publishers whine about second hand sales. Big deal. They can't argue with the law and come to that, they'd have trouble arguing with the millions of people who'd be put out if second hand sales were stopped. The licenses don't forbid second hand sales, and if they did, they would be struck down by courts in the US under the first sale doctrine in the copyright act or in the EU under the principle of the exhaustion of rights. Banning second hand sales would be illegal, basically.

Game publishers can cry all they want, but it's their problem if the games they produce are not good enough to buy, or not good enough to keep.

Another question - are libraries immoral? Book publishers don't get money per book borrowed, do they?
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Personally I would not be downloading games, with the recent online cases of peoples IP's being traced and sued. If I was this way inclined, I would borrow one from a highstreet rental co. and then copy it that way if I could be bothered. Personally I do not spend much on consoles with my last game I purchased beingf COD 4 and Forza 2 before that. Looking at my shelf I have 6 Xbox 360 games in 4 years, 3 of which came with the console, so when I really want a game I do not mind purchasing it legit. Thing that annoys me is DLC, which can turn a £40 game into £60 quite easy like TDU proved to be.
Yes those profit margins are very good for a company of that type and size. Sony has profit margins of about 1.5%.

Sony isn't a shining example.

If you think that inflation in the UK is something like 2.5% then they're just standing still (unless that is factored into their costs already).
Hmm took 3,000 Mil but only made a profit of 76 Mil ?

Do you think they're doing well? that's 2.5%.

lol :D

They should shut down and put the money in a high interest savings account then ;)

I'm sure directors are being given a rather large bonus each year..

there's many things this isn't including..
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