What do you mean, 10-15 game engines? You mean 10-15 game types? What do you mean?
Well, I guess game types is an added dimension. My point was, that as the platforms upon which these games engines expand, the actual amount that the games engine itself has to implement reduces. So for example, when API's were non-existent, every game was practically unique, however, as API's such as DX get bigger and bigger, it will require only a few lines of code to produce the desired effect, it becomes simply a matter of linking 20 standard packages together rather than investing hundreds of hours into a brand new engine simply for a single game. Therefore the differences between the game engines themselves will become rather small, I believe the technicality of the engines will plateau and "graphics" and "physics" will not be a selling point when they are all as poweful as each other.
Of course, game type is another dimension to multiply the number of platforms, but often it is simply a matter of scripting your API to produce the desired effect - the number of different possible ways of playing using the Warcraft 3 engine is an example of that, which has led to new types of game, such as Tower Defence etc - more influential than the WC3 title itself which was just another RTS.
OK, that makes more sense, but it assumes that media companies are genuinely happy to license things to you, which you are not. You only have to look at some of the things Jack Valenti has said about how people should be allowed to use DVDs to realise that. They don't want you to have eternal access to content, and until they change their mind there's not a lot we can do. They want to keep selling us new and updated versions of the same old films, rather than just allowing us actual access to the underlying content. I'm not saying it wouldn't be better if we could all have access to Blade Runner in any format, but that the media companies won't allow it. If I have a film on VHS, there's no way they'll let me just take the DVD for free, then the Blu-Ray, then the media+1 format.
Of course they won't be happy - they have had it good for a looooong time now, and if anything piracy is going to force them to move on for the good. Imho piracy is actually *good* for the industry in this case, without competition there is no need for improvement. I don't expect them to give me a free DVD of the content if I have the old VHS copy, there is a lot of costs associated with the production of either - not original medium costs, but packaging, distribution, reformatting, the DVD extras etc. *Those* are the things that originally sold us the DVD format over the VHS... not purely things like picture quality that are very "qualitative" and difficult to quantify. Simple things like the ability to pause / search / jump to chapter X that we take for granted now.
And yet, games companies are spending a fortune developing new engines. How much do you think it cost id to make the Doom 3 engine? If game engines were "good enough" or whatever you're claiming, surely they'd just stop and churn out the content in the way you desire.
Game engines may be technically complex but they are still very undeveloped in many ways - when we start seeing game "platforms" that mature, and remember that maturity often comes from use, and it took probably ten years of millions and millions of people using and developing on the Web platform before we started to see the kind of quality we regularly see now online. Gah I am bad at phrasing myself sometimes. The number of people using game engines, developing APIs and writing games is not very large. Plenty of companies, with a low % of actual developers, working in isolation in many parts. But there isn't a global *need* to develop common platforms for games. There are certain projects that have potential (I spent 3 years working with OpenSG as a graphics API) but they are more specific to a particular goal - OpenSG is just a layer on top of OpenGL that allows the use of distributed scenegraphs, things that aren't use in games (scenegraphs often, let alone distributed anything). So that is *graphics* "taken care" of, not the rest of a game engine.
User generated content? Great. Buy moddable PC games and away you go. Not sure what point you're making there...
User generated content, the term itself, is entirely up in the air at the moment. You could consider this entire thread "user created content", because the actual value that it has comes from the very users who consume it. This is probably most of the actual value of WoW - not the crappy boring quests, low resolution models, music that we've heard a hundred times - but the thrill of working with friends to defeat a mighty foe, the joy of beating a team (not AI generated by the company but another set of humans), the satisfaction of completing a set or finishing a particularly tedious grind. I spent 2 mindless days grinding the same mobs over and over ala "make love not warcraft" to get my reputation up to buy an epic necklace. I didn't have to do it, no-one made me do it, and the grind was tedious. But when I finished it, I felt satisfied that I had worked and worked at something and completed it - something that someone *couldn't* buy on ebay, *couldn't* get "boosted" by someone else and do in half an hour. It took discipline and commitment, and I got the necklace. The necklace itself is crappy and not that amazing, but it was the sense of *satisfaction* that I worked for, not the end product.
I mean level by level, and you know what I mean.
What I meant was, when you buy Halflife2 on steam, you buy the entire game whether you ever finish it or get to the final levels or not. But imagine logging onto steam and you have a selection of a hundred different campaigns to try, a hundred different gaming experiences based within the half-life world... you might not always understand the storyline (which gives motivation to complete in order) but you still have the choice, pick & mix... your friends recommend fight A but you read on a blog that mission 62 is particularly difficult and you feel like a challenge. Click a button, pay updated, mission downloaded, ready! And thats just the *official stuff*, not the fan stuff, but the companies are supposed to offer things that fans can't, and canon storylines and characters are often more lucrative than game engines/platforms. Which is why mario is so goddamned important to Nintendo
My point was that there has to be some challenge to playing a game. Where's the challenge if everything is available to you from the start? Why should I get good at a game if the last level is as easy as the first and I can see the end sequence or whatever any time I like?
Yes but as I said, that is very, very old fashioned. If you played a lot of games recently, they put the game credits as a link on the front page. The challenge of the game is to beat it, not to see a crappy animation. You could probably see that online on youtube if you looked. The satisfaction comes from completing whatever it was you set out to fulfill. And if you get stuck on some earlier level, you can skip it and come back to it later.
Its a bit like Exam technique - just because you get stuck on the first question doesn't mean thats it for the entirety of the exam! And just because you fail an exam doesn't mean that with a little more study you can get it! Of course I am not suggesting we hand out everything for free, but people like to play in different ways and by typecasting, you immediately turn off a lot of people. By giving people choice, they are free to explore whatever it is that they enjoy.
Yes, there's a balance to be struck, but you seem to be in favour of tipping it so far over that there's almost no challenge whatsoever. I too agree with the game being a more holistic experience than just being about the challenge, but if all I wanted was a story with no challenge or skill required I'd go read a book or watch a film.
There is no storyline in tetris, it is purely a skill-based game. The nice thing about it, is because there are other games to play, when you fancy a bit of tetris, you can pick it up and put it down without any issue.
Now imagine if "tetris" had been created by nintendo and bundled as world 3 of super mario land on the GB. Only those people that managed to complete the first two worlds would be able to play it. It might provide challenge to do that, but you haven't given people the choice to play. I understand your point concerning challenge, but anyone who ever cheats (most people try it at least once) realise that there isn't any fun in it after a while, it becomes more like game testing. I have a friend who is determined to never know cheat codes for any game, and whilst I respect his wishes, I do feel sometimes that he misses out. But that is his way of playing and I respect it.
In that case I'd guess that we're both missing each other's points. The best option is probably in the middle somewhere. I just don't see how you can suggest people selling us games bit by bit or allowing us access to everything up front. It doesn't make sense.
I think because in this case "game" is too broad a term. Nowadays, anything about a game can be found out online - cheats, tricks, full walkthroughs, storylines etc etc. The one thing that they can't put online is the experience of the game itself. But the term "experience" is an incredibly broad term. Its a little like music - you can "experience" a song by downloading a digital copy illegally, but you can never download a "performance", because a performance is live, you have to be there to see them, experience the crowd, interact with them, essentially. The same with games. And how you choose to interact with them is far more important than simply the way that the developer *decided* you should interact with them.
Examples of emergent gameplay :
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K2f0aGMAx7w&feature=related (musical chairs in karazahn)
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mP6rSCVsP8M&feature=user (farcical football to allow both teams to stay in the league, Nice Guys Finish First, dawkins)
More if I can find them ^^