Benjisayers - Training Log.

Friday - Shoulders

Dumbbell shoulder press - 12kg 5 x 10
Shoulder press machine 30kg 1 x 10 25kg 2 x 10
Dumbbell front raises 8kg 3 x 10
Dumbbell rear delt flys 6kg 2 x 10
Delt flys machine 50kg 3 x 15

On the should press I was meant to do 3 sets @ 12kg and then 2 sets@ 10kg but someone can't replace the weight properly and a 10kg has gone AWOL so on the final two sets of 12kg I did 5 reps then a 30 sec rest the next 5 then my usual rest of 1min 15 then repeated another 5 then rest and the final 5.

Seated dumbell fly's are hella hard too! Would I be better off doing a standing variation until I get a bit of strength as I'm only doing a piddly weight on that and struggle. :)
I think anything with a barbell scares him atm! You need a session with me where we'll just review your technique on Deads, Squats, barbell Bench and barbell OHP.
The lowering of the weights shouldn't be slow. I don't slam it down to the ground like Doovis does, but I certainly don't control it down too slowly.

The Exploitah might be the brother of someone?

HAH! Hardly slam it mate. I RDL it to my knees then lower it.

You know the reasons I don't control it as much as I'd like to anyway. So nerr.
If in doubt on a deadlift negative, RDL it to you knees then let it fall to the floor. You can keep your hands on it, which might be better in a commercial gym, or you can let go altogether. There isn't really any difference so just do what is comfortable and won't get you thrown out :).

Training is looking good brah :)
By RDL they mean Romanian Deadlift, where you keep your legs pretty much straight and pivot at the hips until you're torso is as close to parallel as you can get, then bend your knees at the end to return it to the ground :)
Yep, just imagine your ass reaching back as far as possible and your shins being at a negative angle (tipping away from your toes) as you get close to your knees.
Cheers for the input guys. I'm not fussed how much noise I make some people just drop the weights from silly heights and nothing is said about it.

Wills is right too, I'm not really comfortable with the barbell at the minute but give it a few more weeks and I'm sure I'll be confident enough to give it a bash.

That sounds good to me too bru, I'll sort out coming down to your gym at some point unless you want to marvel at mine.
Yyyyyyyeaaaah, back in the gym with the Sayers' bros (one of).

Today was Leg day which is genuinely the day I enjoy doing the most as it's the day I'm most comfortable with. Plus whats not to like about being unable to tackle the stairs out of the gym without looking like there is something wrong with you.

Leg Extensions: 60kg/70kg/75kg 1 set each @ 10 reps
Seated Leg Curls: 60kgs * 3 @ 10 reps
Squats: 60kg * 3 @ 10 & 50 * 2 @ 10
Leg Press: 110kg * 1 @ 10, 120kg * 3 @ 10 & 110kg * 1 @ 10
Standing Calf Machine (pulley type) 110 * 5 @ 20
Inner Thigh machine: 65kg * 5 @ 20

Should I swap the first two exercises the Ext's and Curls from the pulley machine to the seated plate machine?
Are you doing the extensions and the curls as a warm up for squats? OR is it intentional? I'd personally do Squats first, unless you need the warmup.
I was only meant to do the extensions first and curls after my squats and press but all the racks where being used for ages so decided to do the curls so I wasn't just stood around for ages.
This mornings gain report:

Barbell Bench - 1*10 @ 40kg then 45 @ 40kg
Dumbell Bench - 5*10 @ 12kg's
Incline Dumbell - 5*10 @ 12's
Chest Press Machine - 1 * 10 @ 50kg & 2 * 10 @ 45kg
Chest Fly Machine - 3 * 12 @ 50kg
Tricep Pushdown - 3 * 10 @ 40kg
Tri Rope/OH Superset 3 * 10 @ 35 & 25 kg's respectively.

Today was my first time doing barbell without any guidance and after the first set I didn't have the confidence to go on with the 10's so dedided to swap it out for the 5*5 style workout which I'll stick with for the future while I build some strength and confidence.

I forgot to email my routine to my phone as well so was having to guess weights from memory hence why they aren't any real changes in weight in this session. I was a bit disappointed with it afterwards but happy in that I know what I'll be doing in regards to the 5*5 barbell bench.
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